Sunday, December 15, 2013

Week #15 - Spoken Word Slam Semi-Finals and Finals! Top 13 of 2013....and Break!

Happy Holidays Writers and Poets!

I hope this update finds you well and thinking reflectively and creatively.  What an amazing week of poems, words, statements, observations, skills, techniques, group creativity, and effort!  I think we were all truly impressed by the quality and vulnerability that our classmates and fellow writers were willing to share.  I am eagerly anticipating some fantastic pieces as we finish up this session of Spoken Word/Poetry.  I look forward to where this momentum will take us as we head into 2014 and our remaining time together in Writers Workshop.

You are expected to be writing individually and independently.  Take advantage of opportunities to advocate for yourself. Your last minute concerns will not be mine.  If you are worried about your efforts, grade, missing assignments, etc....THIS is the week to be seen and heard.

Office Hours - M/W - 2:15 - 3:30
* Wednesday will be an information session for extra credit and making up assignments.  You must be present in order to take advantage of this opportunity.
Poetry Club - W/F @ lunch

* Typed poems/reflection DUE
* Poetry Slam Semi-Finals - each team will present TWO of their THREE poems.  Plan well so that you can earn the scores you want.  Remember the point is the poetry.  Learn from what worked/didn't work in Round One. 

* TBD (To Be Determined)
* Class time will be given to write/edit/proofread your Top 13 of 2013

* Conclusion of Semi Finals - Spoken Word Slam.  Each team will present their THIRD piece for evaluation.  The TWO teams with the top combined scores will move on to the Finals.
* Class time to finalize your Top 13 of 2013

* Top 13 of 2013 DUE.  Not late work will be accepted.  Your work must be error free and publishable.  If it is not easy to read and presentable it will NOT be graded.  Make wise choices.
* Spoken Word Slam Finals!  Remember that the winning team (with work completion) will get an A for their efforts and dedication with our unit!

* Authors Chair/Inspirational Texts/Top 13 of 2013
* You will be allowed to take your Manilla Folder home over the break  w/all of your turned in work thus far from the semester.  You can revise assignments, make up missing assignment, etc....
* Your attendance (unless you inform me much earlier in the week) will count as a participation grade for today! Please be present.  It is better when you are here.
* Let's celebrate our writing community, the end of a great year, and the beginning of 2014!

It is truly a privilege to be your teacher and mentor and fellow writer.  Continue to expect the best from yourself and one another.  The new year will bring forth plenty of new creative writing assignments to explore individually and together.  Take advantage of these authentic opportunities to navigate new perspectives and to take genuine cosmic risks.  Remember that good writing is the willingness to play, have fun, and experiment; though the focus should always be on revising, improving and expanding. 

Work hard, play hard!  Write on!


Sunday, December 8, 2013

Week #14 - Writing Response Groups and Spoken Word Slam: Round One !

Hello Poets!

Thank you for checking the blog.  The next two weeks are rather straightforward.  Your attendance, participation, WRG's, writing, and Slam performance are essential to your success.  Please make sure that you are advocating for yourself and working to the best of your abilities.  This is the ONLY way you can ensure an ABOVE AVERAGE grade in our class and workshop.  Demonstrate persistence and effort and you will do just fine.  I believe in you.

Thank you to those who came out to the Poets Meet Poets event at PLHS this past Saturday.  We had a turn-out of 25 enthusiastic writers.  We had amazing guests.  Rudy Francisco stopped by to perform and to offer advice and support.  It was a great day and we are planning a similar activity in February.You should attend if you can!

Office Hours - After school or by appointment. Speak up now.
Poetry Club - Wednesday after school.

* Sacred Writing Time
* WRG - Slam Teams. Write, Revise, Plan, Prep, Practice, Strategize...
* You will be graded for your efforts and teamwork. Demonstrate the ability to work towards success.

* Spoken Word Slam - Round One - All NINE teams will perform.  Be ready to present your work.
Each team will turn in typed copies of their individual poems and their group to be determined.  With the group piece, make sure to highlight/indicate the lines/parts that each group member wrote/performed.
* Inspirational Texts will be shared sometime this week.  Please be ready. Failure to do so will result in a non completion grade for this assignment.

The FOUR teams with the highest averaged scored will advance to the Second Round.  This begins on Monday 12/16.  Instructions and directions will be given in class as we move toward this date.  Remember that the winning team will receive an A on the spoken word unit - as long as work is turned in neatly and on time.

