Wednesday, March 6, 2019

WRG - Ballads

Hello Songwriters and Balladeers!

Today we check in with our classmates to see how we are going about our Ballad writing.  There are so many options with this genre.  Who is using mentor text? Structure? Who is trying something different?  What do you notice about rhyme schemes? Meter?  You are writers so give each piece it's deserved attention and speak with the authority that you have because your are actively participating.

1. SWT - Write 2-3 additional verses or alternative verses for your Ballad?
2. WRG - Ballads
* Use PQW.  Please take the time to really invest in the process.  You will all benefit.

1.  Mentor/Guest/Writer on Thursday.  Veronica May 2,3 and TJ Moss 6
2.  Ballad - Final Draft Due FRI

EC - 6 Week Grades Close Friday 3/8
1. Poetry Club WED
2. Symposium Reflection - Due Friday
3. Slam - Next Mon 3/11
4.  Rudy Francisco - Glassless Minds 3/14

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