Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Group Workday - Write, Plan, Implement

Hello Groups!

Today you have time to work together.  You should be exploring themes and threads, older writing to revise, new ideas for Individual/Partner/Group poems.  Work on your Poem/Poet presentations - who is presenting this week.  You need a written reflection along with your mentor text. Encourage one another to take advantage of your class time to accomplish your team goals.

1. SWT 9/30
2.  Group Time
* Writing and Ideas - Solos, Partners, Groups
* Poem/Poet Presentation
3. Reflections Due
* 3 Individual Poems (60 pts)
* 1 Group (all members) (40 pts)
* Free Choice - Duo, Trio, Group ( 20 pts)
* Three Mentor Texts - Video/Reflection/Mini Lesson (30 pts)
*** You must have a typed reflection - Who, What, When, Where, Why, How - Teach us!

1. April 30/30
2. Mentor Text/Video - Starts TMRW
3. Slam Piece #1 - Typed draft due on Friday
* Authors Chair - Mini Class Slam on Friday (This mayaffect seeding for the Slam Rounds)

1. LE Tonight
2. Poetry Club Wed

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