Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Writing Time

Hello Writers!

Take some time today to work on drafts for your free verse.  You have a lot of leeway and you've been presented with lots of different ideas.  Did you spend some time re-watching the pieces from yesterday?  New pieces?  They can be accessed literally on your phone...no excuses.

1. SWT
2. Check these out:
Anthony McPherson - "All Lives Matter" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eGR0ihYux6w
Amen Ra, Rudy, Natasha - "Islamaphobia" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Qf9onCjdUA
Adam Gottlieb - "Breathe" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXIjF0ERvYY
3. Writing Time

1.  WRG TMRW - 3 copies.  Show up with questions and ready to edit/revise. No show No Credit.
2.  Free Verse Final Draft due on FRIDAY.  Highlight all literary devices/techniques
*** Turn in with your rough draft to show your choice revisions.  There should be substantial differences.  Be honest.  Editing is the real writing.

1.  If I could revise one thing...
2.  Strangers...
3.  Distractions...
4.  Tuesdays....
5.  Laziness...

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