Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Portfolio Due Friday

Hello!  The Slam guys are awesome!  Deal with the judges and point totals.  The point is the poetry!  You are being assessed for your effort, writing, and commitment.  I have worked with every single one of you and easily know what you have done...or not done...and the dedication you have put forth.  Your grades are and will be accurate and fitting.  You have had every opportunity to come and speak with my about your concerns.  Many thanks to those who have.

Slam Spoken Word continues tomorrow (Thursday) and commences with the Final Slam on Monday.  Enjoy the poems and the comradery!

The Portfolio is due on Friday and we will have a Gallery Walk to comment and celebrate each others efforts and words.  You will be expected to comment on classmates work and spend some time reading and reflecting. I am expecting good things.  No late work accepted.

Refer to previous posts for mandatory portfolio content.  Here are some other requirements.
* Cover Page - Portfolio Title, Name, Date, Class Period
* Page Numbers - pages must be numbered
* Table of Contents - Indicate the poem page, title,  and its requirement:
ie: Page 5 - Summer Moon (Sonnet)
    Page 6 - Rhonda (Free Verse)
    Page 13 - Fake (Extra Poem/Free Verse)
* Acknowledgments/Dedications/Thank Yous/In Memory Of...
(Your page numbers will begin with your Acknowledgments/Dedications page, since it usually comes directly after the Table of Contents)
* About The Author (Usually the last page in a portfolio).  Must be written in 3rd Person

You are able to add illustrations, color, photos, different fonts, etc...Your portfolio should be easy to navigate and should not only meet all expectations and requirements...but exceed them.  Be proud of your writing and reflect is asuch,

Slam On! Write On! Peace On You!


Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hello Sophomore,

This is it....this may be the last post of the school year.  Thanks for all you have done to contribute to our learning community and really owning your own participation and efforts.  We will have time to discuss and reflect in class the last few days we meet.

I am so excited for this week and to see your Spoken Word performances.  It is going to be nothing but fun and exciting in class all week - so don't miss a day!  Here are the rules and tentative days.  The only change I can foresee happening is that the Final Slam may be moved to Monday. 6/4.  Right now everything is scheduled for this week. 

Bring your A game.  Support and encourage one another - learn from one another and be motivated and inspired.  This is not the end of our poetry writing - really it is just the beginning.  I hope many of you continue to push yourselves as writers this summer and furthermore in the future.

Posted below are the rules for the Slam as well as some other reminders.

Write On!


Spoken Word Slam - 5/29 - 6/1

Poems are scored from 1- 10 
10 = one of the best poem you have ever heard 
1 = a poem that is not very good, creative, or well done 
Poems cannot exceed 3 minutes - points will be deducted if this occurs
     Judges may score with decimals – as in a 7.8 or a 9.1  
     Poems are scored on content, style, use of poetic devices, delivery, creativity, audience reaction, and overall genuine participation and effort! 
     We snap/applaud every poet – whether we like the poem or not.  Everyone gets due credit. 
     The team with the highest total points at the end of the round moves on to the Final Class Slam!!!
     Have Fun! Enjoy the scene and the vibe!

Reminders –
     Poetry Portfolio is due on Friday - No Late Work Accepted.  See previous posts for portfolio content. 
     There is not a formal Final in our class - however you must be in attendance
     Poetry Club Spoken Word Performance – Weds. During 4th. Get Permission!
     Goodreads - Extra Credit - due by 6/4
     Any extra credit opportunities (previously discussed with me) are due by 6/6
     Office Hours/Tutoring - Last one of the year is Tuesday.  Any concerns may be addressed.  You can also work on your portfolio - you may use the computers and can print.
     Text Book return is 6/5. Please return ANY and ALL books that you are in possession of that belong to MY personal library immediately.  Thank You.
     ONE MORE POST - Check Back Week of 6/4 For An Encore Post!  Thanks You's! Props! One Final Word from Mr. Samakosky

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Your Week, Your Time - 5/21

Hello Sophomore,

You are awesome for checking in and staying updated on assignments and due dates.

