Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Locomotion Continued

Hello Seniors!

Today and tomorrow you can read independently and work on your related "Locomotion" assignments.  Take notes on all the author nuance and specific choices - everything from stanza/line break, narrative, diction, use of italics, figurative language, repetition, repetition, etc.. Enjoy the narrative, read like a writer.

1. SWT
2. Locomotion - Thoughts, Notes, Ideas - Why does this writing work?
3. Handout - Questions. 
3. Read/Write Independently

1. Locomotion Assignments due Friday
* Questions
* Inspired By
* Socratic Seminar

* LE Tonight!
* Poetry Club TMRW
* SD Slam on Monday
1.  And my voice got quieter...
2. Last night this commercial came on TV
3. Today's a bad day...
4.  Don't do this and don't do that...
5.  I can still feel their voices....

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