Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week #5 - Writing Territories, WI #5, WRG's, Editing and Revising

Hello Writers!

I hope this update finds you well, rested, and motivated.  I am very proud of us for transforming our classroom into an authentic and safe environment that rewards sincere efforts to improving our writing always.  Find your voice and use all of your opportunities to improve your own goals as the author of your own life story.

Extra Credit Opportunities:
Poetry Club - Wednesday @ lunch
Bring paper for printing and print (at the appropriate time) whenever you want
Tissues/Hand Sanitizer - Let's stay healthy!

Open House is this Thursday 10/3. 

Here is the tentative schedule for the week.  Your Homework is a continuation to write, edit, revise WI#4 and well as any other pieces your are looking to publish in your end of semester portfolio.  Always be prepared to bring your writing to workshop with your WRG.

* Mentor Text Check - Did you bring your own piece of mentor text? Annotated?  W/a paragraph or two explaining what we can learn stylistically as writers?
* Writing Territories Activity
* Mentor Text #5 - Read/Annotate/Discuss

Tuesday - *** You can type, write, print, etc...after school until 3 p.m. ***
* I Am - Brainstorming Activity
* Begin WI #5 - "I Am...."
* Writing Time

* WRG - WI #5 draft is due - MUST be typed. Bring copies.
* You must follow protocols - have your P,Q,W handouts with  you
* You will receive a new handout that will allow you to track your progress more genuinely

* RRG - Reading Response Group
* You will meet with your WRG to read and discuss your Mentor Text selections.  More information will be given in class.  You will need your Mentor Text selection with you.

* Author's Chair - this counts toward your overall class participation

Have a good week.  Your assessment (either WI #4 or WI#5) is due on Thursday 10/10.  No Late Work will be accepted.  Make sure to talk with myself or Mr. Turner if you have any questions or concerns.  Grades for this six week grading period close on Friday 10/11.

Write On!


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week #4 - WI#4 - Soul Food, WRG's, and Glassless Minds

Hello Seniors,

This week we will work on our Writing Invite #4 - telling our own unique stories of sprituality and connection.  Try out different ideas, styles, and paragraph purposes.  Make sure to indicate how you are using these tools by highlighting techniques you are using.  Be creative, personalize your writing process, get the assistance you need, and write!  You must be showing proof that you are using your Mentor Text.

We will visit a variety of other writing prompts that will allow you to express yourself  as well. Take risks, share, and learn from one another.

Thank you to all of you who attended the Rudy Francisco assembly.  I hope it inspires you to take your writing seriously and makes you want to let your voice be heard.  What you say (write)  matters.
You will be assigned a classroom computer this week.  We will also be signing up for Remind101.  Please keep in mind that we will be visiting the library very soon to check out independent reading selections - it is crucial that you find authors that you enjoy reading.  This will only make you a better writer.

Please see the previous posts for extra credit opportunities.

Poetry Club - Wednesday @ lunch. 
Glassless Minds Assembly THIS FRIDAY - 6th/7th period.
*** You MUST have a signed permission slip in order to attend.  You can get this from me on TUESDAY.  It MUST be given to me no later than WEDNESDAY afternoon at 2:30 to guarantee yourself a spot.
*** There is a HUGE demand.  Do not lag. See the  bottom of this post for links to some of the poets from Glassless to familiar yourself.

* Writing Activity - Your Life In One Page
* WI #4 - Definitions/Explanations - Begin tackling WI#4 (Have your MT with you!)
* Author's Chair cont...

* Writing Prompts
* WI #4 - write/revise - rough draft/typed due Weds

* WRG - WI #4 - Have 5 copies available for your peers.  Make sure to follow all protocols.
* Failure to bring your work and/or participate properly will result in a ZERO for the day

* Writing Activity - TBD
* Glassless Preview

* Author's Chair (additional participation points for sharing WI#4 specifically)
* Glassless Preview

Here is to a good week.  I will be available after school on Monday and Wednesday if you need any assistance with your writing assignments.  If you need to use a computer or print - this would be the best time to take advantage of our classroom resources.

You will also get back your WI #1,2,3 that you chose to submit.  However, please note that if your piece WAS NOT publish worthy - you will not be receiving ANY credit...with the hopes that you put forth the required efforts being asked of you in our class for all future pieces.  Please respect the high quality of our writing community - do your best always.  This means taking the proper means to come to class, write, revise, edit, work with your WRG, and make your work presentable at the very least.

* Use the above link - view poets: Sherwin, Rolland, Hurd, Joe....

Write On.


Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week #3 - Writing Your Publishable Piece!

Hello Seniors!

Here we are - week #3.  You will get to submit a piece of your writing that you want officially graded.  You have been getting credit for your work and participation thus far....but this assessment is your choice.  Please take advantage of the time and opportunity to do your best work.  Commit to being genuine!

