Thursday, May 9, 2013

Week #14 Update

Hello Sophomores,

Tomorrow (Friday 5/10) - you will meet in your WRG groups - however you will be with your Slam Team.  You should have FOUR members in your group - if you do not have a group - you will be placed into a group.  Have your index card ready.

Come prepared tomorrow - with the following assignments:

* Annotations, SIFT, Response for "Drive" - Incubus
* Annotations, SIFT, Response for lyrics/poem of your choice
* Word List(s)
* "I Am" poem - typed, w/3 copies for your team.

We will spend the first few minutes of class talking about the Sestina format.  I will show you how it is done and then you can work on that assignment in your group. Tomorrow - you should plan and discuss ideas - strengths, topic ideas, strategies, etc.. See the last post for incentives for the winning Slam team.  We will begin our Slam Competition on Tuesday 5/28.

Here is the list of assignments and their value.  We will discuss each assignment and format.  You should be writing on a regular basis, editing your work, and trying new ideas, using new vocabulary, etc...Enjoy putting your portfolio together as it is an extension of you and genuine to your insight into your world at this time in your life.



Spring 2013

Directions:  One of the last big projects for the year will find you exploring all kinds of different aspects about yourself, your life, family, language, heritage, and your confidence.  You will put together a portfolio that showcases the writer you have become this year.  There is a ton of creative and artistic freedom with this assignment, so I urge you to really put in the time and effort to indicate your understanding and connection to the work.  Make sure you meet each component.  Use the rubric to assist you.  Use your wordlists, notes, handouts and the poems/songs we covered to help you explore ideas.  There is plenty to discover – you are not limited to space at all.  Incorporate artwork, pictures, music, and/or photography.

Contents Needed:
1.   Cover Page/Title Page (5 pts)
2.   Table of Contents         (10 pts)
3.   Dedication/In Memory  (5 pts)
4.   Introduction – “These poems were written during the Spring of 2013.  During this time…  (15 pts)
5.   I Am Poem       (15 pts)
6.   News Story/Found Poem (15 pts)
7.   Acrostic Poem    (15 pts)
8.   Photograph Poem           (15 pts)
9.   Sestina  (15 pts)
10.  Villanelle (15 pts)
11.  Free Verse – 2 poems of your choice   (30 pts)
12.  Sonnet  (15 pts)
13.  Performance Individual    (15 pts)
14.  Performance Group (15 pts)
15.  Favorite Song/Poem (your choice) – SIFT/annotation/explanation/reflection    (10 pts)
16.  Favorite Poem/Song from handouts with SIFT/explanation/annotation/reflection*
(10 pts) (
17.  About the Author*  (10 pts)
18.  Overall neatness, appearance, effort  ( 20 pts)

TOTAL _______/250

The quality of your content, not mere completion is how you are being assessed. Make sure to meet each component.  If you choose to add additional poems – you may do so.  Please indicate this in your table of contents.  You will be awarded some additional points.
Your Poetry Portfolio is due on Monday 6/3/2013.  Please note that NO LATE PORTFOLIOS WILL BE ACCEPTED.  YOUR PORTFOLIO IS DUE EVEN IF YOU ARE ABSENT.  Make sure all work is printed BEFORE – so that you are able to handle any unforeseen mishaps. 

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