Monday, April 25, 2016

Anita Visit


1. Prompt - 25/30 - Weird Traits!
2. Poems/Poets/Presentations!
* Chart the information, have takeaways you can use!
3. Permission slips? 4th? 6th? 7th?

* Semester Portfolios. Do you have all of your work so far? What needs revision? Think cover, title, letter of intro, about the author, table of contents, etc...due date TBD
* Poem/Poet Share continues on Tuesday!  Be able to teach a piece
***Write up must be typed and must include: Poet, title, publication, summary, poem development, purpose, audience, and takeaways ( content, style, delivery)

Extra Credit Opportunities
* April 30/30 - Due 5/5
* USD Social Just-Us Poetry Showcase - FREE!  Weds 7-9
* SD Slam - Battle of Sexes 5/9
* Poetry Club Celebration - Pizza, Poems, and Lyrical Exchange - Date TBD for May!

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