Monday, May 13, 2019

FINAL - Portfolio Requirements

Semester Two WW Portfolio Requirements 
200 points

* Semester/Class Reflection - 100 pts
See prompts.  This needs to be 2-4 pages.  You need to put some effort into this last piece of writing.  Be sure to proofread and have it be an invitation to your collection of works.  Please be sure to take the time to produce and arrange your portfolio so that it makes sense thematically and truly tells your story and your journey as a writer.

Must Include the following - 100 pts
* Cover Page w/ Title
* Table of Contents
* Pages Numbers
* Dedication
* About the Author
* Overall Neatness/Production/Easy to Follow

1. Louder Than A Bomb Film Reflection
2. Louder Than A Bomb Inspired By
3. Locomotion Inspired By
4. Villanelle
5. The Secret Life Of
6. Ballad
7. Script (only the best 2 or 3 pages)
8. The Ultimate Guide To…
9. April 30 For 30
10. Poetry Slam Pieces (3 individual, group and duo if it’s yours)
11. TEN additional pages - your choice. Full pages
12. Guest Reflection - Pick FIVE
Garrett Rice

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