Monday, June 3, 2019

Final Week Together - Activities

Hello Seniors!

This is our last week together.  Be here each day to participate in closing activities and to spend time with your classmates.  You are being awarded points just for being here.  Interact, be kind, say goodbye.  Use your time respectfully.  See you at Graduation.

It has been a pleasure holding space with you and being your teacher.


* KUSI Story premieres TONIGHT at 10 pm.  Available online Wednesday.  Please share.
* Authors Chair - Nominations
* Cipher
* Portfolio Return
* Sea World Wednesday
* Taco Shop - Wednesday

* Farewell Circle/Last Thoughts

*** SD Slam Team at Queen Bees on Monday 6/10

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Work Day

Hello Seniors!

Here we are - near the very end.  Congrats to the teams that will be in today's FINAL.  Be sure to get permission slips to attend.  Today you are turning in your Portfolio.  If you need more time - take more time.  Be sure to turn in you hard copy so that you can get credit for next week's Gallery Walk.

1. Announcements/Zoo Passes
2. Portfolios - Rubrics/Self Assessment
3. Work Time
4. Film

* Portfolios - Final turn in times: Thurs P.5, Friday P.2,4,6
* Zoo Field Trip - TMRW - Meet at the lion at 8:45.  We go in at 9.  Parking is free. Don't be late.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Period 2,4 Semi Final Slams in PAC

Hello Seniors!

Meet in the PAC for the Semi Final rounds.  Good luck to all participants. 
Bring your energy!  Bring your good vibes!  We have a great day in store!

* Portfolios are due on 5/28 and/or 5/29.  You will be deducted 10% each day it is late.
* See the Portfolio requirements.  Be sure to follow protocol.
* Intro Reflection - MUST be: 2-4 complete pages.  12 pt font, Ariel/Times (Something collegiate)
* Your spacing should not be excessive as to fill up space.  Any attempts to do so (excessive double spacing) will result in a deduction of points. 
 * Be reflective.  Take the time to proofread and complete your story.

* LE on Tuesday 5/28

Monday, May 20, 2019

Tues/Wed - Film "I Am"

Hello Seniors!

2nd Period
Today we will hangout and watch the film "Stranger Than Fiction" - enjoy!  We may have a Socratic if there is time.  We will finish viewing "I Am" during another class period.

6th Period
Today we will watch the film "I Am". Be sure to complete your handout and follow along with the central ideas and themes.  We will conclude this with a Socratic Seminar that ties into the other texts we have covered.  Be able to think critically and make connections.

1. Films "I Am" and "Stranger Than Fiction"
* Complete handout
* "I Am" - Inspired by piece DUE 5/28 - (This can be part of your 10 pages in portfolio)
***See other poems for ideas

1. "I Am" - Handout due next class session - Period 2 we will talk.
2.  "I Am" - Inspired by due 5/28, 5/29

* Symposium or Slam Reflection due 5/28, 5/29 (This can be part of your 10 pages in Portfolio)

Friday, May 17, 2019

Quarterfinal Slams and Symposium

Hello Seniors!

Enjoy all of the spoken word poems today.  There is a lot going on.  BE sure to support your classmates, keep the vibe hype, and let's have fun. 

1.Quartfinal Slam Rounds
2.  Announcements/Permission Slips
3. Schedule for Next Week
* 3rd Period Semi Final on MONDAY
* 2nd/6th Semi Final on THURSDAY - hosted by Sante

1. Portfolio - Due 5/28
* See Blog for Portfolio Requirements (point adjustments are still taking place)
2. Reflection/Intro - Draft Due 5/21, 5/22
* See Prompts
3. Zoo Permission - DUE ASAP - 

* Poetry Club Wed
* LE on Tues w/SD Slam Team
* Symposium Reflection Due on MONDAY

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Smarter Balanced Tests - Weds/Thurs

Hello Seniors!

Today we take care of business.  We will use class time today and tomorrow (some of us will finish next week) - to complete the Smarter Balanced Test.  Please follow PLHS Testing Protocol. No phones.  Work quietly and Independently.  I will get you started.  Thanks for being cool.

We finish our Quarterfinal Round Slam on Thursday (6th) and Friday (2,3).  Period 3 Semi Final is on Monday 5/20 in the PAC. I will have permission slips for you to attend.  The Symposium is on Friday (P5,6) - you should come and support your classmates.  I will have permission slips as well.

1.Smarter Balanced Tests
2. LE?

1. Portfolio - Due 5/28
* See Blog for Portfolio Requirements (point adjustments are still taking place)
* Reflection/Intro - Draft Due 5/21, 5/22
* See Prompts
2. Slam Rounds Continue on Thurs/Fri
3. Zoo Permission - DUE ASAP - Fri 5/17

* Poetry Club Today at LUNCH
* Symposium on Friday - Permission Slips at Poetry Club TMRW

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Slam Quarterfinals

Hello Seniors!

Today we continue with out Quarterfinal rounds.  Continue to allow the environment to thrive.  Support each other, speak loudly, be heard.  This is the place to be.

1. Slam Rules and Reminders
* Judges
* Scores

2. Quarterfinals
* P2 - Awkward Silence V Kool Kids V 4 Seasons
* P3 - We Showed V Matriarchy V Taco
* P4 - Thought Patrol V Winners V Kerbal

1. Portfolio - Due 5/28
* See Blog for Portfolio Requirements (point adjustments are still taking place)
* Reflection/Intro - Draft Due 5/21, 5/22
* See Prompts
2. Slam Rounds Continue on Thurs/Fri
3. Zoo Permission - DUE ASAP - Fri 5/17

* Poetry Club TMRW
* Symposium on Friday - Permission Slips at Poetry Club TMRW

Monday, May 13, 2019

FINAL - Portfolio Requirements

Semester Two WW Portfolio Requirements 
200 points

* Semester/Class Reflection - 100 pts
See prompts.  This needs to be 2-4 pages.  You need to put some effort into this last piece of writing.  Be sure to proofread and have it be an invitation to your collection of works.  Please be sure to take the time to produce and arrange your portfolio so that it makes sense thematically and truly tells your story and your journey as a writer.

Must Include the following - 100 pts
* Cover Page w/ Title
* Table of Contents
* Pages Numbers
* Dedication
* About the Author
* Overall Neatness/Production/Easy to Follow

1. Louder Than A Bomb Film Reflection
2. Louder Than A Bomb Inspired By
3. Locomotion Inspired By
4. Villanelle
5. The Secret Life Of
6. Ballad
7. Script (only the best 2 or 3 pages)
8. The Ultimate Guide To…
9. April 30 For 30
10. Poetry Slam Pieces (3 individual, group and duo if it’s yours)
11. TEN additional pages - your choice. Full pages
12. Guest Reflection - Pick FIVE
Garrett Rice

Smarter Balanced Testing

Hello Seniors

WE have to use class time today (and another day this week) to administor the Smarter Balnced Test.  Do your best so you can just mark it off as another graduation task.  The school is looking for you to complete this test and do your best - exit PL showing you are able to retain some information...

Slam Quarterfinal Rounds continue TMRW! Teams be ready to go!  Come and support your friends!

1. SWT - Work on Portfolio Prompts. See Below.  Do your own authentic and reflective.
2. Smarter Balanced Test - Grab a Computer!

1. Prep for Slam
2.  Portfolio Intro/Reflection
* Explore your 1st Semester Portfolio - Cover, Table of Contents, Dedication, About the Author

* Poetry Club - Wednesdays
* LE is TMRW - earn additional extra credit.
* Symposium on FRIDAY - Sign Up = credit

1.WRITER influences?
2. Revisit the Nine Rights?
3. The class/space as a place to take chances, risks, meet knew people, learn from classmates, etc...
4.  Favorite and/or Challenging pieces.  Poetry endeavors? Scripts? Short Story? Reflections?
5.  Subjectivity of the class.. It is not just about work completion - but process and authentic
6. Slam Reflections...go round by round?

Friday, May 10, 2019

Quarterfinals - Round One

Hello Seniors!

Here we are.  We are gathered together today to celebrate all that is good about writing and community.  You've cultivated it - now is the time to acknowledge the commitment and dedication it takes to truly explore, come together, and create. Here we go...

1. Group Folders
2. Slam Time!

Slam Quarterfinal Dates                          Semi Finals                                           Final - 5/29 at NOON
Friday 5/10                                             Monday 5/20 - Period 3                         * Featuring Rudy F
Tuesday 5/14                                          Thursday 5/23 - Period 2,6                    
Thursday (6th) 5/16
Friday (2,3) 5/17

* SD Slam on Monday 5/13  V. ANYONE....this could be your team?
* Poetry Club - Wednesdays
* LE on TUES - earn additional extra credit
* Symposium 5/17 - Sign Up = credit

1.WRITER influences?
2. Revist the Nine Rights?
3. The class/space as a place to take chances, risks, meet knew people, learn from classmates, etc...
4.  Favorite and/or Challenging pieces.  Poetry endeavors? Scripts? Short Story? Reflections?
5.  Subjectivity of the class.. It is not just about work completion - but process and authen

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Prep Day - Slams Start Tomorrow!

