Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Word Day - Groups!

Hello Writers

Today you can work together in your groups.  Share your work, ideas, get feedback.  Write and Revise any and all pieces.  The focus is on duo/group pieces this week.  Every team will need to put up a piece on Friday for an assessment grade.  Please be ready and prepared.  Your score will help to evaluate your group grade.

1. Writing Tasks:
* 30/30 - Write and/or Type
* duo/group piece
* Individual Pieces 1-3
* Portfolio
2.  Be Inspired - Check out this amazing group piece by the Austin Slam Team "Tube"

1.Writing Tasks - See above
2.  Authors Chair - Duo/Group for Friday.  Be ready to go!

1. Poetry Club Today
2. Sherwin Open Mic - SNOICE in Paradise Hills - TMRW
3. Voice for Change at City College - 5/1.  DON'T MISS THIS!
* W/Karla, Matthew, Alyesha

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