Monday, October 17, 2011

Week #7 - Memoirs Due on Friday

Hello Sophomores

I apologize for my absence of Monday.  Miss. R lead you in a wonderful lesson about active/passive voice.  You also had a chance to read independently and prep for your own writing.  I am aware of the amount of talking and lack of focus.  I suggest you read the next paragraph about current grades and expectations.

Grades are being finished.  Your test results are impacting your progress grades as I said they would.  It is very clear to see who has worked hard this grading period.  I suggest that many of you get with the expectation of the class.  This is advanced curriculum.  You must work hard to do well.  There is always plenty of assistance and you must advocate for yourself.  Tutoring will be available on Tuesday afternoons beginning 10/25 - immediately after school.  If you must arrange another day or time - please let me know.

This week is dedicated to helping you finalize your publishable Memoir - due on Friday.  No late work will be accepted.  You must meet these requirements:
* Your memoir must be typed, 12 pt font, double spaced.  It must be at least 2 pages.  
* If not, you may submit multiple mini memoirs that are shorter.  
* Really you can submit the writing YOU want to be assessed on - this is your right.  : )
* Your writing should include a handful of the stylistic devices we have learned about and seen other writers use.  You WILL write your own analysis that you will turn in (typed, follow template) with your memoir.
* You must also be aware of the effect they have on your reader.  
* Pay attention to the way your memoir looks on paper.  Syntax, paragraphs, dialogue. 
* Look at all the memoirs we worked with and essentially pick and choose the ideas you like.  
* Try lines on their own?  Try a subtitle?  It is up to you.

You will have time to work on it this week, you will also be able to get feedback from your WRG.  
Tues - Test Review/Feedback - extra credit opp.
           Netbooks, Indep. Writing, Explanation of your analysis needed for your memoir
Weds - WRG - bring typed memoir draft and your analysis. 
Thurs - Writing/Editing
Friday - Memoirs due - Gallary/Author's Chair
* After School Sessions for writing, proofreading, editing, revising will be on both Weds. and Thurs.  Please make time to attend if you need assistance.
*  Bring your book for Independent Reading on Tues/Thurs/
We will begin our Expository unit on Monday 10/24. We will continue to build on our skills using the rhetorical triangle and the stylistic devices that author's purposefully use to convey their message/theme.

Please continue to work hard.  Let me know if you have any questions or concerns. 


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