Hello Seniors!

Get your writing done today.  We will also find out our Quarterfinals matches which begin tomorrow! Make the best use of your class time and group time.  If you need any assistance - please ask.  All due dates and deadlines apply.  Please be here every day.Lots of good news to celebrate your hard work,

1.  SWT - See Below.  Revisit Portfolio Prompts. 
2.  Writing Time - See above

1. Slam - Quarterfinals start THIS Friday 5/10
* Groups will submit folders on Friday.
* Must include: All pieces typed, paper-clipped, stapled, highlighted
* including Poem Names and Piece, w/Names.
2. Portfolio due - Week of 5/28

Slam Quarterfinal Dates                          Semi Finals                                           Final - 5/29 at NOON
Friday 5/10                                             Monday 5/20 - Period 3                         * Featuring Rudy F
Tuesday 5/14                                          Thursday 5/23 - Period 2,6                    
Thursday (6th) 5/16
Friday (2,3) 5/17

* Glassless Minds TONIGHT w/the SD Slam Team
* SD Slam on Monday 5/13 
* Poetry Club - Wednesdays
* LE on 5/14 - earn additional extra credit
* Symposium 5/17 - Sign Up = credit

1. This must be the place...
2.  Everything is...
3.  Now and Then...
4.  Time, Space, Boogie...
5.  Prayer for another day/night...

1.WRITER influences?
2. Revist the Nine Rights?
3. The class/space as a place to take chances, risks, meet knew people, learn from classmates, etc...
4.  Favorite and/or Challenging pieces.  Poetry endeavors? Scripts? Short Story? Reflections?
5.  Subjectivity of the class.. It is not just about work completion - but process and authen

Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Hello Seniors!

Continue to write, revise, practice, rehearse, and play.  We begin our Quarterfinals on Friday!  Settle in with our SWT - this is a nice way to write with ease for your reflection.  Make the best use of your class time and group time.  If you need any assistance - please ask.  All due dates and deadlines apply.  Please be here every day.

1.  SWT - See Below.  Prompts that will help you with your Portfolio Reflections
2.  Writing Time - See above
3.  Last day to take pictures - clear your team name with me.
4.  Last day for mentor text

1. Slam - Quarterfinals start THIS Friday 5/10
* Groups will submit folders on Friday.
* Must include: All pieces typed, paper-clipped, stapled, highlighted
* including Poem Names and Piece, w/Names.
2. Portfolio due - Week of 5/28

* Poetry Club - Tomorrow! See Symposium info below....
* LE on 5/14 - earn additional extra credit
* Symposium 5/17 - Sign Up = credit

 1.Write about our WRITER influences this year - WW Guests - Who stood out and why?  Symposium?  Lyrical  Exchange? Slams? Poetry Club? Authors Chair?

2.  Revist the Nine Rights?  Pick THREE.  Have examples to explain your acknowledgment of each chosen right.  When did it stick?  When did you realize something new about your perspective?

3. The class/space as a place to take chances, risks, meet knew people, learn from classmates, etc...

4.  Favorite and/or Challenging pieces.  Poetry endeavors? Scripts? Short Story? Reflections?

5.  Subjectivity of the class.. It is not just about work completion - but process and authenticity...

Monday, May 6, 2019

Writing Day

Hello Seniors!

This is our last week to write, revise, practice, rehearse, and play.  We begin our Quarterfinals on Friday!  Be sure to settle in each day with our SWT.  Then work individually or together to make the best use of your class time and group time.  If you need any assistance - please ask.  All due dates and deadlines apply.  Please be here every day.

1.  SWT - See Below.  Prompts that will help you with your Portfolio Reflections
2.  Writing Time - See above

1. Slam - Quarterfinals start next Friday 5/10
* Groups will submit folders on Friday.
* Must include: All pieces typed, paper-clipped, stapled, highlighted
* including Poem Names and Piece, w/Names.
2. Portfolio due - Week of 5/28

* LE Tmrw
* Poetry Club - Wed
* LE on 5/14 - earn additional extra credit
* Symposium 5/17 - Sign Up = credit

1.Write about our WRITER influences this year - WW Guests - Who stood out and why?  Symposium?  Lyrical  Exchange? Slams? Poetry Club? Authors Chair?

2.  Revist the Nine Rights?  Pick THREE.  Have examples to explain your acknowledgment of each chosen right.  When did it stick?  When did you realize something new about your perspective?

3. The class/space as a place to take chances, risks, meet knew people, learn from classmates, etc...

Friday, May 3, 2019

Authors Chair

Hello Seniors!

Today we celebrate you.  Share your work.  Share your lines.  Brag a little.  Boast the most.  Show some swagger.  Be heard.  Shake it like a Polaroid.  Have fun.  Compliment each other. Have fun. Maybe...

1.  SWT
2.  Cipher
3. Authors Chair
4 30/30 Due

1. Slam - Quarterfinals start next Friday 5/10
* All pieces due typed
2. Portfolio due - 5/28

* LE on 5/7
* LE on 5/14 - earn additional extra credit

1. Shakedown Street...
2.  Baby, we were young...
3.  Does it really make a difference.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Work Day

Hello Seniors!

Use your class time to work.  It is time to craft today.  Whether you writing, revising, typing, producing your 30/30 or you are hard at work constructing your slam pieces - you need to put in the time.  Be authentic.  If you need any assistance - please let me know.

1. SWT - See Prompts
2. Writing Time - See above
3. Photos - Monday is the deadline

1. 30/30 Due TMRW 5/3.  Your printer is not going to work.  Figure it out.
2. Slam Pieces - Individuals, Groups, Edits, Revisions - Typed Piece Due TMRW.
3. Authors Chair TMRW - 30/30 Edition
4. Mentor Texts - Deadline is TUES.  Has your group shown TWO?

EC -
* WW Goes To Lyrical?  5/7? 5/14?

1. Things Happen
2. One Big Holiday
3. Superstition
4. Closer to the Sun
5. You don't know how it feels...

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

WRG - Slam Edition

Hello Seniors!

Use your class time to workshop.  Hopefully you have a typed copy of the "new" piece you are currently working on this week to show your progress.  Use the proper protocol to make sure that each piece gets the time and attention it deserves. Be authentic.  If you need any assistance - please let me know.

1. WRG
*  Individual Pieces, Duo/Trio, Group Pieces
* 30/30
* Mentor Texts

1.Writing Tasks
* 30/30 Due this FRIDAY 5/3
* Slam Pieces - Individuals, Groups, Edits, Revisions - Typed Piece Due Friday.
* Mentor Texts - Still in Play.  Has your group presented TWO poems/poets?
*** Watch/Review Mentor Texts that classmates have shared
2. Team Photos! Names!
3. Authors Chair - 30/30 Edition

EC - Last Opportunities for 12 week additional credit.
1. Poetry Club TODAY
2. Voice for Change at City College - TONIGHT!  DON'T MISS THIS!
* W/Karla, Matthew, Alyesha

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Write! Revise!

Hello Seniors!

Continue to use your class time to write, type, revise, prep, plan, practice, workshop.  You will need to bring a typed copy of the "new" piece you are currently working on this week to show your progress.  Use your time wisely.  Be authentic.  If you need any assistance - please let me know.

1. 30/30 - Ends Today Due on Friday.  No late work accepted.
2. Slam Teams - Individual Pieces, Duo/Trio, Group Pieces
*Plan and Practice.  WRG TMRW (Bring a typed copy of a draft...bring something)
3. Writing Time - April 30/30 - Day 30

1.Writing Tasks
* 30/30 Due this FRIDAY 5/3
* Slam Pieces - Individuals, Groups, Edits, Revisions - Typed Piece Due Friday.
* Mentor Texts - Still in Play.  Has your group presented TWO poems/poets?
*** Watch/Review Mentor Texts that classmates have shared
2. Team Photos! Names!
3. Authors Chair - 30/30 Edition

EC - Last Opportunities for 12 week additional credit.
2.  Poetry Club TMRW
2. Voice for Change at City College - TMRW.  DON'T MISS THIS!
* W/Karla, Matthew, Alyesha

Monday, April 29, 2019

Writing - Work Week 4/29-5/3

Hello Seniors!

The entire week is for you to write, type, revise, prep, plan, practice, workshop.  You will need to bring a typed copy of the "new" piece you are currently working on this week to show your progress.  Use your time wisely.  Be authentic.  If you need any assistance - please let me know.

1. 30/30 - Ends Tuesday. Due on Friday.  No late work accepted.
2. Slam Teams - Individual Pieces, Duo/Trio, Group Pieces
*Plan and Practice.  WRG on WED.
3. Writing Time - April 30/30 - Day 29

1.Writing Tasks
* 30/30 Due this FRIDAY 5/3
* Slam Pieces - Individuals, Groups, Edits, Revisions - Typed Piece Due Friday.
* Mentor Texts - Still in Play.  Has your group presented TWO poems/poets?
*** Watch/Review Mentor Texts that classmates have shared
2. Team Photos! Names!
3. Authors Chair - 30/30 Edition

EC - Last Opportunities for 12 week additional credit.
1. LE on Tues -
2. Voice for Change at City College - 5/1.  DON'T MISS THIS!
* W/Karla, Matthew, Alyesha

Friday, April 26, 2019

Authors Chair - Spoken Word Practice

Hello Seniors!

