Friday, October 30, 2015

Author's Chair - Halloween Celebration!

Hello Seniors!

1) Check this - Memoir Drafting w/notes, highlights, underlining of specific choice!
* Full Credit, Partial, None - Check on Monday. Draft on!
* We will discuss Fathers and Daughters on Monday.  Please read and have annotations and notes.

2) WW Cipher - Halloween Edition
3) Potluck
4) Author's Chair

Have a fun and safe weekend! See you Monday!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Writing/Reading Day

Hello Seniors!

Choose a prompt below and respond.  Write.  Give yourself a lot to work with...

Write!  One-Two Pages, Multiple Paragraphs, Using FIVE stylistic elements from Bread, Fishcheeks, and/or Fathers.... Underline, highlight, note - exactly what you are doing and your purpose for doing so.  Share some of this tomorrow!

Read/Annotate/Take Notes - Fathers and Daughters

Halloween Fun - Dress up, Potluck sign up
Authors Chair TMRW
Work Check - Memoir writing in progress
Poetry Club

1.Write about a personal quality, talent, trait, experience that is important to you.

2. What makes you proud to be the person you are today - is there one specific memory, incident, story, a certain day, person, or experience that stands out to you? Tell this narrative.

3What do you want to study?  Discuss how your interest in the subject has developed and the experience you bring to the field?

4.Write about a time when you may have been embarrassed of by your family - but overtime you have come to see that this is all part of your story? Go there!

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Imitiating Memoir Style - Fish Cheeks

Hello Seniors!

Choose a prompt below and respond.  Write.  Give yourself a lot to work with...

Good day to you! We will continue with memoir and personal statement today!

Here are some of the stylistic strategies we discussed when reading Bread:  structure of the narrative, the theme web for connotations and ideas, greed vs. love, dialogue, using names, etc...
Fish Cheeks. Take some time to timitate this style with your own potential story.

Poetry Club Today at Lunch
Library Tutoring TODAY after school - College Help as well!

1.Write about a personal quality, talent, trait, experience that is important to you.

2. What makes you proud to be the person you are today - is there one specific memory, incident, story, a certain day, person, or experience that stands out to you? Tell this narrative.

3What do you want to study?  Discuss how your interest in the subject has developed and the experience you bring to the field?

4.Write about a time when you may have been embarrassed of by your family - but overtime you have come to see that this is all part of your story? Go there!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Memoir - Fish Cheeks - Style and Strategy

Hello Seniors!

Choose a prompt below and respond.  Write.  Give yourself a lot to work with...

Good day to you! We will continue with memoir and personal statement today!

Here are some of the stylistic strategies we discussed when reading Bread:  structure of the narrative, the theme web for connotations and ideas, greed vs. love, dialogue, using names, etc...

Today we will work with Fish Cheeks. Please take notes for similar style and strategy.
Then - take some time to try and imitate this style with your own potential story.

Lyrical Exchange TONIGHT
Poetry Club TMRW

1.Write about a personal quality, talent, trait, experience that is important to you.

2. What makes you proud to be the person you are today - is there one specific memory, incident, story, a certain day, person, or experience that stands out to you? Tell this narrative.

3What do you want to study?  Discuss how your interest in the subject has developed and the experience you bring to the field?

4.Write about a time when you may have been embarrassed of by your family - but overtime you have come to see that this is all part of your story? Go there!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Monday 10/26

Hello Seniors!

Write for a few - see prompts below.

Good day to you! We will continue with memoir and personal statement this week.

For now you should be trying out some of the stylistic strategies we discussed when reading "Bread". We will now use "Fish Cheeks" to try on another way to tell our story.  Please be sure to read and annotate and be ready to discuss on Tuesday.

* Write about a personal quality, talent, trait, experience that is important to you.  What makes you proud and how does it relate to the person you are?
* What do you want to study?  Discuss how your interest in the subject has developed and the experience you bring to the field?
* Write about a time you where embarassed of your family

Today we need to complete this survey.  It may take all period.  If you finish early - read "F. Cheeks"

Go to this website.  Use a class computer or your phone.  You must complete the entire survery for it to count.  Please do the best you can.  Work silently and independently.


Thursday, October 22, 2015

Authors Chair/Mitty Drafts Due

Hello Seniors!

1. Prompt - Use one of your Theme Web ideas to imitate a possible opening paragraph (or any paragraph) that mimics the memoir "Bread"
2. Student Survey - Mandatory
3. WW Cipher
4. Authors Chair - Enter/Exit Exercise, Poems, Songs, Mitty, Prompts....
5. Mitty Drafts Due - No Excuses.

