Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Soph - Quiz/Work Day / Seniors - WRG/Work Check

Hello Students!

You are allowed to move through all of this content and process at a pace that is comfortable to you.  Please engage with your classmates, use your resources, and keep track of your writing.

1. Chapter 5 - Reflection
2. Chapter 4 and 5 - Quiz
3. Work Time - Night - Chapter 1- 5  - Notes, Quotes, Questions, Reflection
* Turn in your Double Entry Journal at the end of the period.

1. Work Check - Letter ____ to ________, Ballads (5,6)
2. Slam Team Time - Workshop. Write. Edit. Revise
* Show that you are working - Individual Slam Pieces, 30/30, Etc...

HW - Slam Pieces
* Individual #2, Group pieces
* Quarter Finals begin on Tuesday 5/9

* Poetry Club today at lunch
* Slam TMRW at MiraCosta

* Poetic Youth's Literary Festival - SDSU FREE and open to the public. It will be held April 22-23.
* Poetry Slam on 5/15 - 18+ - this will be held Downtown

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