Let's see what we have! Let's be honest and open and assist one another to improve and get better!
Let's celebrate the good writing we are doing.

1. Authors Chair
* Feedback, Comments, Scores?
2. Cipher
3. Writing Time - APril 30/30 - Day 26 - Things You'd Say to an Ex...oh no!

1.Writing Tasks
* 30/30 Due 5/3
* Slam Pieces - Individuals, Groups, Edits, Revisions
* Mentor Texts
2. Team Photos! Names!

1. LE on Tues
2. Voice for Change at City College - 5/1.  DON'T MISS THIS!
* W/Karla, Matthew, Alyesha

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Writing Time

Hello Seniors!

Work together to share your work, ideas, and get feedback.  Write and Revise any and all pieces.  The focus has been on duo/group pieces this week.  Every team needs to put up a piece TOMORROW for an assessment grade.  Please be ready and prepared.  Your score will help to evaluate your group grade. Focus on content, performance, memorization, time, length, wordplay, technique, mentor text influences...

1. Writing Tasks:
* 30/30 - Write and/or Type
* duo/group piece
* Individual Pieces 1-3
* Portfolio
2.  Be Inspired - Anita and Porsha - "Black Stars"

1.Writing Tasks - See above
2.  Authors Chair - Single/Duo/Group for TMRW  Be ready to go!

1. Poetry Club Today
2. Sherwin Open Mic - SNOICE in Paradise Hills - TONIGHT
3. Voice for Change at City College - 5/1.  DON'T MISS THIS!
* W/Karla, Matthew, Alyesha

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Word Day - Groups!

Hello Writers

Today you can work together in your groups.  Share your work, ideas, get feedback.  Write and Revise any and all pieces.  The focus is on duo/group pieces this week.  Every team will need to put up a piece on Friday for an assessment grade.  Please be ready and prepared.  Your score will help to evaluate your group grade.

1. Writing Tasks:
* 30/30 - Write and/or Type
* duo/group piece
* Individual Pieces 1-3
* Portfolio
2.  Be Inspired - Check out this amazing group piece by the Austin Slam Team "Tube"

1.Writing Tasks - See above
2.  Authors Chair - Duo/Group for Friday.  Be ready to go!

1. Poetry Club Today
2. Sherwin Open Mic - SNOICE in Paradise Hills - TMRW
3. Voice for Change at City College - 5/1.  DON'T MISS THIS!
* W/Karla, Matthew, Alyesha

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Writing Day

Hello Writers

Today you will work independently.  Write and Revise quietly on any and all pieces.  The focus is on duo/group pieces this week.  Every team will need to put up a piece on Friday for an assessment grade.  Please be ready and prepared.  Your score will help toe evaluate your group grade.

1. Writing Tasks:
* 30/30 - Write and/or Type
* duo/group piece
* Individual Pieces 1-3
* Portfolio
2.  Be Inspired - Taco Shop Poets
* Idea - Write YOUR "We Are" Piece
3.  Work Check - Sherwin Reflection

1.Writing Tasks

1.  LE Tonight!
2.  Poetry Club TMRW

Friday, April 19, 2019

Authors Chair - Slam Style Edition

Hello Spoken Word Poets!

Let's see some of your work in progress today.  Get some feedback.  Take some risks and chances.  Support your teammates.  Declare your Team Names today!  Enjoy this Friday.

1.  SWT - 19/30 - Color
2.  Guest Reflection - Sherwin Ginez
3. Mentor Texts?
4. Authors Chair - Slam Style Edition

1. Guest Reflection - Sherwin Ginez due on Tuesday (Israel as well)
2.  Mentor Text Poems - TWO per team
3.  Write! Write! Write!

1.  LE on Tues
2.  Poetry Club

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Guest Mentor - Sherwin Ginez

Hello Spoken Word Poets!

Today we are joined by SD Slam Team member Sherwin Ginez.  Sherwin is the O.G - Original Guest.  He was the first to see the good in our program and continues to visit, teach, and support each and every year.  He is a true testament to hard work and committing to your passions.  Take note of his wonderful words, sincere and open advice, and lovely story.  We are lucky to have Sherwin today.

1.  SWT - 18/30 - Color
2.  Guest - Sherwin Ginez
* Take Notes.  Interact.  Ask Questions

1.  Slam Team Poems - Write/Edit/Revise
2.  Mentor Text Poems - TWO per team
3.  Authors Chair - Slam Scores Edition

1.  LE on Tues
2.  Poetry Club

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Writing Day

Hello Groups!

Use class time to your advantage.  Write/Revise/Workshop/Plan.  This is your time to get your group purpose together - how are you presenting yourselves.  Quarterfinals will start on Friday 5/10.

1. SWT
*  17/30 -Words to live by
2. Mentor Texts/Poems/Poets
* Take Notes - Participate in the Discussion
3. Group Time - Write/Revise/Type/Plan/Prep
4. WOrk Check - Piece #2

1.All pieces are play now.  Typed and final drafts (2-3 pages each) will be in your Portfolio
2. April 30/30 - Due on 5/3.  This will be part of your Portfolio
* See Examples in class
3. Mentor Text/Video - Be Ready To Go - Two pieces mandatory per group

1. Poetry Club TODAY
* May Symposium
2. Natasha Hooper Event - Tonigh Ask for more info.  18+

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Get Your Write On!

Hello Groups!

Use class time to your advantage.  Begin to see your pieces take form.  Get ideas.  Be inspired.  Continue to research by watching other poets and try new techniques.  If you need a place to work - Advisory is open to you.  Quarterfinal matches start the week of 5/12.  Team names and photos will be taking place soon.

1. SWT
*  16/30 -Bullet your Entire Day
* Goodbye - Cage the Elephant Inspired
* Notre Dame Inspired
2. Mentor Texts/Poems/Poets
* Take Notes - Participate in the Discussion
3. Group Time - Write/Revise/Type/Plan/Prep/

1. Slam Piece #2 - 1-2 Pages typed draft due WED - This MUST be a different piece to get credit.
* Note/Highlight/Underline/Acknowledge any specific techniques you are purposefully using
2. April 30/30 - Due on 5/3.  This will be part of your Portfolio
* See Examples in class
3. Mentor Text/Video - Be Ready To Go - Two pieces mandatory per group

1. LE TONIGHT - Sante is the new Host! GO support him.  Take a picture w/Sante get credit!
2. Poetry Club Tmrw
* May Symposium
3. Natasha Hooper Event - Wednesday.  Ask for more info.  18+

Monday, April 15, 2019

Writing Day

Hello Groups!

Work together today to plan for the week and to start working on your additional pieces.  Your first drafts need a lot of editing and revision as well.  Use the mentor texts to assist you with techniques and ideas - as well as your classmates amazing shared work.

1. SWT 15/30 -Pet Peeves.  Catch up on Weekend prompts.
2. Mentor Texts/Poems/Poets
* Take Notes - Participate in the Discussion
3. Practice Slam Poems - We should have time for Two or Three
* Scores! Feedback! Fun!

1. April 30/30 - Due on 5/3.  This will be part of your Portfolio.
2. Mentor Text/Video - Be Ready To Go - Two pieces mandatory per group
3. Slam Piece #2 - 1-2 Pages typed draft due WED - This MUST be a different piece to get credit.
* Note/Highlight/Underline/Acknowledge any specific techniques you are purposefully using

1. LE on TUES
2. Poetry Club on WED
* May Symposium
3. Natasha Hooper Event - Wednesday.  Ask for more info.  18+

Friday, April 12, 2019

Authors Chair - Practice Slam

Hello Groups!

Let's perform some poems, let's score some poems, let's provide feedback.  Let's work together to assure OUR class wins the Slam!  It is all about helping each other to be better. Constructive Feedback is necessary! Happy Friday

1. SWT 12/30 -Phrases that make you smile/laugh
2. Work Check (Individual Grade) - Evidence of a drafted Piece in progress
3. Mentor Texts/Poems/Poets
* Take Notes - Participate in the Discussion
4. Authors Chair - Practice Slam Edition
* Scores!
* Feedback!
* Fun!

* 3 Individual Poems (60 pts)
* 1 Group (all members) (40 pts)
* Free Choice - Duo, Trio, Group ( 20 pts)
* Three Mentor Texts - Video/Reflection/Mini Lesson (30 pts)
*** You must have a typed reflection - Who, What, When, Where, Why, How - Teach us!

1. April 30/30
2. Mentor Text/Video - Be Ready To Go!
3. Slam Piece #2 - 1-2 Pages typed draft due WED
* Note/Highlight/Underline/Acknowledge any specific techniques you are purposefully using

1. LE on TUES
2. Poetry Club on WED
* May Symposium

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Mentor Texts and Work Day

Hello Groups!

Let's watch some poems and performances.  What are these writers doing stylistically that you are able to then use in your own poems to tell your own authentic stories?  Speak with credibility and ask your classmates to comment as well. 

