Dear Sophomores,
I want to thank you for being consciousness enough to check the blog on a regular basis.
Thank you for your wonderful behavior on Tuesday while I attended my meeting.
Ms. Hicks only had nice things to say about your willingness to listen and cooperate.
With that being said, I am very worried about the amount of work and analysis that was NOT completed today in your groups. Most of you did not complete the analysis and all of your work/evidence was ONLY from what we read in class. You do realize there were four more pages of the story, text, evidence, stylistic device, right? Did you finish the reading? Not one group mentioned anything beyond the reading that I "spoon-fed" to you in class. Bummer.
Also, only some are choosing to participate in your RRG. I know who is and I know who is not. This will affect your six week grade for sure. You have a responsibility to your group. You must come prepared. This is an advanced class. This is the expectation.
Only ONE group in all three classes produced analysis that is A worthy and I will show you this tomorrow. You will also be able to work with your group if time permits to rework your piece.
If you would like to DO THIS ASSIGNMENT ON YOUR OWN for individual credit - I will award you some points accordingly. It is due Thursday. However, as of now everyone (except for one group) will NOT receive credit for today's work as it was incomplete. If it were the test - it would be unexceptable and I would not even grade it.
We have not talked a ton about grades in the class as we are more focused on our learning, our writing, our understanding, and being the process. Reality check. I must close grades Friday. You must provide me with evidence of your understanding and skills acquired over the last six weeks. I would be concerned if I were you. Your test is Friday. I am not changing the date. Tons of information, resources, skills, terms,etc have been front-loaded to you to ensure success - if you are willing to work. Once again, am I the only one who is concerned?
I am available for tutoring at your request. Please come and speak to me.
Tomorrow there is a work check for completion of the graphic organizer and notes for Always Running.
I will also hold a study session on Thursday at 2:30 pm. to prep for Friday's test.
If you are a parent reading this, please speak to your student about ownership and doing the homework and classwork reading, writing, and notes that are necessary to be a thriving participant in class and in our professional learning community.
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