* Read/Annotate memoir - "Fish Cheeks" by Amy Tan
* Have Fun! Be Safe!

* Poetry Club - Wednesdays at lunch
* Lyrical Exchange - Tuesday at Queen Bees
* College Trip?  Write Up? 

Memoir/Theme - "Bread"

Hello Seniors!

1. "Bread " - Alicia Partnoy
* Connection between bread and the author  - allows for explanation and importance of story
* Read the memoir for style and purpose - discussion
* Take notes, annotate

2. Your own theme - Activity
* Try this TWO more times with another idea/theme/story

* Mitty - Final Drafts with annotations/notes due on TMRW.  Typed and Pretty!  No Late Work!
* Theme and Connections for memoir/personal statement
* Author's Chair - TMRW

* Poetry Club - Wednesdays at lunch
* Lyrical Exchange - Tuesday at Queen Bees
* College Trip?  Write Up? 

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Writing Response Groups (WRG) - Mitty

Hello Seniors!
1) Await your WRG
* Review Protocol
* Please honor and respect each writer and the writing/revision process
* Make notes/take notes/Bless, Address, Press

* Finish reading/annotating "Bread" - be ready for discussion on Thursday! How does this text serve as a mentor text - what can you try on for style and delivery?
* Mitty - Final Drafts with annotations/notes due on Friday.  Typed and Pretty!  No Late Work!

* Poetry Club 2015/2016 - Meeting TODAY at lunch?
* Are you interested?  Let's go!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Finishing Mitty Stories/WRG/Personal Statements

Hello Seniors!

1) Prompt Below
2) "Bread" - Read and Annotate

* Write about something you can't deny...
* Write about a time when you felt compassion unexpectedly....
* Describe the world you come from (family, community, school) - how has your world shaped your dreams and aspirations.  The goal is to write about ONE event that captures the essence of you.

 Mitty Draft due tomorrow w/five copies.
Bring yours highlighted and with notes and questions
WRG tomorrow

* Lyrical Exchange TONIGHT 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Author' Chair

Hello Dreamers!

1. Mitty Draft - typed/with highlights/notes - work check
2. WW Cipher - Find your Golden Line
3. Author's Chair - Perks Poems, Mitty Drafts, Whatever!

Work on edits/changes for your story - Draft due Wednesday w/copies
Final Draft will be due Thurs or Friday - TBD

* Six week grades close today.
If you are concerned with your grade/progress please be sure to make a time to meet with me. 
We will work together to help you to improve.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Mitty - Day 4 - Writing Day

Hello Dreamers!

1. Finish reading and annotating for style - TSLWM - discussion - Conclusion
* Take Notes
* What is your THEME

3. Writing Time Today! Continue to draft your story.  Have a working copy (typed) for Friday
* We will be working in Writing Response Groups next week - Final Draft due next week
* Mark your copy with highlights of purposeful stylistic elements you "borrowed' from Thurber!
* Have questions about your story? Be ready to help others make their stories truly Mitty!

* See student examples

Draft - Your Mitty story - Draft, typed, due TMRW
 Author's Chair - Perks Poems, Mitty Drafts, Etc...

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Walter Mitty - Day 3

Hello Dreamers!

1. See prompt below

2. Finish reading and annotating for style - TSLWM - discussion

3. Writing Time Thursday! Continue to draft your story.  Have a working copy (typed) for Friday
* We will be working in Writing Response Groups next week - please bring TWO copies.
* Mark your copy with highlights of purposeful stylistic elements you "borrowed' from Thurber!
* Have questions about your story? Be ready to help others make their stories truly Mitty!

* See student examples

Draft - Your Mitty story - Draft, typed, two copies due Friday!
Author's Chair - Perks Poems, Mitty Drafts, Etc...

What are THREE of your best chracterists and why?
What are THREE of your biggest personality flaws and why?
* Use this free write to maybe draw on differences between your character in dream V. reality

Monday, October 12, 2015

Walter Mitty - Day Two

Hello Dreamers!

1. Respond to prompt

2. Finish reading and annotating for style - TSLWM - discussion

3.  Your turn!  The Secret Life of _________  _________
* See student examples

Draft - Your Mitty Story! Begin your very own "Secret Life of...."Dream, Reality, Dream, Reality
* Continue to use Thurber as a mentor text - elements/form/style
* Highlight and make notes of your purposeful stylistic choices n your typed draft - be ready to share.

