Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Writing Response Groups

Hello Seniors!

Today we work in our WRG's.  Take advantage of the time to work together.  You are only as good as the people in your group.  USe the P, Q, W method...and do your best to follow Protocol.  This system really works if you trust it.  I know you will make me proud!

1. SWT
2. WRG
3. Discussion

1. Typed Final Draft of "Kid Again" due Friday
2. Amen Ra Visit Tmrw - Go online and see view his work.  Bring THREE questions to ask.

1. SD Slam on Monday
2. LE on Tuesday
3. Class Supplies

1. The thing about silence...
2. And the sun set...
3.  My first crush...
4.  The fell into a kiss...
5.   We drove until....

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