Please see the previous posts for extra credit opportunities.

Poetry Club - Wednesday @ lunch.  Tryouts for opening spots for Rudy Francisco

Rudy Francisco Assembly THIS FRIDAY - 6th/7th period.
*** You MUST have a signed permission slip in order to attend.  You can get this from me on TUESDAY.  It MUST be given to me no later than WEDNESDAY afternoon at 2:30 to guarantee yourself a spot.
*** There is a HUGE demand.  Do not lag. See the  bottom of this post for links to some of Rudy's most well know spoken word pieces.
*** Rudy will have a limited amount of copies of his book for sale.  They are $10.  If time permits he may be available for a quick meet and greet.  You might be able to get yours signed!

Our first Author's Chair was a HUGE success.  Thank you to each class for bringing something truly unique to our writing community - and thanks to all who chose to participate!  I look forward to this Friday when we will do it all again.  However, we will talk a little bit about language choices that honor our environment and listeners - all which well help us to be better artists and writers.

The following is our tentative plan for the week.  Please be sure to attend class and keep track of your writing and assignments.

* In Class Writing Activity - "Starting From Solitude"
You will complete this in your Notebook.  Have fun and take risks!

* Guest - Mr. Martinez (Gear Up) will be coming to speak with us.  He will present important information about your Senior year and any specific concerns you may have.

* Writing Response Groups - Bring in copies of a piece of writing that you are editing and revising.  You are working on wither Writing Invite #1, #2, or #3.  Please have specific questions and/or concerns ready to discuss/  Make sure to have at least FIVE copies with excuses.  Have the WRG handouts and protocols as well as the Nonfiction rubric.
* Remember WRG's are what YOU make of them.  Come prepared and ready to help yourself and your classmates

* Quick Write - Various prompts to choose from
* Rudy Francisco poems and discussion
* Writing/Revising Time - publishable piece due Friday.  

* Publishable Piece due (NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED)
* Be sure to authentically assess (grade) your own work.
   Your rubric must be attached to your writing.
* Partner assessment activity
* Author's Chair - participation points available

Write On! If you have any questions or concerns.  Please be sure to talk with myself or Mr. Turner.


LINKS to Rudy Francisco poems:

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Week #2 - Open Letters, Ultimate Guides, Writing Response Groups, and Mumford...Oh My!

Hello Writers!

I hope this update finds you well and settling into the new school year and our class.  By now, you are aware of the expectations and rigor that is expected of you.  Hopefully you are in full celebration of the freedoms you are being given as young adults and writers.  I hope to see you take full advantage of your writing and revising opportunities.

Extra Credit Opportunities - this will be added to your participation grade:
* Poetry Club - Wednesday's at Lunch.  Attend/Share/Be Supportive
* Boxes of Tissues 
* Hand Sanitizer
* Do you have an article/mentor text that you believe would be of value for use to read and emulate - if so bring it in and let's see if we can use it!
* Chocolate Chip Cookies

Upcoming Events:
* Rudy Francisco (Nationally known spoken word poet) Assembly - Friday 9/20, Per. 6, 7
* Poetry Assembly - Friday 9/27, Time TBD - Featuring members of the San Diego National
Spoken Word Team

Here is the tentative schedule for the week. Please note that all Mentor Texts are handouts.  If you are absent you will need to get a copy - read and annotate.

*  Freewrite- 10 minutes (Use your Writers NB Guide)
*  Revisit the Kanye piece.  What do you notice about tone, style, structure that you can emulate in your own writing?
* Writing Time - WI #2 - "An Open Letter" - typed draft due Tues. 

* WI #2 draft due - work check. Share. Plans to Revise, Rewrite
* Mentor Text - "The Ultimate Guide To Writing Better Than You Normally Do"
* WI #3 - "The Ultimate Guide To....." - typed draft due Friday

* Freekwrite - 10 minutes (Use your Writers NB Guide)
* Writing Response Groups (Have WRG handouts w/you)
* We will model protocol and expectation
* Writing/Revising Time

* Mentor Text: "The Worst Things Of All Time"
* WI #4 - "Don't Let ______ Trick You...." - typed draft due Weds 9/18 (work check)
* Writing Time

* Author's Chair - Share your writing - WI#1-WI#4, Poetry, Songs (Participation)
* Work Check - WI#3, Revisions WI#1,2,4
* Writing/Revising Time

Please stay up to date on all of your Writing Invites.  You should experiment and play and have some fun.  These are not your typical articles or writing opportunities - so I expect to see creativity and individual voice.  Be proud of your ideas - make them come to fruition.

You will be sumbitting a typed final copy of ONE of your writing invites for your first assessment (grade) on Friday 9/20.  Be sure to turn in your best work.  Own it.
