Thursday, March 24, 2016

Screenplay Drafts Due

Hello Senior Screenwriters!

We did it! First drafts are done - kind of....
You have a lot to work with, to celebrate, and then to reconsider.  Enjoy your break and be ready to revisit your writing with a renewed outlook and fresh perspective. Editing begins when we return!

Thursday 3/24 and Friday  3/25
* Screenplay First Draft due - 22+ pages, including Title Page
* Graded for completion, formatting, Celtx, grammar, word choice, neatness, effort, collaboration

* Editing Week - 4/4-4/8 - Final Drafts are due on Friday 4/8 - No Late Work
* WRG on Tuesday 4/5 - Must be present to get credit

Extra Credit Opportunities
* April 30/30 - Begins April 1st, poem a day
* LE - Tuesday
* Elevated Youth Poetry Night - Thursday 4/7
* SD Slam Final - 4/11
* Talk with me if you have an alternative idea that is academic, fun, and class related.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Screenwriting Time - Due Dates, Work Checks, Resources!

Hello Senior Screenwriters!

Here is all you need for a successful screenwriting unit. This is a FOUR week unit and it will have a big impact on your semester grade.  Do your best. 

You should have your group set, your pitch done, and your writing happening!
This is a group grade. You will be rewarded for your individual writing efforts and ability to work well within your chosen group. You will receive a rubric.

Work Checks - Please make sure ALL writing fits format, capitalization, margins, and is FREE of errors.  Use your formatting handout. Use Celtx.

Friday 3/11 - Pages 4-6 (characters, setting) - Authors Chair. Get feedback and advice.
* This first check can be written. The rest MUST be typed and fitted using Celtx.
Wednesday 3/16 - Pages 1-11
Friday 3/18 - Pages 15-17
*Authors Chair - Feedback and Advice
Tuesday 3/22  - Pages 18-20
Thursday 3/24 - All 22 pages completed as rough draft.  Include title page.
Friday 3/25 - Authors Chair - Feedback and Advice.
*** Editing/Revision week is 4/4-4/7.  Your FINAL script is due on Friday 4/8.  No Late Work.

Celtx.Com - Screenplay Formatting website.  Easy to use.  Easy to follow.
'The Wonder Years" - Mentor Text for tracking the flow/time/pages/plot of a 22 minute episode.
"Finding Nemo" Script - In class Mentor Text. See other in-class scripts.
"The Writers Room" - Netflix show.  Listen to writers discuss the process.
Formatting Handout - The necessary parts of a script, margins, sluglines, dialogue, action, etc...

* Write/Revise/Edit your work - think ahead - think Portfolio.  Your screenplays will be part of your Portfolio - keep this in mind.
* Continuous writing, revising, brainstorming, and sharing of group duties.  Be sure to email, text, and communicate so that every group member is on board.

Lyrical Exchange on Tuesdays
Elevated on Thursdays - 3/17, 4/7
Poetry Club - Wednesdays at Lunch

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Screenwriting - Groups, Ideas, and Nemo!

Hello Seniors!

Happy Monday! Screenwriting foundations continue! Get ready to write!

1. Prompt - See Below -
2. Reading Script - "Finding Nemo"
* What is this experience like.  What do you notice about the writing? Stylistic choices? How can this serve as a mentor text for ideas.
3. Screenwriting Groups - Pitch needed for Weds.
* Track Your Pilot - Discussion/Work Check
* Writing Time - Weds/Thurs
* Pages due on Friday 4-6. Written or Typed.

* Write/Revise/Edit your work - think ahead - think Portfolio
* First pages will be due on Friday.
* Write on!

LE Tonight
Poetry Club TMRW

* Write another ONE-TWO pages of script - include the FIVE main aspects we discussed.  Use your handout.  Continue your idea from last week/yesterday - write another scene.  Or write something completely different. Use a conversation you heard this weekend! Be appropriate please.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Screenwriting Starts this Week!

Hello Seniors!

Happy Monday! Screenwriting foundations continue! Get ready to write!

1. Prompt - See Below -
2. The Writers Room - Listen to screenwriters talk about the process! Take notes.

* Write/Revise/Edit your work - think ahead - think Portfolio
* Get your writing team together. Sign ups are tomorrow.  First pages will be due on Friday.
* Bring your notes from  the Track your Pilot assignment for TUESDAY

Library Today

* Write another ONE-TWO pages of script - include the FIVE main aspects we discussed.  Use your handout.  Continue your idea from last week - write another scene.  Or write something completely different. Use a conversation you heard this weekend! Be appropriate please.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Finish Tracking "The Wonder Years"

Hello Seniors!

Happy Thursday!  Do your best.

1. Prompt - See Below -
2. Finish Tracking a Pilot - "The Wonder Years"- Mentor Text - Take Notes
* Characters and descriptions
* Timeline
* Conflict(s)
* Resolution

* Write/Revise/Edit your work - think ahead - think Portfolio
* Authors Chair TMRW - Guides, Greatest Hits, Etc...
***Sign Up Today.
* Track your Pilot - use TWY as your mentor text

* Write ONE-TWO pages of script - include the FIVE main aspects we discussed.  Use your handout.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Tracking "The Wonder Years" - Know Your Pilot!

Happy Wednesday!  Here is to a good week. Let's Learn.

1. Prompts - See Below -
2. Screenwriting - The parts of a script (see handout)
3. Track a Pilot - "The Wonder Years"- Mentor Text

* Write/Revise/Edit your work - think ahead - think Portfolio
* Authors Chair Friday - Guides, Greatest Hits, Etc...
* Track your Pilot - use TWY as your mentor text

Poetry Club Today at lunch

* My first day of middle school went like this....
* They told me I was going to live with....
* When we first stepped off the plane, got out of the car, etc....
* Write specifically about ONE friend as if they were a character - likes, dislikes, quirks, admiration, favorite saying, clothing, style, music, family....
* Here is how it all began...
* Here is how it all ended....

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

TV Pilots - Episode Format

Happy Tuesday!  Here is to a good week. Let's Learn.

1. Prompts - See Below -
LTAB - Finish Film, Take Notes, Prep for Discussion
2. Screenwriting - The parts of a script (see handout)
3. Track a Pilot - "The Wonder Years" - TBC Weds.

* Write/Revise/Edit your work - think ahead - think Portfolio
* Watch a TV Pilot - Due TMRW - Name, Series, When did it run?
* How does the story develop? * How do characters develop?
* Why would anyone want to see more of this show

LE Tonight,  Poetry Club TMRW

* Lions
* Lambs
* My friends...
* Write specifically about ONE friend as if they were a character - likes, dislikes, quirks, admiration, favorite saying, clothing, style, music, family....
* I'm never been able to make sense of...
* I'll be gone in flash....