Sunday, December 15, 2013

Week #15 - Spoken Word Slam Semi-Finals and Finals! Top 13 of 2013....and Break!

Happy Holidays Writers and Poets!

I hope this update finds you well and thinking reflectively and creatively.  What an amazing week of poems, words, statements, observations, skills, techniques, group creativity, and effort!  I think we were all truly impressed by the quality and vulnerability that our classmates and fellow writers were willing to share.  I am eagerly anticipating some fantastic pieces as we finish up this session of Spoken Word/Poetry.  I look forward to where this momentum will take us as we head into 2014 and our remaining time together in Writers Workshop.

You are expected to be writing individually and independently.  Take advantage of opportunities to advocate for yourself. Your last minute concerns will not be mine.  If you are worried about your efforts, grade, missing assignments, etc....THIS is the week to be seen and heard.

Office Hours - M/W - 2:15 - 3:30
* Wednesday will be an information session for extra credit and making up assignments.  You must be present in order to take advantage of this opportunity.
Poetry Club - W/F @ lunch

* Typed poems/reflection DUE
* Poetry Slam Semi-Finals - each team will present TWO of their THREE poems.  Plan well so that you can earn the scores you want.  Remember the point is the poetry.  Learn from what worked/didn't work in Round One. 

* TBD (To Be Determined)
* Class time will be given to write/edit/proofread your Top 13 of 2013

* Conclusion of Semi Finals - Spoken Word Slam.  Each team will present their THIRD piece for evaluation.  The TWO teams with the top combined scores will move on to the Finals.
* Class time to finalize your Top 13 of 2013

* Top 13 of 2013 DUE.  Not late work will be accepted.  Your work must be error free and publishable.  If it is not easy to read and presentable it will NOT be graded.  Make wise choices.
* Spoken Word Slam Finals!  Remember that the winning team (with work completion) will get an A for their efforts and dedication with our unit!

* Authors Chair/Inspirational Texts/Top 13 of 2013
* You will be allowed to take your Manilla Folder home over the break  w/all of your turned in work thus far from the semester.  You can revise assignments, make up missing assignment, etc....
* Your attendance (unless you inform me much earlier in the week) will count as a participation grade for today! Please be present.  It is better when you are here.
* Let's celebrate our writing community, the end of a great year, and the beginning of 2014!

It is truly a privilege to be your teacher and mentor and fellow writer.  Continue to expect the best from yourself and one another.  The new year will bring forth plenty of new creative writing assignments to explore individually and together.  Take advantage of these authentic opportunities to navigate new perspectives and to take genuine cosmic risks.  Remember that good writing is the willingness to play, have fun, and experiment; though the focus should always be on revising, improving and expanding. 

Work hard, play hard!  Write on!


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