Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week #12 - Sestinas, Rolland, Returned Work, Spoken Word, and Authors Chair

Hello Seniors!

I am grateful for being able to work with you every single day.  It is amazing that we are 1/4 of the way through our school year and our time together.  Let's continue to grow as writers and thinkers - staying open to new ideas and being willing to try new and different approaches to finding our most authentic voice.

Take advantage of opportunities to improve your class status and grade.  I know this is important - however work ethic and a willingness to "be the process" is what we are working towards.  Participate in daily classwork and activities and share your writing.  Be sure to reflect on what is working for you stylistically and be okay with your endeavors that are less successful.

Office Hours/Tutoring - Monday/Wednesday after school.
* If you need to meet at another time - please schedule this with me accordingly.

Additional Credit Activities - completion of these writing assignments will contribute to your improvements as a writer (the over-arching goal of our class).  It is highly suggested that if you are in hopes of attaining an A in the class for the semester that you take advantage of these opportunities.  The deadline to submit these works is MONDAY 12/2.  However, revise and resubmit work is open indefinitely - you can expect a January deadline.  You WILL also get additional credit if these works become part of your Semester Portfolio - which you will submit in January on Midterms/Finals Day.

*** All assignments must be typed and publishable works
* Letter to LTAB Poet - Dear Nova, Lamar, Adam, Nate (1-2 pages in length)
* Grateful List - based of off our Sacred Writing prompt - (5-10 worthwhile entries of gratitude)
* Revise and Resubmit - Any Writing Invites, Personal Statement, etc... (you must submit your work with the original must have a reflection on what you have changed and why it is now a better piece)
* Read a book of your choice. Submit an authentic reflection which includes insight into author style and choice. Must be 1-2 pages in length.  Clear your book selection with me on/by THURSDAY.  IF you do not clear your book - I will not accept your reflection.
* 5-10 pages of your own writing/poems/independent endeavors - come and speak with me if you want more information on this...

Here is our tentative class schedule:

* Sestinas - We will experiment with this poetic format in will write your own Sestina draft which will be due on TUESDAY for a credit/no credit grade

* Workshop with Rolland (from Glassless Minds)
* Rolland will share his insight and experience with Spoken Word
* You will produce your own poem based on an in-class writing activity - a draft will be due on WEDNESDAY for a credit/no credit grade
* Note - if you are absent - you will still be required to complete the activity

* Return Work - Personal Statements, Klosterman Copy, Mentor Text Poem
* Display exemplary student examples
* Independent Writing - poem revisions
* Slam Team Selections  and Poem Expectations

* Writing Activity (TBD)
* Grade Updates

* Inspirational Texts
* Authors Chair
* WW Cypher

Work hard, play hard!  If you are going to be absent, make sure to speak with me.  You are still responsible for completing all your work.

Be good. Be grateful.  Have a great week.


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