Take notes - you can't remember it all.  So...this way you can go back and implement as needed on your own time. Write. Write. Write.  There will be plenty of time to revise.  Exchange information with your group and keep each other accountable and coming to class.

1. SWT 11/30 - Relationship Status
2. Mentor Texts/Poems/Poets
* Take Notes - Participate in the Discussion
3. Group Time
* Write!
* Discuss! Writing and Ideas - Solos, Partners, Groups
* Figure out your Poem/Poet Presentations

* 3 Individual Poems (60 pts)
* 1 Group (all members) (40 pts)
* Free Choice - Duo, Trio, Group ( 20 pts)
* Three Mentor Texts - Video/Reflection/Mini Lesson (30 pts)
*** You must have a typed reflection - Who, What, When, Where, Why, How - Teach us!

1. April 30/30
2. Mentor Text/Video - Be Ready To Go!
3. Slam Piece #1 - 1-2 Pages typed draft due TMRW.
* Highlight/Underline/Acknowledge any specific techniques you are trying or want assistance with..
* Authors Chair - Each Team will present!  We may play around with Scoring?!?

1.Glassless Minds - TONIGHT. Ask for Info if interested.
2. Poetry Club on WED
* May Symposium

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Group Planning and Mentor Poems/Poets

Hello Groups!

Today we will have THREE groups present their Poem/Poets - you must have your typed write up.  Mke sure to take notes and have takeways - you are teaching each other and giving ideas for poems, techniques, and strategies.

When working in your group -  you should be exploring themes and threads, older writing to revise, new ideas for Individual/Partner/Group poems.  Work on your Poem/Poet presentations - who is presenting next? Encourage one another to take advantage of your class time to accomplish your team goals. You can't just sit there in class without working/writing/revising/planning/etc...

1. SWT 10/30 - Fruit!
2. Mentor Texts/Poems/Poets
* Take Notes - Participate in the Discussion
3. Group Time
* Writing and Ideas - Solos, Partners, Groups
* Poem/Poet Presentation

* 3 Individual Poems (60 pts)
* 1 Group (all members) (40 pts)
* Free Choice - Duo, Trio, Group ( 20 pts)
* Three Mentor Texts - Video/Reflection/Mini Lesson (30 pts)
*** You must have a typed reflection - Who, What, When, Where, Why, How - Teach us!

1. April 30/30
2. Mentor Text/Video - Be Ready To Go!
3. Slam Piece #1 - Typed draft due on Friday
* Authors Chair - Mini Class Slam on Friday (This mayaffect seeding for the Slam Rounds)

1. Poetry Club TODAY

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Group Workday - Write, Plan, Implement

Hello Groups!

Today you have time to work together.  You should be exploring themes and threads, older writing to revise, new ideas for Individual/Partner/Group poems.  Work on your Poem/Poet presentations - who is presenting this week.  You need a written reflection along with your mentor text. Encourage one another to take advantage of your class time to accomplish your team goals.

1. SWT 9/30
2.  Group Time
* Writing and Ideas - Solos, Partners, Groups
* Poem/Poet Presentation
3. Reflections Due
* 3 Individual Poems (60 pts)
* 1 Group (all members) (40 pts)
* Free Choice - Duo, Trio, Group ( 20 pts)
* Three Mentor Texts - Video/Reflection/Mini Lesson (30 pts)
*** You must have a typed reflection - Who, What, When, Where, Why, How - Teach us!

1. April 30/30
2. Mentor Text/Video - Starts TMRW
3. Slam Piece #1 - Typed draft due on Friday
* Authors Chair - Mini Class Slam on Friday (This mayaffect seeding for the Slam Rounds)

1. LE Tonight
2. Poetry Club Wed

Monday, April 8, 2019

Work Time - Organize Yourself

Hello Everyone

Take the time to settle in independently today.  Write your 30/30.  Catch up if you need.  Type these up if that is how you want to spend your time.  Work on your reflection. Take the time to begin to develop your first Individual piece.  Maybe you have ideas for duo/trio/group pieces.

You may also want to begin a list of poems/poets that you will want to share with your team and/or classmates (see Button Poetry) as mini lessons or ideas. Go through your notebook and Portfolios to find existing pieces that (with some editing) could be used for Slam - ie: Kid Again, 21, etc...

1. SWT - 8/30
2. Mentor Poem/Poet - Phil Kay "Geiko Gecko"
*Takeaways! 1) Accent 2) Humor 3) Thematic Statement on fame/worth 4) Turn/Twist
3. Work Independently
* Prepare to work in groups for the rest of the week
4. Slam Questions, Assignments, Expectations
* 3 Individual Poems
* 1 Group (all members)
* Free Choice - Duo, Trio, Group
* Three Mentor Texts - Video/Reflection/Mini Lesson

1. April 30/30
2. Corina Rose - Reflection/Inspired
3. Mentor Text/Video - Starts Wednesday
3. Slam Piece #1 - Typed draft due on Friday
* Authors Chair - Mini Class Slam on Friday (This will affect seeding for the Slam Rounds)

1. SD Slam Tonight
2. LE Tues
3. Poetry Club Wed

Friday, April 5, 2019

Group Time - Show Your Stuff

Hello Groups!

Today you can work in your groups to get acclimated, get a gameplan, discuss ideas, review 30/30, Ultimate Guides, poems already ready, etc... Authors Chair today will consist of you "showing your stuff" - nominate a group member to show work - you can do anything.  Guides, poems, scripts, show a video...have something that showcases your team talent.

1.  SWT - 5/30
2.  Group Time
3. Authors Chair
4. Guides Due

1.  Corina Rose - Guest Reflection due on Tues
2.  Slam Season is on - collaborate, study, write, go!

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Guest/Visitor/Mentor/Teacher - Corina Rosa

Hello Seniors!

Today we get to hangout with the wonderful Corina Rose.  Corina is a teacher, musician,  mystic, and a sister.  She is here to share her journey of being a spiritual entrepreneur.  She has traveled, she plays, she lives.  Ask questions.  Have fun.  Interact.

1.  SWT - 4/30
2.  Corina - Take Notes

1.  Guides due TMRW - Final Draft and Typed
2.  Reflection due on Tues
3.  Finalize Teams

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

WRG - Ultimate Guides

Hello Seniors!

Take the time to work together and cohesively to ultimately assist each other to better the writing that this assignment specifically us to tackle.  Is the format and structure working? Are we using too much mentor text/to little?  What would make the piece "click"?  Make suggestions? Mark up the text.  Remember - these groups WILL be your Slam Teams.  You have until Friday to finalize your lineup.

1.  SWT - April 3/30
2.  Corina Rose - Set Up Page for Notes
3.  WRG _ Ultimate Guides
4.  Ultimate Guide - Drafts
5. LE Review?

1.  Final Draft Ultimate Guide due Friday
2. 30/30 - Everyday (use your handout)

* Poetry Club TODAY- Spring Symposium Sign Up
* Socks - Expires at end of week

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Writing Day - Ultimate Guides

Hello Seniors!

Take the time to work quietly and independently today.  Write/Type, Use the Mentor Text and Play.  Let's brainstorm some topics.  But get to work.  Use your time well. Your draft w/copies is due tomorrow.  Guide on....

1.  SWT - April 30/30
2.  Finish Mentor Text and Brainstorm
3.  Writing Time- Ultimate Guides

1.  WRG - Ultimate Guide - Draft due Wednesday w/copies.  6/10 paragraphs completed
2.  Final Draft Ultimate Guide due Friday
3. 30/30 - Everyday (use your handout)

* LE Tonight - Sante is the HOST. Let's go support him!
* Poetry Club on Wed - Spring Symposium Sign Up
* Socks - Expires at end of week

Monday, April 1, 2019

Ultimate Guides!

Hello Seniors!

Welcome to the homestretch!  We are about to put all of our skills to use as we prepare for Slam Season, Portfolios, and the Graduation.  Have fun with this next assignment as we tackle some satire.

1. Welcome Back - Announcements. Catch up!
2.  SWT - April 30/30
3. Writing Satire - Ultimate Guides

1.  WRG - Ultimate Guide - Draft due Wednesday w/copies.  6/10 paragraphs completed
2.  Final Draft Ultimate Guide due Friday
3. 30/30 - Everyday (use your handout)

* LE Tmrw - Sante is the HOST. Let's go support him!
* Poetry Club on Wed - Spring Symposium Sign Up
* Socks - Expires at end of week

Friday, March 22, 2019

Authors Chair - Script Edition

Hello Spring Breakers!

Let's celebrate our stories and our scripts.  Today we will have some fun bringing your words, characters, and dialogue to life.  Be supportive.  Encourage one another. Feel free to share other works as well.  Today belongs to you.  Be cool.

1.  SWT
2.  Cipher
3.  Authors Chair - Scripts

* We will be participating in April 30/30 and getting ready for our Spring Slam.  Start to think about your teams - you will work in groups of four.

* Sante Event TMRW - Ask for Info
* LE on TUES
* Sock Drive - 1% for each pair you bring.  4 pairs max.

1.  Spring Break
2.  11 weeks
3. The thing about June 11th is...
4.  Bad habits..
5.  My favorite classmate...

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Scripts - Last Day to Write

Hello Scriptwriters!

