Sunday, February 24, 2013

Week #5 - Presentations, CAHSEE Prep, FF/WRG

      Hello Sophomores!

Thanks very much for checking the blog.  Many of you have done a fantastic job with your class presentations.  Your efforts and hard work are sincerely noted.  We will finish the rest of our speeches and debates this week. Please be ready to present!   If you are not ready, like some have displayed so far, it will affect your grade. See previous posts for additional information or speak with a classmate.  Have your speech (MLA formatted), Work Cited, index cards, and rubric ready to turn in when presenting. 

The CAHSEE is upon us.  You will take the test on March 12th and 13th.  We will be discussing strategies and methods during the next TWO weeks to help you perform your very best on this state mandated exam.  

The FF/WRG is becoming a huge weekly success.  Please continue to push yourselves creatively and encourage your group mates to explore, edit, change, and write!  Keep it real, genuine, and authentic!

Independent Reading is back on!  Bring a selection that is of interest.  There are no excuses.  You will need your book with you on Wednesday.  Easy points.  Come and speak with me on Monday or Tuesday if you need help selecting a book.

       I must say that 3rd Period had an unbelievable few days last week!  Speeches and debates were all quality - and participation, support, focus, and attentiveness were present daily.  FF/WRG were super encouraging and fun.  Thank you and please continue to know that YOU as a collective unified community make it this way. I invite all class periods to follow suit; as it makes our time together useful, soulful, purposeful, fun, and worthwhile.

Tutoring/Office Hours - Tuesdays after school
Are you concerned about grades, missing assignments, etc?  Do you want assistance in preparing for the CAHSEE?  Do you need to use the computers or print an assignment? Please make sure to come and get the help you need.  Your last minute concerns, cannot be my concerns.  I am closing six week grades on Monday 3/4.  Advocate for yourself.

Extra Credit Opportunities:
* Poetry Club on Wednesdays at Lunch
* Author Chair participation - FF/WRG
* Reams of paper
* Boxes of Tissues
* Hand Sanitizer
* Additional independent reading - come and speak with me if this interests you...or maybe you are doing it already and can earn some points for your diligence. 

* We will finish speeches/debates.  We will continue to assess and score our classmates using the rubric.  We can learn as much from watching our peers, as we do from presenting our very own speeches.  Please continue to give constructive commentary and feedback.  This is part of your weekly participation  grade.

* Independent Reading Selection - your book must be present in class.  You must finish your selection by Friday 3/29.  Assignments will be just like last time...either a typed critique or a mind map.  Alternative assignments must be discussed with me.
* CAHSEE Practice Test - 50 Questions.  Do your best because your score will determine how much or how little you will be expected to participate in classroom CAHSEE lecture. The better you do - the more independently you will work.

* CAHSEE Practice Test - scores and discussion of answers, reasons, explanations.

* FF/WRG - Come prepared with copies, questions.  Be willing and ready to talk, discuss, offer feedback, and participate!
* Due on Monday 3/4.  You will turn in up to TWO (ONE minimum) FF/WRG selection(s) of your choice.  You must include your first draft and a revised draft.   You will include a brief reflection/explanation indicating your ambitions with the piece.  You may include any other information you want your reader to know.  This will count towards your six-week grade.

"Not everyone has these opportunities, so we should take advantage of them..." 3rd period student

Be Good.  Be Wise.  Be Well.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Week #4 - Presentations!

Hello Sophomores,

Yes...this long weekend was needed by all.  I hope you got time to relax with friends and family.

This is your week to show everything you have learned in our Argument Unit.  We read speeches, we viewed speakers, we wrote analysis, we studied methods, and we discussed appeals.  We paid close to attention to language, diction, and mood.  Now it is your turn!  Please review the rubric you received for your presentation.  Know the standards and what is expected in order to received a quality grade for your work.  You must bring your best in order be assessed a such.  Please know this and represent yourself accordingly.

Please note that your behavior and attentiveness during others presentations will affect you - be on point please.  This means listen and be respectful. 

Here is the schedule for the week.  Please note due dates. If you are not ready...this will not be acceptable.  You will not get credit for the assignment.  The schedule for presentations will be posted in class on Tuesday.  See below for Debate presentation format.

* Work Day.  This is your last class session to use the computers/print, to tie up research, practice, finish your index cards, plan, etc...please use your time well.  Your efforts (just like last week) will contribute to your participation grade for the week. Make smart decision about how you effectively use your time.

* Speeches and Debates
* Have your rubric with you so that you can assess yourself immediately after presenting.

* Figment Friday
* We will take a break from our presentations for some much needed WRG time.
*  Please be ready with your creative piece.  You must have copies for your WRG.  Please come with specific questions.  Make sure to participate in order to receive full credit.