Take advantage of your time to write and receive feedback.  You are expected to incorporate diction/style/technique of the poets/poems we have studied/read/viewed as mentor texts.

Here is a link to the Def Poetry Channel on Youtube:

The first poem is "Hands" by Sarah Kaye.  Sarah is an awesome poet and you can learn a lot by watching her.  Her content is amazing and her ability to perform is top notch.  Check out all the other poets/musicians and links to other examples of excellence in the spoken word genre.

Here is a link to Sarah's TED Talk.  This is worth your time as well.

Extra Credit Opportunity - Write a 1-2 page typed reflection on Sarah's purpose/poems/style/intent.  Who is she as a writer? What makes her so good?  Why is it important that young writers look to mentors like her? Turn this in by Friday.  I will not ask for you must literally put it in my hands.

Top 13 of 2013 is due on Thursday 12/19.  Your work must be typed/error free/ and publishable.  You have a lot of freedom and range with your writing topics and choice of presentation.  Make sure that your work is reflective and demonstrates critical thinking and creative writing.  You can write journal entries, stories, poems.  Learn from the styles/techniques of our previous studies and mentor texts. Revisit Klosterman, take a look at the "Ultimate Guides" we wrote.  Be unique and honor yout NINE rights as a writer.

Work Hard. Play Hard.


Monday, December 2, 2013

Week #13 - Preparing for the Poetry Slam!

Hello Seniors!

Welcome back!  Let's work hard these next three weeks - our next break is righ taround the corner!  Work hard! Play hard!  We have six weeks left in the semester - you will want to show dilligence and focus, as well as improvement and a willingness to write, revise, and reflect.

Our in-class Poetry Slam will keep things current and exciting!  I cannot wait to see how you push yourselves and each other to write, perform an d express awesome viewpoints and perspectives.  Don't pass up your opportunity to say something important....

Tentative Schedule:
* Round One - Weds. 12/11-Friday 12/13.  Be ready to Slam!  (9 Teams)
* Round Two - Mon. 12/16, Tues. 12/17 (4 Teams)
* Final Round - Thursday 12/ be continued on Friday 12/20 if needed (2 Teams)
*** Remember that the winning SLAM team will get an automatic A for this part of our unit - a nice grade booster for sure!  Bring your best words, style, delivery to this art!

Office Hours - M/W - 2:15 - 3:30
*** Please speak with me if you have any concerns about grades, assignments, etc...


Poetry Club is on Wednesday at LUNCH.  Come try out a piece! Practice! Get feedback!

SATURDAY 12/7 - 10 -Noon - Poets Meet Poets with Mission Bay HS.  This is a workshop and a chance to meet other writers your age.  There will be food and special guests.  You will get additional credit for attending and participating.  All of this will be useful for writing your own work and performing. 

Here is our schedule:

* Video Clips to reinvigorate and inspire.
* Sacred Writing Time
* Finish this Line/Idea -Group Activity
* Finish this Line/Idea - Independent. 
Select favorite line/idea from group write and write freely - typed draft due on Weds.

* Sacred Writing Time
* Finish this Line - due Weds
* Villanelle - Learn how to write one of these sweet 19 line structured poems! Typed draft due Thurs.

* WRG - Meet with your Slam Team!  Bring ideas, poems, writings! Plan, Plot, Play!
* Due - Finish this Line poem (15-20 lines, free choice format, typed draft)
***GEAR UP Financial Aid Night - 6-8 pm at the PAC!

* Villanelle draft due!
* WRG - Meet with your Slam Team!  Bring ideas, poems, writings! Plan, Plot, Play!

* WW Cypher
* Authors Chair
* Inspirational Text
* WRG - Meet with your Slam Team!

* DUE on Thurs 12/19 - Top 13 of 2013.  Tell your Story!
* This is a 2 1/2 week "project" - get to work!  Be creative! Be unique!
* Avoid subject matter that is not school appropriate
 *** You will compile a list of 13 highlights from this year.  Rank them in order from 13 - 1, with 1 being th most important/life changing experience of the year.  Use techniques, skills, style that you have learned from mentor texts.  Each entry should be a minimum of 100 words.  Please make sure your work is publishable - this means typed, neat, organized, appealing, and free of errors.  I will show an example in class.  This will be part of your semester Portfolio.

Continue to work hard and to improve.  Put in the time and effort to ensure that your writing represents you authentically.  You have a lot of creative freedom and the expectation is that you and your group rise to the occasion.  Good luck.  Please advocate for yourself.
