Tuesday, May 7, 2019


Hello Seniors!

Continue to write, revise, practice, rehearse, and play.  We begin our Quarterfinals on Friday!  Settle in with our SWT - this is a nice way to write with ease for your reflection.  Make the best use of your class time and group time.  If you need any assistance - please ask.  All due dates and deadlines apply.  Please be here every day.

1.  SWT - See Below.  Prompts that will help you with your Portfolio Reflections
2.  Writing Time - See above
3.  Last day to take pictures - clear your team name with me.
4.  Last day for mentor text

1. Slam - Quarterfinals start THIS Friday 5/10
* Groups will submit folders on Friday.
* Must include: All pieces typed, paper-clipped, stapled, highlighted
* including Poem Names and Piece, w/Names.
2. Portfolio due - Week of 5/28

* Poetry Club - Tomorrow! See Symposium info below....
* LE on 5/14 - earn additional extra credit
* Symposium 5/17 - Sign Up = credit

 1.Write about our WRITER influences this year - WW Guests - Who stood out and why?  Symposium?  Lyrical  Exchange? Slams? Poetry Club? Authors Chair?

2.  Revist the Nine Rights?  Pick THREE.  Have examples to explain your acknowledgment of each chosen right.  When did it stick?  When did you realize something new about your perspective?

3. The class/space as a place to take chances, risks, meet knew people, learn from classmates, etc...

4.  Favorite and/or Challenging pieces.  Poetry endeavors? Scripts? Short Story? Reflections?

5.  Subjectivity of the class.. It is not just about work completion - but process and authenticity...

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