Thursday, April 28, 2016

Poems and Poets and Glassless Minds!


1. Prompt - 28/30 - words/phrases you use constantly
2. Poems/Poets/Presentations!
* Chart the information, have takeaways you can use!
3. Permission slips - Glassless Minds Assembly TMRW

* Free Verse - Final Draft due Friday - NO WRG this week.
* Slam Teams - Four members - clear your team with me by Friday. Slam Quarter Finals begin 5/23.
* Semester Portfolios. Do you have all of your work so far? What needs revision? Think cover, title, letter of intro, about the author, table of contents, etc...due date will be Friday 6/10
* Poem/Poet Share continues on Tuesday!  Be able to teach a piece
***Write up must be typed and must include: Poet, title, publication, summary, poem development, purpose, audience, and takeaways ( content, style, delivery)

* April 30/30 - Due 5/6
* SD Slam - Battle of Sexes 5/9
* Poetry Club Celebration - Pizza, Poems, and Lyrical Exchange - Date TBD for May!

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