Wednesday, October 31, 2018

"Something Wicked...." - Annotating and Discussing

Hello Writers!

Happy Halloween! Let's continue to use the Chuck Klosterman piece to engage in time signatures, storytelling, and experiments with dialogue, wordplay, and paragraph syntax.  There is so much to try out and play with - find the techniques and strategies that will help you write your best story.

1. SWT
2. "Something Wicked" - Annotate/Discuss/Brainstorm
3.  Writing Time

1. WRG - "Something Wicked" - Draft #1 due Monday.  Typed. 2 Pages.
2. Happy Reflection due on Tuesday. (Mon if you are absent Tues for polls)
3.  Are you 18?  Vote on Tuesday.  Show proof...get extra credit!

1.  For the first time in a long time...
2.  I find myself....
3.  Everything smells like....
4.  I try again...
5.  Why do you keep talking to me?

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Come On Get Happy! Mentor/Guest Writer

Hello Writers!

Today we are getting Happy.  We are fortunate to have Happy with us to talk songwriting, living life as a musician and writer, and where and how to be continiously inspired.  Take notes and ask questions.  Engage and have fun. 

1. SWT - Happy Themes
2.  Meet Happy!

1. WRG - "Something Wicked" - Draft #1 due Monday.  Typed. 2 Pages.
2. Happy Reflection due on Tuesday. (Mon if you are absent Tues for polls)
3.  Are you 18?  Vote on Tuesday.  Show proof...get extra credit!

1.  The Beatles...
2.  Open Mics....
3.  Costco...
4.  Happiness...
5.  Inspiration happens when....  

Monday, October 29, 2018

Something Wicked This Way Comes - Mentor Text

Hello Normals!

Today we venture to the happiest place on earth to find out if it is to be overcome with doom and gloom.  Enjoy the awesome mentor-ship that is Klosterman.  You will work with time signature, play with sentence and structure, and exchanges of dialogue so that you may make Chuck proud!

1. SWT
2. Meet the Goths
3. Read/Annotate/Discuss - "Something Wicked This Way Comes"
* Try it out.

1. WRG - "Something Wicked" - One Page, Two Tricks - Draft due on Thursday.  Typed w/copies.

1. Every Halloween...
2.  If you can't find a reason to....
3. My suspicion...
4.  The highlight of...
5.  One of the misconceptions about...

Friday, October 26, 2018

Authors Chair

Hello Writers!

It is're day!  Let's share and celebrate your work.

1. SWT - Video -
* Write a reaction or something that inspires you
2. Cipher
3.  Authors Chair

* Preview/Read/Annotate - "Something Wicked This Way Comes"

1. LE on Tuesday
2. Poetry Club on Wed
3. SD Slam on 11/12

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Writing/Editing Day

Hello Seniors!

Take some time today to produce your pieces.  Write, edit, revise, type - make the changes you need for your work to be concise and easily accessible.  Follow the mentor texts - borrow style - and be able to explain the purpose for your decisions - word choices, figurative language, line/stanza breaks, content, etc...

1.  SWT
2.  Writing/Editing Time
* Use Class Computers
3.  Perks - Film

1.  Final drafts for "Hands" and "Bicycle Tire" due TMRW
2.  Authors Chair - Be ready to share your work

1. Open Mics Tonight - Ask for info
2.  LE on Tuesdays
3.  Poetry Club on WED

1.  Halloween time...
2.  Fall/Autumn...
3.  Disneyland...
4. Spooky time...
5. Goth Kids...

WRG - Hands and/or Toothbrush Bicycle Tire

Hello Writers!

Today we get together with our fellow writers to listen, to share, edit, revise, praise, suggest, wish, discuss, laugh, plan, play, and talk.  You can do more - but those are some solid suggestions.  Follow WRG Protocol. You must be a participant in order to receive credit.

1.  Mark up your text with questions and annotations
2. WRG
* You must have participate, have both poems, copies, and annotated text to receive full credit
3. Perks film

1. Final Drafts for both poems "Hands" and "Toothbrush" for Friday
2. Authors Chair

1. Poetry Club TODAY at lunch
2. Open Mic TMRW - Snoice, Glass Minds - Ask for more info

Monday, October 22, 2018

Toothbrush to Bicycle Tire - Mentor Text

Hello Seniors!

Today we play with another piece.  We love personification - so here is your chance to borrow from the goodness that is Sarah Kay.  Let's take a look the mentor text - borrow ideas and easy sentence starters and lets see what you can produce with this fun piece.

