Hello Sophomore,
Thank you for your hard work and focus this week. For those of us who struggled a bit with our reading this week, we will refocus on Monday with another Memoir. We will break it down big time with the Rhetorical Triangle, Style and Effect, and proper formatted Analysis. Exciting stuff! You MUST know this in depth to do well on the Memoir Unit Test which is happening on FRIDAY 10/14. Tutoring will be available next week too!
You are writing ALL the time! Memoir #3 is due tomorrow. You will work with your WRG to get feedback, you should be analyzing each others work for all clarity, organization, and style. Give your classmates the same sort of feedback that you would like. Use the RT, use the sentence/conversation stems that have been given to you.
Your Final Published piece(s) is/are on Friday 10/21. You have the right to be assessed well and by providing the very best work that you have done over the past few weeks. You will also provide a reflection and analysis of your own piece. We will discuss this further. Please do not leave your writing for the last minute. Every night you should be reading it, changing it, having other readers navigate it. Yes you are being assessed - but this is your writing and you must be proud your hard work. Honor yourself and your own unique voice and style by really doing your best. I cannot wait to see your final piece(s).
Please check the blog frequently for further updates. I plan on attaching some links and additional information for next week within the next few days. Grades close on Friday 10/14. Your mini-memoirs, group work, and participation, as well as the Unit Test will attribute heavily to you six week progress grade.
Let me know if you need assistance. I am here to help you . Keep reading independently and have your book with you always. You will be given more time to read. Please advocate for yourself.
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