* We will resume with Speeches/Debates on Monday 2/25.
* Grades are being updated as always.  If you have specific questions - make sure to visit with me during Tutoring/Office Hours - Tuesdays after school.
* Have you cleared your folder and taken your Semester One work?  Please do so immediately.
* You will be assigned your next independent reading selection in early March.  If you are currently reading and would like to receive some credit for doing so - then speak with me this week.
* EC offer is still out there for tissues and hand sanitizer.
* CAHSEE dates are 3/12 and 3/13.  We will be doing some prep work in class beginning the week of 2/25. 

Debate Format - Each side gets 6 minutes.Partner 1 - P1, Partner 2 - P2.  The argument goes back and forth.  You cannot interrupt someone while they are talking.  Your debate must be written out as a speech...intro, claim, cc, rebuttals, conclusion.  You will be told which side you are arguing on the day of your debate.  Be ready for either side. 

FOR                                                       AGAINST
Intro - P1 (1 min)                                  Intro - P1 (1min)
Claim  - P2 (2 min)                               Counterclaim - P2 (2min)
Rebuttal - P1 (2 min)                            Rebuttal - P1 (2 min)
Conclusion - P2 (1 min)                       Conclusion - P2 (1 min)

Be good. Work hard. 


Sunday, February 10, 2013

Week #3 - Speeches/Debates Work Week

Hello Sophomores!

This is YOUR week.  You are writing your speeches/debates.  You are gathering all of your evidence to support your argument and claims.  You are making sure to include a variety of methods to appeal to your audience. You are expected to use your class time efficiently.  You are expected to put in the time at home to write, organize, and practice your presentation.  Use your rubric to guide you.  Expectations are high.  See the hints below.

Office Hours/Tutoring - Tuesday after class.  Come and get the assistance you need.
Poetry Club on Wednesdays - Attend and get some extra credit!
No school on Friday 2/15 and Monday 2/18
Speeches/Debates begin on Weds. 2/20
Next FF/WRG - Fri 2/22

* Author's Chair - celebration of FF/WRG from Friday
* Gallery Walk – Comment on any five pieces. Be inspired to read one of these titles based on your classmates efforts and connections
* Argument Speeches/Debates – writing and research.
·         Sources check on Wednesday (3-4 speech, 6-8 debate)
·         Independent Work - Research! Writing! Research! Writing.  

*  * Argument Speeches/Debates – writing and research.

·         Sources check on Wednesday (3-4 speech, 6-8 debate)
·         Independent Work - Research! Writing! Research! Writing.  
-     Make sure you are following MLA format.  You will turn in your written speech with works cited, as well as your index cards on the day of your presentation. 

Helpful Hints:
a) How is your intro?  Argument, purpose, and intent – are they present?
            b) Claims/Counterclaims/Rebuttals
c) How are you convincing your audience to want to listen to you?
            d) What methods are you using?  Is this speech/debate is exactly what you want it to be!
            e) Use the rubric to guide you

Be good.  Work Hard.


PS - Apologies for the spacing issues!  Not sure what happened!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Week #2 - Speech/Debate Prep

Hello Sophomores,

Thank you for being responsible and checking the blog.  This is your week to begin your research and to start organizing your ideas - along with specific methods we have studied.  You will really want to be prepared - so take advantage of all resources you are being given so that your final result is a presentation that makes you proud. 

Tutoring/Office Hours will be on Tuesday.  Please come see me if you have any concerns. Some of you are still not approved for your debate/speech topic - you are unable to move forward.  You MAY NOT change your topic once it has been approved.

Extra Credit - tissues/hand sanitizer.  See blog post titled Week #1

HW this week: 
* Read your independent selection.  Your completion and your project (critique or mindmap) is due on Monday 2/11
* Continued research/preparation/brainstorming for your Argument - we begin our speeches on Wednesday 2/20
* Figment Friday - Have your next piece ready, typed, w/multiple copies, and Q's for feedback - due Friday.

* Debate/Speech Rubric
* Use the rubric to access an online speech - TED Talks - Adora Svitak
* EC - Analysis for Adora's speech
* Clinton Analysis - student examples.  Redo opportunity
* View scene from "The Great Debaters" - notes/discussion

* Resources and Websites for authentic research
* Clinton Redo due
* EC due - Adora's speech

* Guest poet and spoken word performer Sarah Knapp will visit our classroom.  She will inspire you and hopefully get you writing!  Whatever you produce - you can use for your Figment Friday piece...should you choose to do so.  This will be a great not miss it!

* In class research.  Work independently as you seek out information, evidence, support that will be most influential in supporting your argument. 

* Figment Friday - Writing Response Groups.  Be prepared to share you work, get advice, offer advice, and genuinely interact with your peers.  You must have all your work and must be present to achieve full credit for this weekly opportunity.

Please bring your best each day.  There is no time to waste with inauthentic efforts and excuses.  I believe in you as writers, students, and people. 

Be good.
