Monday, May 27, 2013

Week #17 - Slam Tournament Begins!

Hello Sophomores,

Thank you for checking in.  There will be ONE more official blog post before the end of the year.  Please continue to work hard on your portfolios and your Spoken Word pieces.  Take advantage of the community we have built - celebrate and support one another.  Our competition is not about the points - it is about the poetry.  Take all the strategies, tips, resources, and tools you have acquired to really bring your best efforts. 

TUTORING/OFFICE HOURS - TUESDAY after school.  Please come and speak with me if you have any questions or concerns.  Your last minute issues are not mine.  If you have specific questions regarding your essay - this is the time to discuss it.  You MUST earn your grade in the class. 

POETRY CLUB - Last meeting of the year is WEDNESDAY.  Attend...road test a piece!

ONE WEEK SUMMER WRITING CAMP - 6/24-6/28.  Would you like to atend?  Come and ask me how - there are about TEN spaces remaining.  It is FREE!

* WRG - Slam Team.  Write, edit, revise, plan, practice, discuss, prepare!
* This is your last day to work together to prep for Round One of the Slam

* Slam Tournament Round One - Be ready.  If you are scheduled - be ready to go.
* Failure to do so will result in a ZERO

Friday - TBD
* WRG/Portfolio Prep
* Edit, Revise, Type, Print

The Slam will continue on Monday 6/3 - Round Two
Textbook Return - Tuesday 6/4 - Bring ALL textbooks, copies of Night
Classroom Book Return - Tuesday 6/4 - Return ALL books, sign the list
Review for Final - Tuesday 6/4, Thursday 6/6
Portfolios are due on Wednesday 6/5 - Gallery Walk.  No late work. No excuses.
Slam Tournament Finals - Thursday 6/6
Finals - Monday 6/10, Tuesday 6/11 - Failure to show will result in a ZERO

Continue to work hard.  Do not go gently!  Your work should be your best work - not mere completion.  Earn the grade you believe you deserve.  Be good.


Saturday, May 18, 2013

Week #16 - Not Going Gently...

Hello Sophomores,

Please note the schedule below.  Be ready to engage with our guests.  Please take notes on ideas, tips, strategies...anything that can assist you with your writing, your portfolio, and your Slam Team performances. Make sure you are writing and revising daily.  Enjoy our last few weeks together.

Due Dates:
Portfolio -Due on Weds. 5/29
Slam Tournament Round One - Begins Weds. 5/29
Final - 6/10 - Period 1, 6/11 - Periods 3,4
* Be sure to study the poetry terms in your packet

Poetry Club - We meet TWO more times 5/22, 5/29.  Attend/Share/Perform/Practice...

Your Homework for the entire week is to work on your portfolio.  Please use the checklist that you were given in class.  This project is not about completed works, rather it is about your BEST works.

* Spoken word poet - R. Preston Clark
* Watch Preston perform his amazing poem " An Ode To My Pen"

* Spoken Word poets - Rolland and Sherwin

* Visit from our Counseling Department - Tobacco

Thursday - Short class periods due to Senior Portfolios
* Sonnets
* Write your own Sonnet!
* Read/Annotate/SIFT/Respond - Shakespeare - Sonnet 130

* Slam Team WRG - Prep for Round One
* Read, Write, Revise, Plan, Share, Practice

There is NO SCHOOL on Monday 5/27.
WRG on TUES 5/28 to prep for Slam Round One

Work Hard! Play Hard! Slam Hard!


Sunday, May 12, 2013

Week #15 - Writing and Writing and Writing and Writing.....

Hello Sophomores,

Make the most of your week.  Write and be inspired in class.  Collaborate with your Slam Team (WRG).  Write, edit, revise, reflect, experiment, with your writing on your own time as well.  Bring in ideas and questions - work with all the devices/tools/strategies that you know and that you are leaning about. See what other writers do - copy and try their styles in your own unique way.  Write about stuff that MATTERS TO YOU!

