Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Guest Visit - Amen Ra

Hello Seniors!

Today we welcome our friend Amen Ra.  You are super lucky to get to spend some time with this amazing guy and talented writer.  Ra approaches his work with authenticity and honesty.  He tells stories and keeps you captivated with his words.  Today you get to interact, ask questions, and learn from the best.  Enjoy yourself.  Take notes.

1. SWT
2. Meet Amen Ra!

1. Typed Final Draft of "Kid Again" due TMRW

1. SD Slam on Monday - Hosted by Rudy Francisco
2. LE on Tuesday - Hosted by Amen Ra
3. Class Supplies

1.  The first time I....
2.  This is all that matters...
3.  So when I say I'm gonna make a change....
4.  I can wait...
5.  I blinked and....

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