Friday, April 26, 2019

Authors Chair - Spoken Word Practice

Hello Seniors!

Let's see what we have! Let's be honest and open and assist one another to improve and get better!
Let's celebrate the good writing we are doing.

1. Authors Chair
* Feedback, Comments, Scores?
2. Cipher
3. Writing Time - APril 30/30 - Day 26 - Things You'd Say to an Ex...oh no!

1.Writing Tasks
* 30/30 Due 5/3
* Slam Pieces - Individuals, Groups, Edits, Revisions
* Mentor Texts
2. Team Photos! Names!

1. LE on Tues
2. Voice for Change at City College - 5/1.  DON'T MISS THIS!
* W/Karla, Matthew, Alyesha

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