There is not much to add or report this week.  You are working independently and with your slam team - writing, reading, revising, re-writing, offering feedback,  practicing, scheming, and planning.  This is YOUR time to really implement all the skills you have taken on this year - voice, tone, poetic devices, speaking skills, writing for purpose and audience, etc...

You are in complete control with what you choose to put together regarding both the portfolio and your spoken word pieces. I know that you are all going to do your very best.  Please ask me for input and advice, I am always willing to let you know how your writing impacts me as a reader.

Be sure to view other spoken word poets online.  You can learn from and imitate style, content, body language, voice control, etc. Get ideas...but be original in your writing and delivery. 

Please note the following due dates.  No work will be accepted late.  Use your class time effectively.

Tuesday 5/22 and 5/29 - Office Hours/Tutoring - after school.
Use this time to type and/or print. Plan on your printer breaking the night before your work is due.  Your last minute freak out session is not my problem.

Extra credit - If you were one of the few individuals that approached me about this opportunity - good for you.  This opportunity has now expired.  The due date is Weds. 6/6

Poetry Slam Competition begins on Tuesday 5/29.  If you are absent when your team performs - you essentially forfeit your grade with this task.

Poetry Portfolio is due on Friday 6/1.  Please see previous posts for the expectations and needed assignments.  Please take as much liberty as you need to make this portfolio unique and true to you.

Goodreads - Please post your book commentary by 6/4.  There will be no time to revise with this entry - so please proofread and make sure the work is yours.  The grade/credit you get will be the grade/credit you get.  Do not write summaries.  Rather, use the checklist and provide YOUR insight and feeling about the book, the content, the conflict, the characters, and the author's use of literary devices.  Include the theme(s) and connections that you or any other reader may or may not have.  Please just be honest.

There will be one last post before the end of the school year.  There will be one last assignment to help you with your final grade.  There is NO final in our class - your attendance and participation on our last day together will be enough.

With that being said, please work hard these last 15 days.  Be proud of the work you are doing - it is a real pleasure seeing how far you have come as skillful writers and wordsmiths.

Write On.


Monday, May 14, 2012

5/14 - Thank You

A big overdue Thank You to those of you who come prepared everyday with your work and an eagerness to learn something new and contribute.  I am very grateful to have you as students and I know that your efforts sometimes get sacrificed by us having to focus on what is not getting done - rather than all that is getting accomplished.  Tomorrow will be the last day that I instruct this year - you will be on your own until the Spoken Word Tournament and your Portfolio due dates.  Please continue to work hard and know that your commitment is noted and appreciated.

For Tues -  Photograph/Picture/Postcard, Writing for your last WRG, Sestina for partial credit
For Thursday - Photograph Poem Draft for credit, Slam writing
Office Hours - Tuesday after school
HW - Slam, Writing/Revision, Poetry Portfolio Goodreads
Last Grades of the Year - Spoken Word, Portfolio, Goodreads, Online Feedback
See previous blogs for extra credit opportunity. Make smart choices.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Week of 5/14 - Writing and Slamming!

Hello Sophomore,

Our 20 day countdown is on!  Let's have some fun and continue to work hard.  The following work days and assignments will have you experimenting, exploring, and working together to present some of your best work.  Your will be compiling your poetry portfolio independently.  Please be sure to complete all assignments for credit.  Give your work time to live and breathe - this means revisit and revise so that your final product is something you are proud to have spent your efforts putting together.  I look forward to seeing your completed work.

* See Portfolio content information below.  Meet all requirements to receive appropriate credit.
* Slam Competition begins on Tues 5/29.  You will have plenty of time to write, revise, practice, plan, and strategize.  Bring your best.  Encourage each other.  The winning team gets an A for the Slam portion of our unit....your portfolio still needs to be awesome.

