Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week #3 - Writing Your Publishable Piece!

Hello Seniors!

Here we are - week #3.  You will get to submit a piece of your writing that you want officially graded.  You have been getting credit for your work and participation thus far....but this assessment is your choice.  Please take advantage of the time and opportunity to do your best work.  Commit to being genuine!

Please see the previous posts for extra credit opportunities.

Poetry Club - Wednesday @ lunch.  Tryouts for opening spots for Rudy Francisco

Rudy Francisco Assembly THIS FRIDAY - 6th/7th period.
*** You MUST have a signed permission slip in order to attend.  You can get this from me on TUESDAY.  It MUST be given to me no later than WEDNESDAY afternoon at 2:30 to guarantee yourself a spot.
*** There is a HUGE demand.  Do not lag. See the  bottom of this post for links to some of Rudy's most well know spoken word pieces.
*** Rudy will have a limited amount of copies of his book for sale.  They are $10.  If time permits he may be available for a quick meet and greet.  You might be able to get yours signed!

Our first Author's Chair was a HUGE success.  Thank you to each class for bringing something truly unique to our writing community - and thanks to all who chose to participate!  I look forward to this Friday when we will do it all again.  However, we will talk a little bit about language choices that honor our environment and listeners - all which well help us to be better artists and writers.

The following is our tentative plan for the week.  Please be sure to attend class and keep track of your writing and assignments.

* In Class Writing Activity - "Starting From Solitude"
You will complete this in your Notebook.  Have fun and take risks!

* Guest - Mr. Martinez (Gear Up) will be coming to speak with us.  He will present important information about your Senior year and any specific concerns you may have.

* Writing Response Groups - Bring in copies of a piece of writing that you are editing and revising.  You are working on wither Writing Invite #1, #2, or #3.  Please have specific questions and/or concerns ready to discuss/  Make sure to have at least FIVE copies with excuses.  Have the WRG handouts and protocols as well as the Nonfiction rubric.
* Remember WRG's are what YOU make of them.  Come prepared and ready to help yourself and your classmates

* Quick Write - Various prompts to choose from
* Rudy Francisco poems and discussion
* Writing/Revising Time - publishable piece due Friday.  

* Publishable Piece due (NO LATE WORK ACCEPTED)
* Be sure to authentically assess (grade) your own work.
   Your rubric must be attached to your writing.
* Partner assessment activity
* Author's Chair - participation points available

Write On! If you have any questions or concerns.  Please be sure to talk with myself or Mr. Turner.


LINKS to Rudy Francisco poems:

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