Work to complete your script.  Focus on:format, characters, dialogue (is it believable? ping pong?, techniques (2 talking at same time, OS, VO), help each other to "complete" the scene/task.  What is the purpose of your writing?  So what? Why should anyone care? 

1.  Writing Time - Editing/Revising - Follow checklist above
2.  Script to Screen - Follow examples.  There is a flow and movement.
* Up -
* Inside Out -

1.  Final Scripts DUE TMRW.
* See Rubric
2. Authors Chair/Cipher

* Sock Drive - 1% for each pair you bring.  4 pairs max.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

WRG - Scripts

Hello Scriptwriters!

Work in groups today.  Discuss format, characters, dialogue (is it believable? ping pong?, techniques (2 talking at same time, OS, VO), help each other to "complete" the scene/task.  What is the purpose of your writing?  So what? Why should anyone care?  Why would an actor want these lines? Go.

Wednesday - WRG/Editing
Thursday - ReWriting
Friday - Authors Chair Present.
* You will all present at a future AC if not this Friday. Film Folks?

1.  WRG - See today's welcome!
2.  Good Will Hunting Scene -
3.  Pulp Fiction Scene -
4.  Up Scene -
5.  Inside Out -

1.  Final Scripts DUE on Friday
* See Rubric

* Poetry Club - Today
* Sock Drive - 1% for each pair you bring.  5 pairs max.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Scripts - Writing Day #2

Hello Scriptwriters!

This is our week.  We will be done with our official Screenwriting unit.  We write, we edit, we present.  We are working on format and fun.  Follow the week.  Meet deadlines.  Be ready with a working (not necessarily final) product.  Here is the plan:

Tuesday - Writing
Wednesday - WRG/Editing
Thursday - ReWriting
Friday - Authors Chair Present.
* You will all present at a future AC if not this Friday. Film Folks?

1.  Writing Time - Use your class time effectively
2.  Good Will Hunting Scene -
3.  Pulp Fiction Scene -
4.  Individual Conferencing Time?

1.  WRG - Script 5-7 pages draft due TMRW
 * Bring TWO copies w/specific questions

* Poetry Club - Wednesday

Script Writing Time

Hello Scriptwriters!

This is our week.  We will be done with our official Screenwriting unit.  We write, we edit, we present.  We are working on format and fun.  Follow the week.  Meet deadlines.  Be ready with a working (not necessarily final) product.  Here is the plan:

Monday/Tuesday - Writing
Wednesday - WRG/Editing
Thursday - ReWriting
Friday - Authors Chair Present.
* You will all present at a future AC if not this Friday. Film Folks?

1.  SWT - Write a (or two) from the weekend in Script format. Be sure to include all 5 necessary parts.  Follow format.  Use your handout.
2.  The Writers Room -
* SNL Writers Room -
* Take a few notes - revisit on your own Jxo5XpFI

1.  Script 7-10 pages draft due Wednesday - Writing Response Group
* Bring TWO copies w/specific questions

* Poetry Club - Wednesday

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Scripts Partner/Group Time

Hello Seniors!

Today we will work with our partners and in small groups to discuss our current drafts, formatting, other ideas, etc...Take advantage of the opportunity to collaborate and brainnstorm.  If you have errors - fix them.  We have spent a lot of time of the Essentials of Screenplay Format - you need to be able to show you understand this genre.

1.  Work Check
2.  Partners/Groups
3.  Share Scripts
4. Clips?

1.  Script 7-10 pages draft due Friday 3/22

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Screenplay - Day 3

Hello Scriptwriters!

You now know the parts of a script and proper formatting technique.  You have had time to brainstorm and practice.  You read from a script and actually held it in your hands...a first for some!  So now we need to HEAR what good writing sounds like - what it LOOKS like when brought to life - off of the page.  Remember - it ALL starts on the page.  

1.  SWT - What are you excited about, intimidated about with this unit?
* Be specific. Write a poem about it  ; )
* Discussion   
2.  Screenwriting
* Mentor Texts - SNL Skits,
* Master of None - Thanksgiving Episode
* Take Notes - Do you see the writers intentions, style, can borrow, can you emulate and make it your own.  Think birthdays, holidays, different ages where you realized new insights about life/yourself.

1.  Screenplay 2-5 Pages (Idea, Draft, Format) - Friday
* See "Write An Adaption" - handout
* Written or Typed.  (We will be using CELTX)

1.  Poetry Club TODAY
2. Rudy Francisco at Glassless Minds on Thursday

1.  Two characters sitting on the edge of a bridge
2.  Someone is saying hello/goodbye at an airport
3.  A scene in which you introduce a character in a memorable way
4.  A scene involving a medicine cabinet
5.  A scene that begins with the description: "Smoke stings his/her eyes."

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Screenplay - Day 2

Hello Scriptwriters!

Let's learn from the best.  Today we will play with some texts that are already living.  Maybe a quick glance at "Finding Nemo" or a scene from "Good Will Hunting" - maybe we need to see how award winning writer Aziz Ansari constructs an episode of "Master of None" - what about some sketch writing - let's check out some SNL skits.

1.  SWT - See Below
* Discussion   
2.  Screenwriting
* Handout - Notes, Activities
* Mentor Texts -
* Screenplay Sign Ups - Brainstorm. 

1.  Screenplay 2-5 Pages (Idea, Draft, Format) - Friday
* See "Write An Adaption" - handout
* Written or Typed.  (We will be using CELTX)

3. Poetry Club Tmrw
4. Rudy Francisco at Glassless Minds on Thursday

1.  Two characters sitting on the edge of a bridge
2.  Someone is saying hello/goodbye at an airport
3.  A scene in which you introduce a character in a memorable way
4.  A scene involving a medicine cabinet
5.  A scene that begins with the description: "Smoke stings his/her eyes."

Monday, March 11, 2019

Screenplay Introduction

Hello Scriptwriters!

Today we begin our foray into the world of screenwriting.  We will play with this format for a few weeks.  It is fun.  It is different.  It is very specific.  You will get to work with classmates and you will get to perform your script as well.  There is a lot of opportunity and we will play with a variety of mentor texts to give you ideas.  Yay!

1.  SWT - See Below
* Discussion
2.  Screenwriting Intro
* Handout - Notes, Activities
* Video -
* Screenplays

1. Screenplay Partner - Tues
2.  Screenplay 2-3 Pages (Idea, Draft, Format) - Friday
* Written or Typed.  (We will be using CELTX)

1. SD Slam TONIGHT - Make up a zero?  Go!
2. LE Tmrw
3. Poetry Club on WED
4. Rudy Francisco at Glassless Minds on Thursday

1. Your favorite movie because of the writing.  Go into detail.
2.  Write a favorite scene you know by heart. 
3.  Write an original idea you have right now.
* Characters and Conflict.  Have them talk.  How would this look in screenplay format - take a guess!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

WRG - Ballads

Hello Songwriters and Balladeers!

Today we check in with our classmates to see how we are going about our Ballad writing.  There are so many options with this genre.  Who is using mentor text? Structure? Who is trying something different?  What do you notice about rhyme schemes? Meter?  You are writers so give each piece it's deserved attention and speak with the authority that you have because your are actively participating.

1. SWT - Write 2-3 additional verses or alternative verses for your Ballad?
2. WRG - Ballads
* Use PQW.  Please take the time to really invest in the process.  You will all benefit.

1.  Mentor/Guest/Writer on Thursday.  Veronica May 2,3 and TJ Moss 6
2.  Ballad - Final Draft Due FRI

EC - 6 Week Grades Close Friday 3/8
1. Poetry Club WED
2. Symposium Reflection - Due Friday
3. Slam - Next Mon 3/11
4.  Rudy Francisco - Glassless Minds 3/14

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Writing Day - Ballads

Hello Songwriters and Balladeers!

This week we bridge story and screenplay with ballads.  Play with the format - most of it should feel familiar already.  We have done some of this writing when we have work-shopped with guests.  Think quatrains, rhyme schemes, relateble premise, personification, juxtaposition.  Have fun with this format.

1. SWT - Characters for Ballads
2. Work Check - Guest Reflection/Inspired
3. Ballads - Examples, Questions, Suggestions, Songs
* Writing Time

1.  Ballad - Draft Due TMRW for WRG - Copies and Q's
2. Ballad - Final Draft Due FRI

EC - 6 Week Grades Close Friday 3/8
2.  Poetry Club TOMORROW
3. Symposium Reflection - Due Friday
4. Slam - Next Mon 3/11
5. Weekend Poetry Workshop at Liberty Station - FREE.  Ask for Info

1.  Jenny and Blake
2.  Greg and Jamie
3.  Goodbye to You
4.   Daisy and Joaquin
5.   What you really meant was goodbye...

Monday, March 4, 2019

Ballads - Story Songs!

Hello Songwriters and Balladeers!

This week we bridge story and screenplay with ballads.  Play with the format - most of it should feel familiar already.  We have done some of this writing when we have work-shopped with guests.  Think quatrains, rhyme schemes, relateble premise, personification, juxtaposition.  Have fun with this format.