Due Dates:
Independent Reading - Critique/Mind Map due Friday.  Please do not turn in a book summary.
Poetry Portfolio - due 6/3
Slam Tournament - Begins Tues 5/28

Tutoring/Office Hours - Tuesday after school

* Villanelle - "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Goodnight" - Dylan Thomas
* Learn this awesome format - try it for yourself!
*Annotate/Sift/Respond - Thomas' amazing and famous poem!
*Work Check continued from last week.  Make sure you have all components to receive FULL credit - see previous post.
HOMEWORK - Bring in a photograph or picture of your choice.  An image that you really love.  This could be an album cover, piece of artwork, postcard, etc... (we will use this later on in the week!)

* Take notes - stratgies and tips!
*Guest singer/songwriter - Mason James - will visit our classroom to discuss strategies to writing about what matters most, how to be inspired by what is around you, and how to tap into your own story through song!  Mason will perform some of his orginal songs - be ready for a fun and inspirational class session!
* Please Note - this year's Slam Tournament will allow songwriters to perform an original piece.  If you play an instrument - please know that this is an option and a possible strategy that you and your group may want to discuss.

*Slam Team WRG
*Sestina and Villanelle - drafts are due - please bring typed copies for your group to offer feedback and to note your best lines and efforts
*Use your time to write, edit, revise, ask questions, strategize, work on your group piece, etc..

* Due to the AP World History Test we will have some alternative plans
* If you are in attendance - please have with you your photo/picture/postcard and your news article.  * If you are absent you will need to do these assignments on your own and/or get assistance on what is expected from a classmate.  We will speak about them briefly during Friday's class session.

* Acrostic poems, concrete poems, and Sonnets
* Learn these forms - try them out.  Write, edit, revise for your best work to submit for your portfolio
* News Story Poems - Continued
* Photograph/Picture poems - Continued

As you can see - you will be exposed to quite a lot this week.  Take on each new format as it comes - and apply yourself.  Try numerous drafts....write badly!  Then fix it is better.  All of this is a process and you have your Slam Team members to assist you!  Make sure to be a good team member - offer authentic advice and help each other to improve!  Explore content that is meaningful and personal to YOU.

If you have any concerns - speak with me at the appropriate times.  Any issues with grades - come and talk with me.  Your last minute concerns will not be mine.

Write On!


Thursday, May 9, 2013

Week #14 Update

Hello Sophomores,

Tomorrow (Friday 5/10) - you will meet in your WRG groups - however you will be with your Slam Team.  You should have FOUR members in your group - if you do not have a group - you will be placed into a group.  Have your index card ready.

Come prepared tomorrow - with the following assignments:

* Annotations, SIFT, Response for "Drive" - Incubus
* Annotations, SIFT, Response for lyrics/poem of your choice
* Word List(s)
* "I Am" poem - typed, w/3 copies for your team.

We will spend the first few minutes of class talking about the Sestina format.  I will show you how it is done and then you can work on that assignment in your group. Tomorrow - you should plan and discuss ideas - strengths, topic ideas, strategies, etc.. See the last post for incentives for the winning Slam team.  We will begin our Slam Competition on Tuesday 5/28.

Here is the list of assignments and their value.  We will discuss each assignment and format.  You should be writing on a regular basis, editing your work, and trying new ideas, using new vocabulary, etc...Enjoy putting your portfolio together as it is an extension of you and genuine to your insight into your world at this time in your life.



Spring 2013

Directions:  One of the last big projects for the year will find you exploring all kinds of different aspects about yourself, your life, family, language, heritage, and your confidence.  You will put together a portfolio that showcases the writer you have become this year.  There is a ton of creative and artistic freedom with this assignment, so I urge you to really put in the time and effort to indicate your understanding and connection to the work.  Make sure you meet each component.  Use the rubric to assist you.  Use your wordlists, notes, handouts and the poems/songs we covered to help you explore ideas.  There is plenty to discover – you are not limited to space at all.  Incorporate artwork, pictures, music, and/or photography.

