Sunday, January 26, 2014

Semester II - Week I - The Things They Carried

Hello Seniors.

Thank you for checking the blog.  I am anticipating an excellent second semester as you approach your graduation from Point Loma High School.

Office Hours this week will on Wednesday at 2:15
Please come by if you have any questions or concerns.
Advocate for yourself. 

Extra Credit - Poetry Club @ lunch on Weds.
Lyrical Exchange attendance on Tuesday nights @ 8:30 pm @ Queen Bee's in N.Park
Attendance on 2/8 for Poets Meet Poets II - this event is from 10 am - 1pm

*** All the work we are doing over the course of the next two weeks will result with Socratic Discussions on Weds.2/5 and Thurs 2/6.   You will want to take notes, participate in discussion, and use all of our texts and resources as evidence. We will be reading selections from Tim O'Brien's "The Things They Carried".  There are copies of this book in the library.

Here is our tentative schedule:

* "The Things They Carried" - anticipatory guide/questions
* "Goodnight Saigon" - lyrical them annotation

* Read "Speaking of Courage" - an outtake from "TTHC"
* Notes/Discussion

*  SWT
* Tim O' Brien video clip
* Finish "SOC" and begin "Notes"

* Video Clip- "Platoon"
* Revisit texts - "Speaking of Courage" and "Notes" for content and author style

* Continued discussion "SOC" and "Notes" - What can we learn as writers?
* Author's Chair/Inspirational Text

You will need to be in class daily to do these assignments.  Your attendance will be part of your participation grade this semester.  Whether excused or not - you must be IN the class to get credit for the class.


Monday, January 13, 2014

Semester One Portfolio Requirements - Due on Weds. 1/22 (Per. 1,2), and on Thurs. (Per.3)

Hello Seniors!

Here are the guidelines for your Semester Portfolio...your Final.
The total for this project is 200 points and will count for a large portion of your semester grade.

Besides just having the writing and assignments - you are being graded for content, keeping it error free, revision, and your overall presentation and product. Remember this is supposed to represent you as a student, an individual, and most importantly as a writer who is making strides and improving their craft. Make sure it looks good and reads well. You are in charge of the order of you assignments and the way you want it to read.

Please take the time to edit/proofread and include the very best work you have. Anything less will be marked down and it will affect your overall score. Also - be aware that your classmates will have the opportunity to see your portfolio and will be assisting me in assessing you score...if your classmates think that it lacks effort...well then it most certainly does and you will have to deal with the consequences.

Step #1:  Meet the requirements - see the suggested Table of Contents - listed below.  See Step #4 for specifics regarding your intro/letter.

Step #2: Gather the writing that you have done this semester - with specific attention to the suggested table of contents. You should bring work that you have revised in your WRG's and Slam Teams.

Step#3:  Edit/Revise/ Organize your work so it becomes an experience for the writer.  Use WRG time to get assistance from your classmates.  This should be an adventure through your first semester of Writers Workshop.

Step #4:  Type up the reflective letter.  For this, you are writing a letter to your reader and the subject of your letter is your writing.  This will also serve as an introduction to your portfolio.  Your purpose is  to guide the reader in reading your portfolio and to answer any questions that they may have about your writing, your style, and your specific choices.  This letter must be 1-2 pages in length - with substance and thought.

Here are some questions for you to respond to in your letter:
* What is your writing portfolio about?  What is important to you about these pieces?
* In what ways do these writings represent your accomplishments?  In what ways did you stretch yourself in writing these pieces?
* What should the reader notice in your writing?
* How has each piece of writing evolved since starting it?  Describe your revision process.
* What does your writing reveal about the challenges that you face as a writer?  Where are you still struck or struggling?
* What have you liked/disliked about Writing Response Groups?
* Do you feel your writing has improved this semester?

Remember that good writers anticipate and respond to their reader's questions. What else do you think your reader needs to know (or wants to know) about your writing pieces.  I look forward to reading this.

Your portfolio MUST be a minimum of 20 pages.  You must include the following - this is NOT part of your page count.
* Title Page 
* Table of Contents w/Page numbers
* Introduction letter - see Step #4. 
* Dedication/In Memory page
* About the Author (written in 3rd person)

Your Suggested Table of Contents: (This is all work that we have completed)
* WI #1-3
* WI # 4-6
* Personal Statement
* Klosterman piece (expriement with time)
* Inspirational Text
* Vilanelle
* Sestina
* Free Choice poem
* Quote poem
* Individual/Group pieces from Slam
* Sacred Writing Time prompts
* Free choice - poems/stories never turned in
* Selections from your Top 13 of 2013

* You may include artwork, photos, collages, etc...please note that this will not count towards your page count.  This is strictly for you to really make this portfolio unique to you.
* Font and font size should be high school appropriate.  Make smart choices.

There will be workshops after school on Wednesday 1/15 and also on Tuesday 1/21 for anyone who needs assistance or needs to print.  There will be no late work accepted.

Write On.


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Week #16 - Welcome Back! Hello (class of) 2014!

Hello Seniors!

Welcome to your graduation year!  I am very excited for you and for us to continue exploring new territories with our writing.  This is a reflective and pivotal time in your lives.  Embrace our activities, assignments, discussions, and time together.  It is all about YOU!

Our semester ends in just a few weeks.  We will be using our time to read a few selections merely to note what stylistic choices we are seeing authors use - we are MUCH more in tune with this since we have been learning and trying lots of techniques ourselves.  We will also read for multiple purposes - not just style, but choice, decision, and content.  Pay attention - you just might learn something!

New this week will also be our "Letter to Self Activity" - this was covered in class on Tues. 1/7.  You will have a draft (partial) with you for our first WRG of the year...this Friday.  You must have a workable draft in order to receive credit. No work - no credit.  The final copy is due on the day of your Final. Be honest and put in some sincere the end of the day - this assignment is FOR YOU.

Extra Credit Opportunities
* Lyrical Exchange - 8:30 on Tues nights at Queen Bees in N. Park.  Perform a poem at LE - watch your grade sore - this is the ultimate proof of confidence and growth and voice as a writer!
* Poetry Club on Wednesdays - attend, share, perform

Office Hours are on Wednesday 1/8 - after school. There are lots of F's and D's in our class..I am concerned...are you?  If you have Portfolio questions...please come by.

* Sacred Writing Time
* George Carlin - "Something to Ponder" - read and annotate
* Analysis/Reflection
* Socratic Seminar (20 points)

Wednesday/Thursday - Please note classes will be taught by Mr. Turner periods 1,2,3
* "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty" - short story
* We will continue to read for multiple purposes - style, choice, content, connections - you must be in class to participate in the activities and discussions. 

Friday - we will skip Authors Chair and Inspirational Texts ( we will resume these next week)
* WRG - you must be present in order to get credit
* LTS draft due - workcheck
* Portfolio discussions/share/edit/revise

Please remember to have the FAFSA worksheet/info ready to go for our day with Gear Up this upcoming Monday. No matter what you are choosing to do once you graduate - this is a great opportunity to get your paperwork in order so you can get some financial assistance for the future!

Portfolio contents will be available VERY soon - there will be a new blog entry with specific assignments - essentially your Table of Contents.  In the meantime - begin gathering your best writing and work from the semester.  Start thinking about how you will arrange your pieces so it really indicates your sincere growth, understanding, and maturity as a writer.  You will want to have evidence of style and choice that is unique to YOU!.

All the best in 2014.  Work hard. Play hard. Write On!
