Monday, April 8, 2019

Work Time - Organize Yourself

Hello Everyone

Take the time to settle in independently today.  Write your 30/30.  Catch up if you need.  Type these up if that is how you want to spend your time.  Work on your reflection. Take the time to begin to develop your first Individual piece.  Maybe you have ideas for duo/trio/group pieces.

You may also want to begin a list of poems/poets that you will want to share with your team and/or classmates (see Button Poetry) as mini lessons or ideas. Go through your notebook and Portfolios to find existing pieces that (with some editing) could be used for Slam - ie: Kid Again, 21, etc...

1. SWT - 8/30
2. Mentor Poem/Poet - Phil Kay "Geiko Gecko"
*Takeaways! 1) Accent 2) Humor 3) Thematic Statement on fame/worth 4) Turn/Twist
3. Work Independently
* Prepare to work in groups for the rest of the week
4. Slam Questions, Assignments, Expectations
* 3 Individual Poems
* 1 Group (all members)
* Free Choice - Duo, Trio, Group
* Three Mentor Texts - Video/Reflection/Mini Lesson

1. April 30/30
2. Corina Rose - Reflection/Inspired
3. Mentor Text/Video - Starts Wednesday
3. Slam Piece #1 - Typed draft due on Friday
* Authors Chair - Mini Class Slam on Friday (This will affect seeding for the Slam Rounds)

1. SD Slam Tonight
2. LE Tues
3. Poetry Club Wed

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