Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Sophomores - Finish Hamlet / Seniors - Aristotle Visit

Hello Writers!

Use your class effectively this week.  You will have time to complete work in class.

Sophomores - Expository/Argument Continued
Pivotal Underlying Questions:
1. When faced with months to live, how do you say goodbye?  (Zach)
2. How do you find out what you love? How do you know it's what you should do with your life? (Jobs)
3. Happy Accidents.  What has happened to you that at first seemed "bad/unlucky" but in hindsight turned out to be rather fortunate? (All articles and texts and clips)
4. What is wrong with the world and what can I do help make it better? (I Am)
5. To be (to live) or not to be (to not live) - that is the question. (Hamlet)
6. How do you turn your hurt/fear into art/creative expression? (Ray)
7. Is it important to have faith in something greater than yourself or our world? Does this make life easier for some?  More difficult? (Horton)
8. Nobody has the right to take away the option for "death with dignity" from someone who is terminally ill. (Brittany)

1. Review - Hamlet Charts and Reflections
* Examples and discussion
2. Pathos and Logos Worksheets - Discuss
3. Horton

HW - Prepare Chart for Horton Analysis on Monday.
1. Aristotle Visit - Take Notes, Ask Questions, Interact
2. Work Check - Inspired by Piece/ Reflection #1
3. Rubric
*** Use class time on Friday to edit/revise and plan your presentations!

HW - Final Scripts DUE Monday w/ Highlighted Revisions. 
* We will start presentations Monday.  Be ready to go.

* LE Tuesdays
* Poetry Club Wednesdays at Lunch
* SD Slam - Monday 3/13
* Pie Day 3/14 - Bring a pie!

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