Monday - WRG - Sestinas are due.  Revisit Sonnet, Free Verse, Haiku, In This Box
* Please have a Picture/Postcard/Photo with you for our next assignment.
* HW - Photo Poem (due Weds), Poem Revisions, Portfolio Work, Slam Prep, Goodreads

Tuesday - Finish Louder Than A Bomb, Work on Photo Poem
* HW - See Monday
* Office Hours/Tutoring/Slam Assistance/View scenes from Louder Than A Bomb/Slamnation
* Extra Credit opportunity - last day to find out

Wednesday - Slam Teams - Write and Plan
Thursday/Friday - Slam Preparation - writing, editing, practicing, strategize, view/discuss examples
* HW - Continue to write, edit, work on your Portfolio, Slam Stuff, Goodreads

Please continue to work hard.  If you have any questions, please speak with me at the appropriate time.  Take care of business.

Be good.


Portfolio - Does Not Need To Be In This Order.  You can take any artistic liberties you want to make this presentable, attractive, and unique to you.

* = mandatory
*** = Extras

* Cover Page -  Name, Date, Class, Title
* Table of Contents
* Acknowledgments - Thank you's, dedications, in-memory, etc...
* Haiku - Five haiku (individual or a series)
* Sonnet
* Sestina
* In This Box....
* Free Verse
* Photo Poem
* Individual Slam Poem
* Slam Group Piece
***Favorite Poem/Lyrics w/annotations and explanations
***Additional Poems (I Am, Free Verse, 6-line poems, additional poems...) - You can  have as many as you want.  Your efforts will be noted and given credit.
* About The Author

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Week of 5/7 - Poetry: Slam, Phases, and Phrases

Hello to you!

Here we are with 25 more days of school and we are doing some of our most exciting work thus far.  I am very eager to see where you will allow yourself to go with your writing - be willing and be confident!  Here is a tentative outline for the week.  Please come prepared each day so that we can do our activities.

I hope you are all enjoying the film "Louder Than A Bomb" - I would like us to view the entire documentary this week - preferably Monday and Tuesday.

Have your NB ready - it should be in this order.  Your pages may be different depending on your own writing.  Please do each task.  You should have your Word Bank and Free Verse done and with you on Monday.  Be open to revising and changing based on group feedback.

NB -
pg. 1 – Poetry Section Table of Contents –
pg.2 – 5 Statements and Explanations –
pg.3 – Haiku Experiments
pg. 4 – Word Bank –
pg. 5 – Free Verse (word bank)  - HW 5/4
pg. 6 - Louder Than A Bomb - notes.  What stands out to you in the film? Student voice? Delivery?
pg.7 - Sonnets
pg. 8 - Sestina
pg. 9 - Villanelle
pg. 10 - Slam - rules/ideas/brainstorms

We will experiment with THREE different forms of poetry this week - Sonnets, Sestinas, and Villanelles.  We need to learn some rules to break some rules.  When it comes to your free poems that you will write for Spoken Word (Slam) - you will have tons of options and choices - but you may want to use some material you are experimenting with.
Monday - Film/Small Group Discussion - Free Verse/Poems/Lyrics
Tuesday - Film/Sonnets
Wednesday - Sestinas/Group Work
Thursday - Villanelles/Group Work
Friday - Slam Teams/Discussion/Examples - Rules of the Slam

* Have you cleared your Goodreads?  (Due on or by 6/4)
* Office Hours/Tutoring after school on Tuesday.  Make Up Debate work will happen - do not miss your opportunity.
* Poetry Club Wednesday - Come see how it is done!
* Poetry Slam will begin the week of 5/21.  Expect lots of examples and inspiration!
* Research project for additional credit - if you want additional information on this please come to Office Hours on Tuesday 5/8 or 5/15.  This will only be rewarded to those who I feel have earned the option to do so.

Please check back mid-week for further updates.  
Write on!