Dear Sophomores,
This is it! Your final few weeks to write to find your voice! This is your time to display your lyrical and stylistic abilities with your diction and terminology. Acquire the tools and techniques to push your efforts farther than you think you can! Imitate the best, learn from your peers, and most importantly play and have fun! Trust that your words are your truth - write on!
Tutoring/Office Hours - Tuesday after school. If you need to meet at an alternative time - please speak with me. Your last minute concerns cannot be mine. Essays are currently being assessed and will be returned within the next week or two.
Due Dates:
Independent Reading - 5/17
Poetry Portfolio - Due Week of 6/3 (TBD) - More info to follow shortly.
Poetry Slam - Round One begins Week of 5/27
* Winner of the Slam will get an automatic A for the performance section of the unit. They will also receive a 10% grade bump on the final. If you were to score a 78% on the final - it will be counted as an 88%. So....there is a lot of incentive to do well. Bring your best, and write on!
***Get your Slam Team together. Submit your request on an index card by Thursday. Include: First Name, Last Name, Class Period. Each team member must decide on a performance "nickname" - something poetic. You must also decide on a Team/Group Name - as well. Have fun with this. Represent.
Extra Credit:
Poetry Club - Wednesday at lunch - Come and practice your potential Slam piece! Get ideas!
Summer Writing Camp - For more info come and speak with me. There are limited spots!
Tissues/Hand Sanitizer/ Printing Paper - Value TBD
* Please note - we will continue with the documentary "Louder Than A Bomb" throughout the week.
* Steve Coleman - "I Wanna Hear A Poem" - topics/content for writing ideas
* Word Lists- What are they? Why are they helpful? (Butcher Paper Activity)
* Susan Woolridge - Handout "Full Moon Me" - discussion and writing activity!
HW - Bring in your favorite song/poem lyrics. Annotate them to your liking. Be able to explain different aspects of the word choices, themes, sentences, language, etc....
* Eminem - 60 Minutes Interview w/Anderson Cooper - What writing strategies can we learn from Eminem? How can our past experiences fuel our writing topics?
* Incubus - "Drive" - SIFT Activity
* Must know Poetry Vocabulary - you will receive a list.
* Add to your Word List
HW - Finish SIFT for "Drive". Then...SIFT your own lyrics. OR...challenge yourself and trade with a partner and try to SIFT each others lyrics.
* Sestinas - What is a sestina? How do I write one? Learn the awesome format of this very cool stylistic poetry format?
* Write your own sestina!
HW - Write On! Complete your sestina draft? Bring in any free verse you are writing?
* Find a picture/photograph/postcard of an image you really love. Bring it in for our next activity!
Thursday/Friday (TBD)
* Possible Guest Visit
* Photograph Poem Activity
WRG - This will happen on one of these days. Bring your writing!
This is our tentative schedule and it may change. Please check the blog midweek to note any changes, due dates, or homework announcements. You are expected to be writing and exploring all the time. Your work ethic, attitude, and participation are being assessed daily. Continue to add words and ideas to your Notebook. Let this be an adventure!
Be good. Write On!
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