Dear Seniors!
Hello! Thank you for checking the blog. I am more than impressed with your Personal Statements. You are amazing people with amazing stories - thank you for sharing and intrusting your words. Many of you still need plenty of revision - make sure that you take advantage of your opportunities to resubmit your work for a second assessment. You will get these back this week.
Office Hours/Tutoring will be on Tuesday and Wednesday after school. I am updating grades this week. If you have any questions or concerns - please make sure to speak with me at the appropriate time - so that we are able to assist you as needed.
Poetry Club - Wednesday @ Lunch
Poetry Day - Poets meet Poets with Mission Bay HS on Saturday 12/7 at 10 a.m. Please let me know if you are interested in attending this event. You will receive additional credit for attendance.
This week we will be transitioning into our Spoken Word/Poetry Unit. Be open to this awesome genre which offers numerous opportunities to share your writing, your voice, your insights, and your opinions. Be ready to inspire others, as well as being enlightened yourself. I know that you will both enjoy and honor this very cool artistic medium. Write on!
* Sacred Writing Time
* Imitating Klosterman Writing Assignment - draft due Wed. Final due Friday
* Film - "Louder Than A Bomb" - Note a Poet
* Writing Activity - in class writing
* WRG - Klosterman Writing Assigmnent draft. Please bring copies for your group
Follow all WRG protocol in order to receive full credit
Thursday - (assignments subject to change)
* Poetry Gallery Walk
* Note a Poet
* Writing Activity - in class writing
Friday - Participation Day
* Klosterman Writing Assignment Due - No Late Work
* Inspirational Texts
* WW Cypher
*Author's Chair
Have a good week. Make sure to involve yourself in the writing process....draft, revise, edit, draft.
Make sure you advocate for yourself. Continue to be your most authentic self.
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