1. SWT - Juxtapositions
2. RRG Groups - Mitty
3.  Ballads - Handout
* Ideas, Mentor Texts
4.  Writing Time

1. Natasha/Sheila - Reflection/Inspired By - Due TUES
2. Ballad - Draft Due WED for WRG - Copies and Q's
3. Ballad - Final Draft Due FRI

EC - 6 Week Grades Close Friday 3/8
1. LE Tuesday
2.  Poetry Club WED
3. Symposium Reflection - Due Friday
4. Slam - Next Mon 3/11
5. Weekend Poetry Workshop at Liberty Station - FREE.  Ask for Info

1.  Joy and Grief
2.  Hot and Cold
3.  Up and Down
4.  Loud and Quiet
5.  ?

Friday, March 1, 2019

Workday/Authors Chair

Hello Seniors!

Today we write.  Today we share.  Today we help one another be better.  Happy Friday.
Work hard. Play hard.  See you at the Symposium.

1. Guest Reflections - Natasha/Sheila
2. Writing Time
* Mitty
* Reflections/Inspired By
3.  Authors Chair
4.  Turn in Work

1.  Mitty - 15 paragraphs due Monday
2.  Guest Reflections/Inspired By due Tuesday

1.  Symposium Reflection
2.  Additional Guest Reflection

1. So into you...
2.  It never rains in Southern California..
3.  Everybody's got to go..
4.  13 more weeks
5.  Now I see...

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Guest/Mentor/Writer/Poet/Force - Natasha Hooper

Hello Beautiful Dreamers!

Today you get spend your reality in the poetic world of Natasha Hooper.  Natasha visits our program every year.  She teaches, performers, and she judges our slams as well.  She brings her passion, perspective, and writing and offers you something unique and learned.  Pay attention.  Ms. Hooper is a poetic force.  She has represented the San Diego Poetry team numerous times, performed all over the country, and she recently won the IWPS.  You are lucky.  Say hello to Ms. Hooper.

1.  SWT
2.  Natasha Hooper
* Take Notes
* Participate
* Ask Q's

1. Final Mitty Copy 8-12 Due Tmrw
2.  Final Mitty Copy all 15 paragraphs due Monday
3.  Natasha Hooper - Reflection/Inspired - Due Tuesday
Natasha Email -

1. Symposium TMRW- Permission Slips?
2. Sheila (5,6) - Additional Reflection?
3. SD Slam 3/11
4.  Glassless Minds Writing Workshop w/Mario Tonight FREE! Ask for more info.

1.  Moment with mother
2.  What does your favorite color taste like?
3. Something broken that you would want to fix
4. Thoughts while standing in line...

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

WRG - Mitty

Hello Beautiful Dreamers!

Are you ready for WRG?  Be proud - the whole idea is to try the tricks. Follow PQW protocol.  Help with current text and assist with helping your classmate to finish their story.  Ideas? Dialogue? Tricks from Thurber?  Be present and get into it!  Some of us will share at the end of class.

1.  SWT
2.  WRG - Copies and Marked Text
* You must be working the full time to receive max credit
3.  Sharing Texts

1.  Mitty 8-12 Due Wednesday
2.  Final MittyCopy due on Friday/Monday

1. LE Tonight!
2. Poetry Club TMRW
3.  Symposium Friday - Permission Slips?
4.  Guests Thursday - Natasha (2,3,4) and Sheila (5,6) - Additional Reflection?
5. SD Slam 3/11
6.  Glassless Minds Writing Workshop w/Mario THIS Thursday!  FREE! Ask for more info.

Monday, February 25, 2019

Mitty - Week 2

Hello Beautiful Dreamers!

This is the week where we bring cohesiveness to our Mitty piece.  Use class time to write and revise.  Be ready for WRG - be proud - the whole idea is to try the tricks.  I am eager to see how you thread your stories and especially your closing paragraphs!

1.  Mitty Talk
2.  Writing Time

1.  Mitty 5,6,7 Due TMRW
2.  WRG Tuesday - Bring the part you want to work on w/copies and questions
3.  Final Copy due on Friday/Monday

1. LE Tomorrow
2. Poetry Club Wed
3.  Symposium Friday
4.  Guests Thursday - Natasha (2,3,4) and Sheila (5,6) - Additional Reflection?
5. SD Slam 3/11

Friday, February 22, 2019

Authors Chair

Hello Authors!

Here we are - another week together.  Writing and dreaming and being awesome together.  You guys have great material.  Let's celebrate all the good you are doing.  We will pick it up on Monday.

1.  SWT
2.  Cipher
3.  Authors Chair - Mitty Edition
* You have the right to SEE others write!

1.  Continue next Mitty Sequences - see P 5,6,7

1. LE on Tues
2.  Poetry Club on WED
3.  Additional Guest Reflection - Sheila (Per 5,6) - Request Permission to attend  
4.  Poetry Symposim 3/1

1. Stuck
2. I need a ride
3.  My car won't start...
4.  I should be at home
5. Fridays

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Work Day - Mitty 1-4

Hi Everyone!

Our scheduled guest - Veronica May - had to postpone her visit - we will reschedule her soon.
Today we will work on our first bit of Mitty writing.  We are using this awesome story as a mentor text.  Your goal is to make specific Thurber choices.  Please highlight these for your draft tomorrow.  The whole idea is that you are aware of what you are doing and the choices you are making to convey your juxtapositions of dream/reality.

1.  SWT
2.  Mitty 1-4 Writing Time
* Conference Time
* Edit/Revise

1. Authors Chair - Friday
2. Mitty 1-4 Draft Due

1. LE on Tues
2. Poetry Club on Wed
3. Symposium on 3/1
4. SD Slam on 3/11

1. Crazy Love
2. Everything I Own
3.  I Can't Tell You Why
4. The Great Escape
5.  The Air That I Breathe

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Mitty - Day 2

Hello Dreamers!

It is time to go places! Think big! Imagine yourself elsewhere...what are you doing?  Who are you?  Are you courageous? Taking risks?  On tour with your favorite band?  Living in another country?  It is time to dream big with our Walter Mitty Unit.

1. SWT - See Prompts
2.  Text - "Walter Mitty"
* Read Together
* Annotate/Notes
3. Writing Dream Sequences - P1-P4
* Follow Structure, Dialogue, D/R Sequence, Etc..

1. First Draft Writing Sequence - Due FRIDAY
* P1-P4 w/ purposeful choice and technique
2. Guest/Mentor/Visitor - Veronica May TMRW

1. Poetry Club Today at Lunch
2. Symposium Next Week - 3/1 (Permission Slips)
3. SD Slam Final - Monday 3/11

1.  Step Out
2.  Don't Let it Pass
3.  Far Away
4.  Dirty Paws
5.  Escape

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Short Story - Dream Sequences - Walter Mitty Text

Hello Dreamers!

It is time to go places! Think big! Imagine yourself elsewhere...what are you doing?  Who are you?  Are you courageous? Taking risks?  On tour with your favorite band?  Living in another country?  It is time to dream big with our Walter Mitty Unit.

1. SWT - See Promopts
2.  Previews
3.  Text - "Walter Mitty"
* Read Together
* Annotate/Notes

1.  Finish "Walter Mitty" Text
* Notes
* Annotate Sequences
* Anything confusing? Worth discussing?
2. Rough Draft Writing Sequence - Due FRIDAY
* Lesson will be in class on Wed 2/20

1. LE Tonight!
2. Poetry Club WED at Lunch
3. SD Slam Final - Monday 3/11

1.  Dream travel destinations?
2.  Dream jobs/careers?
3.  Ultimate activities?
4.  Repetitive dreams?
5.  Where do you go when you daydream?

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Authors Chair - Valentines/Villanelle Edition

Hello Rainy Day People,

Settle in and have some fun today - together.  Share your works, give each other feedback.  Enjoy the weekend.  When we resume we will have fifteen more weeks together.  Get ready for some Walter Mitty, Screenplays, and the Slam.

1. SWT
2.  Work Check
* Kinnie Reflection
* Villanelle
3. Poetry Club?
4. Authors Chair - Valentines/Villanelle Edition
* Student Lead - DJ and Hype

* Glassless Minds TONIGHT
* LE on Tuesday
* Poetry Club on Wednesdays

1.  Rainy Day People
2.  Save your day...
3.  Come pick me up...
4.  Wish you were here...
5.  Love...

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

WRG - Villanelle

Hello Lovahs!

Time to celebrate the vibes of the week - love it or hate it - Valentines day stuff is here.  Hook ups, Break Ups, Villanelles, all of it.  So have fun working with yoru classmates and then presenting your works tomorrow.  I look forward to spending some good time with you.

1. SWT
2.  WRG - Villanelles - Make sure everything is legit!
* Follow PQW Protocol
* Kinnie Reflections
3. Revision Time

1. Kinnie Reflection
2. Villanelle - Final Draft

* Poetry Club TODAY at lunch!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Hello Students!

Today we will learn the amazing format of the Villanelle.  We are going to move quickly - so take notes and pay attention.  Your content can really be about anything - but maybe you feel inspired by the poem content.  Maybe it will be a Valentine Villanelle? Whatever you do - be sure to take chances, negotiate your language, and give the format a chance.  Write on!

