Friday, November 8, 2013

Week #11 - Spoken Word, Socratic, a Gallary Walk, and Inspiration!

Hello Seniors!

This is a quick little update to get us to Tuesday.  Make sure you check back on 11/12 for a more extensive update on our week and our assignments.

I hope you are enjoying your long weekend.  The writing and the risks you are taking are super elevated and noticeable.  I am truly impressed with your Personal Statements and Klosterman Copy content, stylistic choices, purposeful diction, differing syntax, and use of Mentor Text.  I know we are only going to get better as we further embrace the writing, editing and revision process. 

As soon as you begin turning in work that has been edited numerous times - you will see your scores skyrocketing.  It is clear that the talent is there - however,  the grit and the tenacity is always a work in progress.

Now...WE will be getting louder than "Louder Than A Bomb".  It is our turn to play with language and delivery - healthily competing against one another.  Please attend class, be a part of all the activities, and continue to write and explore your life's terrain. 

There will be more information available when you check back concerning future writing assignments and opportunities.  Office Hours will be on Wednesday/Thursday - so make sure to speak with me - now is the time to express any concerns you have.  Grades will close on 11/22...the same day we head to Thanksgiving Break.  Please advocate for yourself. 

* Socratic Seminar - Engage in an adult themed conversation - demonstrate critical thinking and inspire your classmates to do the same. 
* Be ready with the texts you were asked to read and annotate.  Your participation and insight is crucial - a failure to speak, ask questions, or offer text insight will result in a ZERO.  You miss out on this opportunity if you are not in class...which will affect your grade as well.
* Texts:
"I Wanna Hear A Poem" - Steve Coleman,
"If" - Rudyard Kipling,
"I'll Be Knocking Out Goddamn Poetry....Flight" - Sean Adams
"Pretty Good" - Anonymous

Continue to write and reflect.  Be present, be critical,  and realize that EVERYTHING is worth writing about.

You are a tremendous talent.  I believe in you.


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