Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Soph - Night Small Group Discussion / Seniors - Mock Slam

Hello Students!

Sophomores - Please continue to work with the material and respect the nature of the content.  Complete your assignments so that you are able to participate and discuss themes, motifs, and symbols that are present in the book.

Seniors - Poetry Slam will be here soon.  Use class time effectively.  Practice, rehearse, edit, revise, and support one another as we culminate the year with our awesome activities.

1. Do Now - Explain one theme, one motif, one symbol with examples from text and how you connect to the importance it plays in the novel..
2. Small Group Discussions - Await groups and Questions
* Write down ALL questions in your Double Entry NB
3. Film if time

HW -
* Prep for big group Socratic - Next Week (Night, Video Clips, Lottery, KG...)
* Know and study themes, motifs, symbols

1. Mock Slam
* Take notes - notice what works and what needs to be improved upon.

HW -
* Evidence of TYPED individual slam pieces - THREE pieces narrowed down. Due Friday
* Slam Quarter Finals begin 5/9

* Poetry Club TODAY at lunch

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