Write a possible opening dream sequence of your own story! Use at least FIVE stylistic elements in your piece that imitate Thurber.  Examples - Opening w/dialogue, onomatopoeia, repetition, action/exciting tone, punctuation, ellipsis, etc...

Walter Mitty Week

Hello Dreamers!

Here we are - week six!  Let's dream a little! This week we write and we revise!

1. Perks Poem due!

2. Respond to the prompts - see below

3. Video Clips - "Walter Mitty"

4. Read - "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty"
* Annotate for stylistic elements, be ready to discuss Tuesday"

Finish reading and annotating

* Last nights dream?
* Repeated dreams?
* Scary dreams?
* What did you dream to do? Three big adventures?
* Dream job?
* Dream travel?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Author's Chair and the WW Cipher

Hello Writers!

Happy Friday!  I am glad you are enjoying the film.  We will continue with it next week.

1. Authors Chair/Share - raise your participation game!
2. WW Cipher- find your magic line(s)
* 2 - D'Anna
* 6 - ?
* 7 - Karina

*Perks Poem Due Monday!  Typed!
*Homecoming This Weekend!
* Senior Quotes due Monday

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Perks....Film, Poem, Etc...

Hello Writers!

We did it. We now know the Perks of Being in Writers Workshop!

Happy Birthday Suhaily!

1. Film
2. Perks Poem - Free Verse! Thematic! Have fun with this!
3. Journal Letters (should be at least Ten entries, Ten pages, w/Dear...and dates) Easy Points!
3. Authors Chair/Share Tomorrow!
4. WW Cipher Tmrw! Who wants to lead it?

*Open House Tonight!  Extra Credit if your folk(s) show up!
*Perks Poem Due Monday! 
*Homecoming This Weekend!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Socratic Seminar - Day One

Hello Writers!

1. Socratic Seminar - College Level Conversation w/text examples
* Chbosky Video
* Book - Post Its, Quotes, Page References, Ideas, Insights
* Questions 1-13
* Anticipatory Guide - These are all themes that are found in the novel

* Group #1 -  Listen for your name
* Group #2 - Weds.

1) Journal Check at the end of the week
2) Socratic Continues TMRW
3) Feedback forms due at the end of class on Wed
4) Author Chair on FRI

***LE TONIGHT at QB - $5 cover, 8 p.m
* Extra Credit - photo, One page write up, talk to the class.

Socratic Prep

Hello Writers!

1. Journal - See prompts Below

2. Questions - Work Check

3. Socratic Prep - Feedback Form, Expectations, College Level Conversation w/text examples
* Chbosky Video
* Book - Post Its, Quotes, Page References, Ideas, Insights
* Questions 1-13
* Anticipatory Guide - These are all themes that are found in the novel

Homework - Socratic Prep - This is a TEST grade.
* Group #1 - Tuesday
* Group #2 - Wednesday

* If this happens to be my last letter, I want you to know...
* Writing to you every day, I can now see....
* I want to thank you for being....
* When I first started these letters...
* It is because of you that....

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Authors Chair

Hello Wallflowers!

1. Perks - Reading Quiz
2. WW Cipher
3. Author's Chair/Share

*** Anticipatory Guide for Monday. 
* Perks - Short Answer Essays - typed, proofread - DUE MONDAY (no late work accepted)
*** Three Questions, Multiple Paragraphs
*** Additional Questions can be done for EC and/or for make-up/missed quizzes
* Prep for Socratic Seminar! Tuesday 10/6

October! Work Day - Read! Write!

Hello Wallflowers!

1. Journal Time
2. Discussion
3. Reading Time - Pages 170 - Ending
4. Socratic Prep - Q's in the back of the book.
* Select/Respond to ANY THREE short answer essays.
* Due on Monday 10/5.  Multiple paragraphs. Written or Typed. Proof for spelling/punctuation.
* Make sure to include specific text as evidence w/your insight, thoughts, and connections.
* Additional Q's can be done additional credit - talk with me.

* I wanted to tell you about us....
* All I can think about is the fact that...
* All I hope is...
* In the past few days, I have....
* When I was driving home....
* Today was different because...
* On the night before he/she left...
* As we entered the room...
* I want to than you for being....

* Perks - Pages 170 - End for TMRW. Quiz.
 ***Continue to use post-its and/or list specific pages/evidence that you love for stylistic purpose, strategies you could "steal" - not just what you MUST have purpose.
* Secure some additional credit - boxes of tissues, hand sanitizer, chocolate chip cookies  ; )
* Responses due Monday 10/5, Socratic will be on Tuesday 10/6.