1.  SWT
2.  Sarah Kay - Mentor Text
* Discussion/Annotations
* Writing Time
3.  Perks - Film

1.  Drafts due TMRW.  Bring one draft for WRG with copies and questions.
2.  Final drafts for both poems due on Friday
3.  Authors Chair on Friday

2.  Poetry Club TMRW

Prompts - Bring these items to life!
1.  Acoustic Guitar
2.  Tambourine
3.  Tennis Raquet
4.  Bocci Ball
5.  Dirty Dishes


Hello Seniors!

This week we return to creative form.  Continue to write and revise your prompts as needed - let me know if you need assistance.  For the assignments this week - you will borrow structure and syntax - but you will have a lot of space to tell your own story.  Take advantage of the opportunities to explore some truth this week. Remember to play and to challenge yourself.  Take risks with these pieces.

1.  SWT
2.  "Hands" -  Robert Skeele - Mentor Text Handout
* Discussion/Annotations
3. Perks

1. "Hands" - draft due on Wed. Final due on Friday
2. Naviance Counselor Visit Reflection - Extra Credit

1. LE Tmrw
2. Poetry Club - Wed

1.  Fists...
2.  Left handed...
3.  My hands...
4.  My grandma/grandpa's hands...
5.  Baby hands...

Friday, October 19, 2018

Authors Chair - Personal Statements

Hello Seniors!

Today we celebrate your work.  Share your personal statements.  Share other writing you are proud of as well.  As a community we applaud all writers for their efforts and we offer feedback and encouragement.  These short essays are very personal and it takes a lot to share your story.

1. SWT
2. Cipher
3. Authors Chair
4. Turn in your Personal Statement w/rough draft.
* Make sure to include word count and changes or techniques you purposefully chose to use.

* LE on TUES
* Poetry Club - WED

1.  Wildcats...
2.  Aztecs...
3.  Banana Slugs...
4.  Terriers...
5.  Pointers...

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Naviance - Counseling Visit

Hello Seniors!

Today we are joined by counseling to talk Naviance and all things associated with prepping for college applications, essay, transcripts, and letters of recommendation.  Pay attention.  This is all useful knowledge and deadlines are imminent. Make sure you are completing the proper documents and that you are aware of all resources to assist you in getting it done properly.

1. SWT
2. Counseling Visit
3. Writing/Editing Time - Essay due TMRW
4. Additional Resource - UC Davis Acceptance

1.  Final Draft of your Essay due.  Typed, word count, structured w/copy of your rough draft.
*** Be ready to share for Authors Chair.
*** You can still make changes to this document - but please submit as if a real document.

* LE on TUES
* Poetry Club - WED

1.  Wildcats...
2.  Aztecs...
3.  Banana Slugs
4. Terriers
5.  Tritons...

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

WRG - College Essays

Hello Seniors!

Today we work in out Writing Response Groups.  Use your time effectively and follow protocol.  This is a great opportunity to better your writing, get ideas, and assist others with their words.  Discuss all other prompts and ideas - use your time to edit, rewrite, and philosophically make your way through all of this college talk.

1. SWT
2. Review - Essay
3. John Mulaney - Video Clip
4. WRG - Work Check

1.  Final Essay due on FRIDAY.  Stapled to rough draft.  Must show/indicate changes.

1.  Poetry Club is TODAY

1.  Undeclared...
2.  I imagine dorm life...
3.  Freshman fifteen....
4.  I get to make my own schedule and....
5.  I will not oversleep...

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

College Prompts - Mentor Texts

Hello Seniors!

Today we look at some mentor texts - annotate and take not of structure, style, sentence length, word choice, etc...that you can emulate to be able to tell your own unique story.  Avoid cliches, sound original, and borrow as needed to demonstrate your voice and insight.

1. SWT
2. Mentor Texts - Notes and Discussion
3.  Pair/Share - Get ideas
4. Writing Time

1.  College Prompt draft typed w/copies and Q's for WRG Tmrw
* You must be present with your work and copies to get credit

1. LE Tonight
2. Poetry Club on WED

1.  Dear Freshman Me.... (high school)
2.  Dear Freshman Me... (college)
3.  Dear Senior Me (college)
4.  If I could avoid all these essays and just write this:
5.  This is how I would determine college readiness:

Monday, October 15, 2018

I Love College...Essay Prompts

Hello College Bound People!

This week we will spend some time working on college prompts.  There is a specific approach to this genre of writing and it involves being honest and willing to edit numerous times to get the desired result.  We will work with different strategies and mentor texts - but you will need to put in the time to make your response truly unique to you.  Let's do this.