1.  SWT
2.  Villanelle - This is how we do it!
* Handout
3.  Writing Time

1. WRG - Villanelle.  Bring copies to workshop!
2.  Kinnie Reflection due Thursday
3.  Authors Chair - Valentines Edition!  Potluck?!?

1.  LE Tonight!
2.  Poetry Club TMRW

Monday, February 11, 2019

Socratic - Day 2

Hello Everyone!

Continue to talk freely and openly with your classmates about the texts we have read and viewed over the last two weeks.  Follow these topics and suggestions:

*  Louder Than A Bomb - What purpose does it serve?  Do you agree/disagree? 
*  Do we need something like this in SD? 
*  What have you seen as far as writing and sharing it does for young people or building trust or community? 
*  Examples in the film?  Do you see this in the book?  Get Specific.

1.  Mario Preview - Permission Slips? - Write something based on the clip.
2. Socratic Seminar Continued
* Group 2
3. Peer Evaluations

1. Reflections - Due Thursday
* Kinnie
* Mario

* SD Slam is TONIGHT!
* LE Tmrw!
* Poetry Club on WED!

Friday, February 8, 2019

Socratic Seminars

Hello Everyone!

Today you get to talk freely and openly with your classmates about the texts we have read and viewed over the last two weeks.  What arguments are being made?  How do the writers use ethos, pathos, logos to make their statements.  What about style and strategy?  Talk about specific paragraphs, scenes, stanzas, lines, people, quotes, etc...  Use your notes.  Engage with your peers and use your own knowledge and experience as evidence.  Be respectful.  Listen. Ask Questions.

1.  Kinnie Recap
2.  Collect Inspired By Pieces
3.  Socratic Rules and Regulations
* Group 1 Go!

1. Group 2 Socratic
*Be Prepared!

* SD Slam on Monday!

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Guest/Mentor/Musician/Yogi - Kinnie Dye

Hello Seniors!

Todaywe welcome the good vibes of Kinnie Dye.  We all need a Kinnie in our life.  Today we get to enjoy a class with this talented songwriter, singer, and teacher.  Kinnie has a wonderful story full of learning, taking risks, and soul seeking.  She loves to give back and aspires to light the way for others.  Enjou your time with Kinnie.  Be inspired - be able to reflect.

1. Hangout and Talk
2. Guest Mentor - Kinnie Dye
* Take Notes
* Participate

1. Locomotion Assignments due TOMORROW
* Questions
* Inspired By
* Socratic Seminar

* SD Slam on Monday - Hosted by Natasha Hooper (Future Guest and 2nd Ranked in the World)

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Locomotion - Workday

 Hello Seniors!

Today and tomorrow you can read independently and work on your related "Locomotion" assignments.  Take notes on all the author nuance and specific choices - everything from stanza/line break, narrative, diction, use of italics, figurative language, repetition, repetition, etc.. Enjoy the narrative, read like a writer.

1. SWT
2. Locomotion - Inspired by Ideas?
3. Read/Write Independently

1. Locomotion Assignments due Friday
* Questions
* Inspired By
* Socratic Seminar
2. Guest Tomorrow - Kinnie Dye

* Poetry Club TODAY - Make up guest reflection?!?
* SD Slam on Monday - Hosted by Natasha Hooper (Future Guest and 2nd Ranked in the World)
1.  Hip Hop Rules the World
2.  Some days I hate poetry...
3.  Hey Dog!
4. My whole body feels bent out of shape...
5.  It's all gonna work out fine...

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Locomotion Continued

Hello Seniors!

Today and tomorrow you can read independently and work on your related "Locomotion" assignments.  Take notes on all the author nuance and specific choices - everything from stanza/line break, narrative, diction, use of italics, figurative language, repetition, repetition, etc.. Enjoy the narrative, read like a writer.

1. SWT
2. Locomotion - Thoughts, Notes, Ideas - Why does this writing work?
3. Handout - Questions. 
3. Read/Write Independently

1. Locomotion Assignments due Friday
* Questions
* Inspired By
* Socratic Seminar

* LE Tonight!
* Poetry Club TMRW
* SD Slam on Monday
1.  And my voice got quieter...
2. Last night this commercial came on TV
3. Today's a bad day...
4.  Don't do this and don't do that...
5.  I can still feel their voices....

Monday, February 4, 2019


Hello Seniors!

This week we will read and write - together and individually.  Enjoy the differen motion of the class this week.  Be present and do all the related assigments.  Socratic this Friday. Details to follow.

1. SWT
2.  Garrett? - Reflection due TMRW
3. Locomotion - Read
* Discussion

1. Garrett Rice Reflection - Due TUES
2. Locomotion - Inspired By, Questions and Socratic Friday

2. Poetry Club on WED
3. SD Slam - Next Monday

1.  High School dances...
2.  Locomotion...
3.  Superbowl Sunday...
4.  My sleep patterns...
5.  I'll take the rain...

Friday, February 1, 2019

Guest/Mentor/Writer/Good Guy - Mr. Garrett Rice

Hello Writers!

Please welcome the overall goodness that is Garrett Rice.  Garrett is at the best crosscroads of career and passion - he is making choices and having fun.  He has a plethora of talent and experience and we are lucky he is here  - back in his hometown of San Diego - to share his lessons and insight.  Have fun with the activities, opportunities to ask questions, and have some authentic takeaways.  Please say hello to Garrett! Clap.

1.  SWT
2.  Cipher
3.  Get it with Garrett!
* Take Notes - Who, What, When, Why, How, - Reflection due on Tuesday

* Reflection Due Tuesday

* LE - Tuesday
* Poetry Club/Symposium Prep - Wed
* SD Slam - Monday 2/11

1.  Somewhere in Africa...
2.  Living in another country...
3.  Hundreds of ways...
4.  After it rains...
5.  To be young...

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Workday and Authors Chair

Hello Writers!

Take the time today to write, draft, take some chances, maybe...just maybe...have some fun?  Let's work quietly, independently, and efficiently.  Find your zone.  We will share - casual Authors Chair - for the last 20 minutes of class.  Hopefully drafts of tomorrow's assignments.

1.  SWT - Long Edition.  See prompts for assistance.
2.  Portfolio Return
3.  Poetry Club?
4.  Authors Chair

1.  LTAB - Reflection
2.  Creative Piece - LTAB Inspired
* See previous posts for ideas, requirements

* LE on 2/5
* Poetry Club - 2/6
* SD Slam - 2/11

1. Breathe
2. ___________ Street
3.  Letter to _________
4.  Look  
5. Counting...

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Finish LTAB

Hello Writers!

Today we finish our film.  Each story has some sort of resolution? What was your poet's journey or discovery?  Make sure to cover basic information, poets, your focus poet, and your takeaways.  Include names of people and poems.  Why begin the Semester with a film like LTAB?

1. Film - "Louder Than A Bomb"- Take Notes
* Track a Poet
* Reflection due on Friday
* Creative Activity - due Friday
2. LE?
3. Reminder - Return Books
4. Writing Time 

* LTAB - Activities Due Friday
* Reflection - Track a Poet
* Creative Activity - LTAB Inspired
*** Ideas: Honest Poem, When You Tell Them, 13 Ways, Free Verse...
*** Topics - Grandparents, Ancestry, Letter to..., Siblings, Writing (Nate's Poem),
Soci/Political (Lamar Solo, Counting Graves)

* Poetry Club TODAY at lunch - Symposium People MUST show
* SD Slam 2/11 - Last Qualifying Round

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Continue Film - LTAB

Hello Writers!

Today we continue with our film.  Continue to take notes and track your poet. Your reflection will include basic information, poets, your focus poet, and your takeaways.  Include names of people and poems.  Why begin the Semester with a film like LTAB?

1. Film - "Louder Than A Bomb"- Take Notes
* Track a Poet
* Reflection due on Friday (Details to Follow)
* Creative Activity - due Friday
3. Return Books

* LTAB - Activities Due Friday
* Reflection - Track a Poet
* Creative Activity - LTAB Inspired - Honest Poem, When You Tell Them, 13 Ways, Free Verse...

* Poetry Club TMRW - Symposium People MUST show
* SD Slam 2/11 - Last Qualifying Round

Monday, January 28, 2019

Louder Than a Bomb - Welcome to Second Semester

Hello Writers!

Let's spend this week reconnecting with our community and our kinship as writers as storytellers.  We will take the time to view the film "Louder Than a Bomb" - it is more of a movement than a movie.  Follow these students on their journey to tell their narratives and note how the medium of spoken word connects individuals and bonds communities.  Take note and connect.  Here is to a positive and fun second semester together.

1. SWT
2. Film - "Louder Than A Bomb"- Take Notes
* Track a Poet
* Reflection due on Friday (Details to Follow)
3. Return Books

* LTAB - Activities
* Track a Poet due on Friday

* LE on Tuesday
* Poetry Club on Wednesday - Symposium People MUST show
* SD Slam 2/11 - Last Qualifying Round

1. Louder than a bomb...
2.  New beginnings...
3.  18 weeks...
4. 80 days...
5.  This is a last time....

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Semester Final - Portfolio Due

Hello Seniors!