Contents Needed:
1.   Cover Page/Title Page (5 pts)
2.   Table of Contents         (10 pts)
3.   Dedication/In Memory  (5 pts)
4.   Introduction – “These poems were written during the Spring of 2013.  During this time…  (15 pts)
5.   I Am Poem       (15 pts)
6.   News Story/Found Poem (15 pts)
7.   Acrostic Poem    (15 pts)
8.   Photograph Poem           (15 pts)
9.   Sestina  (15 pts)
10.  Villanelle (15 pts)
11.  Free Verse – 2 poems of your choice   (30 pts)
12.  Sonnet  (15 pts)
13.  Performance Individual    (15 pts)
14.  Performance Group (15 pts)
15.  Favorite Song/Poem (your choice) – SIFT/annotation/explanation/reflection    (10 pts)
16.  Favorite Poem/Song from handouts with SIFT/explanation/annotation/reflection*
(10 pts) (
17.  About the Author*  (10 pts)
18.  Overall neatness, appearance, effort  ( 20 pts)

TOTAL _______/250

The quality of your content, not mere completion is how you are being assessed. Make sure to meet each component.  If you choose to add additional poems – you may do so.  Please indicate this in your table of contents.  You will be awarded some additional points.
Your Poetry Portfolio is due on Monday 6/3/2013.  Please note that NO LATE PORTFOLIOS WILL BE ACCEPTED.  YOUR PORTFOLIO IS DUE EVEN IF YOU ARE ABSENT.  Make sure all work is printed BEFORE – so that you are able to handle any unforeseen mishaps. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Week #14 - Spoken Word/Poetry On The Brain!

Dear Sophomores,

This is it!  Your final few weeks to write to find your voice!  This is your time to display your lyrical and stylistic abilities with your diction and terminology.  Acquire the tools and techniques to push your efforts farther than you think you can!  Imitate the best, learn from your peers, and most importantly play and have fun! Trust that your words are your truth - write on!

Tutoring/Office Hours - Tuesday after school.  If you need to meet at an alternative time - please speak with me.  Your last minute concerns cannot be mine. Essays are currently being assessed and will be returned within the next week or two. 

Due Dates:
Independent Reading - 5/17
Poetry Portfolio - Due Week of 6/3 (TBD) - More info to follow shortly.
Poetry Slam - Round One begins Week of 5/27
* Winner of the Slam will get an automatic A for the performance section of the unit.  They will also receive a 10% grade bump on the final.  If you were to score a 78% on the final - it will be counted as an 88%.  So....there is a lot of incentive to do well.  Bring your best, and write on!

***Get your Slam Team together.  Submit your request on an index card by Thursday.  Include: First Name, Last Name, Class Period.  Each team member must decide on a performance "nickname" - something poetic.  You must also decide on a Team/Group Name - as well. Have fun with this.  Represent.

Extra Credit:
Poetry Club - Wednesday at lunch - Come and practice your potential Slam piece! Get ideas!
Summer Writing Camp - For more info come and speak with me.  There are limited spots!
Tissues/Hand Sanitizer/ Printing Paper - Value TBD

* Please note - we will continue with the documentary "Louder Than A Bomb" throughout the week.

* Steve Coleman - "I Wanna Hear A Poem" - topics/content for writing ideas
* Word Lists- What are they?  Why are they helpful?  (Butcher Paper Activity)
* Susan Woolridge - Handout "Full Moon Me" - discussion and writing activity!
HW - Bring in your favorite song/poem lyrics. Annotate them to your liking.  Be able to explain different aspects of the word choices, themes, sentences, language, etc....

* Eminem - 60 Minutes Interview w/Anderson Cooper - What writing strategies can we learn from Eminem? How can our past experiences fuel our writing topics?
* Incubus - "Drive" - SIFT Activity
* Must know Poetry Vocabulary - you will receive a list.
* Add to your Word List
HW - Finish SIFT for "Drive".  Then...SIFT your own lyrics.  OR...challenge yourself and trade with a partner and try to SIFT each others lyrics.

* Sestinas - What is a sestina?  How do I write one?  Learn the awesome format of this very cool stylistic poetry format?
* Write your own sestina!
HW - Write On!  Complete your sestina draft?  Bring in any free verse you are writing?
* Find a picture/photograph/postcard of an image you really love.  Bring it in for our next activity!

Thursday/Friday  (TBD)
* Possible Guest Visit
* Photograph Poem Activity
WRG - This will happen on one of these days.  Bring your writing!

This is our tentative schedule and it may change.  Please check the blog midweek to note any changes, due dates, or homework announcements.  You are expected to be writing and exploring all the time.  Your work ethic, attitude, and participation are being assessed daily.  Continue to add words and ideas to your Notebook.  Let this be an adventure!

Be good.  Write On!