1. SWT
2. College Prompts Handouts
3. Writing Time - Select ONE of the UC prompts. Select ONE of the Common Application Prompts. * Write One or Both as a POEM - Use any tools/mentor text we have tried to make your writing unique - figurative language, structure, rule of three, etc..
* Use class time to DRAFT a potential essay. 

1. College Essay Prompts - Print prompts and bring them to class
2. WRG - WEDS.  TWO(min) college prompts with copies/questions to workshop.

1.  LE on TUES
2. Poetry Club on WED

1.  I think I am going to love/hate college....
2.  I have never visited a college campus before, so...
3.  If college is like the movies...
4.  I'm taking a break from school...
5.  This one time, I visited my (friend/brother/sister/etc) at _______ College, and....

Friday, October 12, 2018

Authors Chair - Close of Grading Period

Hello Beautiful Writers

Today we celebrate you, your words, and your artistry.  Share writing that you are proud of - anything from Charlie Letters to Poem/Poet to other works from our time thus far together.  WE only celebrate the good!  Let's have some fun. 

1.  SWT
2. Cipher
3.  Authors Chair
4.  Charlie Letters Due

1. College Essay Prompts - Print prompts and bring them to class

1.  IWPS - Events Start Continue This Weekend!

1.  Everybody's got something to hide....
2.  Passenger Side...
3.  Circles Around the Sun...
4.  It's Friday....
5.  Sometimes I think that....

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Perks - Film

Hello Beautiful Wallflowers,

Anita D had to cancel - she qualified for the IPWS. So...Congrats to her.  Go check her out at the event she is hosting or in any of the bouts that she may feature.  We will watch the film today.

1.  SWT
2.  Perks Film

1. College Essay Prompts - Print prompts and bring them to class
2. Charlie Letters due on Friday

1.  IWPS - Events Start Continue Today

1.  True Sadness...
2.  Signs of light...
3.  You and I will meet again...
4.  When my time comes...
5.  Just beneath the surface...

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Socratic Seminar - Day Two

Hello Beautiful Wallflowers,

Let us continue with our Socratic today.  We really need to build momentum and use our won experiences to connect with the book.  Is this a reliable text?  Are these situations real?  Why do so many people feel close to Charlie after reading this?  Are we supposed to feel better upon completion of the text?  What was Chbosky trying to relate?  How does this compare to other coming of age stories - Dead Poets Society, The Breakfast Club, etc...

1.  SWT
2.  Socratic - Group Two
 * Book, Anticipatory Guide, Questions - Be prepared

1. College Essay Prompts - Print prompts and bring them to class
2. Anita D - Video Preview - What Q's will you have for Anita?
*** "Colors" -
3. Charlie Letters due on Friday

1.  Poetry Club Today
2. IWPS - Events Start TODAY - 3pm at QB

1.  The last time I ever saw him/her...
2.  Despite everything...
3.  I remember when...
4.  We were sitting at the dinner table...
5.  And I calmed down enough to be glad that....

Socratic Seminar - Perks

Hello Beautiful Wallflowers,

We get to spend the next two days discussing the text using evidence, your own insight, and your personal experiences and connections to the themes and ideas.  Socratic Seminars allow you to ask questions, answer questions, and engage with your peers in a genuine and authentic manner.  You must participate in order to get credit and your comments need to indicate your reading and understanding in way that entices others and invites classmates to feel included.  Do a good job.

1.  SWT
2.  Socratic - Group One
* Book, Anticipatory Guide, Questions - Be prepared

1. Socratic - Group 2
2. College Essay Prompts - Print prompts and bring them to class
3. Anita D - Video Preview - What Q's will you have for Anita?
*** "Colors" -
4. Charlie Letters due on Friday

1. LE Tonight
2. Poetry Club TMRW
3. IWPS - Events Start on Wednesday

1.  We promised...
2.  I never once thought...
3.  All I can think about is the fact that...
4.  All I hope is that ...
5.  When I lay down in bed at night....

Monday, October 8, 2018

Finishing Perks

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for being cool while I was out.  Today we will write and prep for our Socratic Seminars this week.  You will have the opportunity to discuss the text, the themes, and your take-aways from the novel.  We will then move on...

1. SWT
2.  Perks - Socratic Prep -
3.  Catch up - Flaco Reflection,  Missing Work - Due by Friday

1.  Perks Socratic - Tues/Weds - Anticipation Return and Writing
* Charlie Letters due Friday - Typed
2.  Late Work due Friday

1. LE Tuesday
2. IWPS - Starts Wed
3.  Poetry Club - Wed


1.  If this happens to be my final letter...
2.  Tomorrow...
3.  I want to thank you for being...
4.  I'm sorry, but I have to stop this letter now...
5.  I'm fine....