We are all meeting on different days this week - but we are doing the same activities.  You are expected to be here and to participate.  Grades close this week.  You have ONE more semester of high school. Make the most of your time here. Your voice matters.

1.  Hellos and Post Its
2.  Cipher - Introduction Edition
3. Gallery Walk - This is a quiet activity
* Please take the time to write some praiseworthy notes to you classmates and fellow writers
4. Authors Chair - Portfolio Edition
5. Discussion/Reflection

Things to look forward to next semester:
* Short Story Unit - Walter Mitty
* Locomotion - Poetry as a Narrative (will include Socratic Seminar)
* Screenplays (Master of None is a mentor text!)
* Writing for Kids
* April 30/30
* Spoken Word Slam
* Guests! Guests! Guests!
* Portfolio TWO
* Graduation!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

WRG - Portfolio Pieces and Introductions

Hello Seniors!

Take time today to work in your WRG to share your pieces and/or introductions.  Assist your classmates with choices and decisions.  Offer suggestions.  Be kind and considerate - yet tough and honest.  Have out the rubric - be able to assess yourselves accurately.  This is a great opportunity to receive authentic feedback about your collective work as a writer this semester.

1.  SWT
2.  WRG - Portfolio
3.  Work Time
4.  Work Check - Ari Reflection

1.  Portfolio DUE - Final Day

* LE Tonight

1.  The things I am most proud of this semester...
2.  One more semester? What?
3.  This summer I plan to...
4.  Forces of Nature...
5.  No expectations...

Friday, January 18, 2019

Portfolio Workday

Hello Seniors!

Take the time to work on your Portfolio.  Write. Edit. Revise. Sequence. Work on all your spacing, use of white space, font size.  Fix errors, spelling, names, capitalize as needed.  Continue with your introduction letter - be sure to focus on what the writing is doing and your intended purposes as the author.  All good stuff. 

1. Ari - Reflections and Take Aways
* Share your notes
2. Portfolio Time

1. Ari Refection Due Tuesday
2. Workshop on Tuesday - Bring ONE piece w/copies for WRG.  This can be your Introduction.
3. Portfolios DUE next Week

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Guest/Mentor - Ari Petrou

Hello Writers!

Today we get to hang with the amazing talent that is Ari Petrou.  Ari is in his second year at Berkeley.  He is majoring in Sociology and minoring in Hip Hop.  He has been honing his craft since the age of 14.  This is his return to Point Loma after a one year hiatus.  Ari is young and has direction.  He is motivated and using his skills to astoud and entertain.  Welcome him to our class with enethusiasm, interact, and participate!

1.  Hang with Ari
* Take notes, ask questions
2. Reflection due on Tuesday

1.  Portfolio!
2.  Ari Reflection

Monday, January 14, 2019

Portfolio Requirements - Semester One

Hello Seniors!

Here are the requirements for your Portfolio.  You will also receive a checklist/rubric for your own keeping and self scoring.  Please pay attention in class and ask questions.  You will have this week to work on your writing, editing, and publication.  Your Portfolio is DUE on the day we meet for Finals...please see the schedule below.  We will participate in a Gallery Walk and Authors Chair.

1.  Cover Page/ Title Page
2.  Table of Contents
3.  Dedication
4.  About the Author
5.  Introduction
6.  Honest Poem
7.  Kid Again
8.  Comic Sans
9.  Free Verse 9/17
10.  Charlie Letters
11.  Personal Statement
12.  Hands
13.  Letter from ________ to ___________
14.  Klosterman - "Something Wicked..."
15.  Free Verse - 11/13
16.  Partner Poem - "When You Tell Them..."
17.  13 Ways of Looking at....
18.  "21" - Numbers Poem
19.  Sonnets (Two)
20.  Free Verse - 12/17
21.  Sestina
22.  Guest Reflections - Sante, Flaco, Happy, Jaleesa, Anita, TJ, Dallas, Stephanie, Crystal, Mackenzie, Ari
23.  TEN additional pages
24.  Overall Production - Easy to follow, Page numbers, Grammar, Spelling, etc..

Portfolio Week - Introductions, Contents, Production

Hello Seniors!

Here we are - the end of the first Semester.  It is time to look back and reflect on all the writing you have done over these last months.  You have grown tremendously.  You have experimented with structure, style, diction, editing techniques, and all kinds of play.  You've met lots of artists and real world writers and you have had the chance to visit other collectives to be inspired and motivated.  And...we are only half way done.  Are you taking advantage of all the opportunities?  What will your writing say about you?  Your story?  Your narrative?  Take this week to put together your Portfolio.

1. SWT
2. Portfolio Talk
3. List - See Blog
* Handout
4. Work Time - Introductions

1. Mackenzie Reflection - DUE Tmrw
2. Introduction Draft due WED - Typed
3. Portfolio DUE on FINALS Day

3. Poetry Club on WED

1.  The NINE rights
2.  Guests
3.  Writing Response Groups
4.  Favorite Assignment(s)
5.  Most Challenging Assignment(s)

Friday, January 11, 2019

Authors Chair - Sestina Edition

Hello Everyone!

Today we celebrate your writing, your art, your technique, your words, your voice.  Sign up and share.  Take advantage of the opportunity you have to show what you bring to our community conversation.  Time is eluding us this semester (and in general) so make choices that work authentically for you.  Yay!

1.  SWT
2.  Mackenzie - Reflections
3. Cipher
4. Authors Chair

1. Mackenzie Reflection due Tuesday
2. Portfolios - Due Week of Finals
* See Blog for update
* Handout next week

1. SD Slam on Monday
2. Poetry Club on WED
3. Symposium?

1.  Colorblind
2. Send me an Omen
3. You found me...
4.  What is home?
5.  Glad and Sorry...

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Guest/Mentor - Mackenzie Batliner

Hello Everyone!

Today we welcome Mackenzie Batliner. Return of the Mack!  This young lady is super talented and brings her honesty and story to her songs and poems.  She works hard at her craft and it is a pleasure to have her visit with us.  Engage - ask questions - and have fun.

1.  SWT
2.  Mackenzie!
* Take Notes - Who, What, When, Where, Why, How

1. Sestina due TMRW
2. Mackenzie Reflection due Tuesday

1. Slam on Monday

1.  Shatter
2.  Closure
3.  Letter to You
4.  Woman in the Interview
5.  Man in the Interview

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Writing Response Groups - Sestina

Hello Sestina Lovers!

Today we workshop.  We hold one another accountable.  Be kind. Be tough.  Question. Suggest. Praise.  Wish. Follow Protocol.  Listen.  Have out your mentor text and handout.  Double check that all words are in the correct place.  Can any words be changed?  Do you see ideas that the writer maybe has not thought about?  Your goal is make each other better.  Go.

1.  Prompts
2.  Sestina Drafts - Workcheck
3. WRG

1. Sestina due Friday

1. LE attendees?
2. Poetry Club TODAY

1. Truth
2. Salvage
3. Boyfriend
4. Girlfriend
5. Tall
6.  Maybe

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Sestina - Writing Day

Hello Seniors!

Today we write.  Take your time.  Start over.  Play.  Try.  Move your first stanza around so it fits better.  Change out a word.  Begin with your tercet.  Use the words in class.  Use a different version of a word from class.  You get the picture.  Write.  Type.  Edit.  Find a title.  What is your poem turning out to be about?  Sometimes you don't know what you are writing until you are writing it.  Be open. Be honest. Be you.

1.  Prompt - See Below
2.  Sestina - Review, Discussion, Examples, Questions
3.  Writing Time
4.  Conferencing Time

1.  Sestina - Typed draft due TMRW w/copies for WRG.
* Final copy DUE on FRIDAY
2.  Portfolio DUE on day of FINALS

1. WW goes to LE TONIGHT!  It will be worth it! Let's support Amen Ra!
2.  Poetry Club TMRW at Lunch!

Write the first stanza of a sestina using these words.  Choose your letter deliniation.

Stand, Spell, Watch, Silver, Lighthouse, Forgive

Monday, January 7, 2019

Sestina Time!

Hello Seniors!

This week we will work on Sestinas!  There is a lot to pay attention to - but this format will have you using words in all kinds of new and creative ways.  Play around.  Take chances.  This will be one of the last official pieces for your Semester One Portfolio.

1.  Welcome Back
2. Prompts
3. Sestina - Handout and Lesson
4.  Writing Time

1.  Sestina - Draft w/copies due on Wednesday
2.  Sestina - Final Copy due Friday
3.  Portfolio Due - Finals Day w/Gallery Walk.
* You must be present

EC - Last Opportunity
1. LE Tuesday - 1/8
2. SD Slam - Monday 1/14
3. Sarah Kaye/Phil Kay in Orange County on Friday 1/18

Prompts - Pick one of these six words.  Change the words or tense to make it fit.  How many ways can you use it.  Play and have fun.  Pick Two words if you want.  This will help with writing your Sestina.  Yay!

1.  Inspire
2.  Pride
3.  Maroon
4.  Connect
5.  Educate
6. ?