Monday, September 19, 2011

Week #3

Hello Sophomores,

Here is your weekly update.  I have been so proud of the work and in-class discussion.  Last week's Author's Chair was a huge success.  We will continue to share and provide a forum and voice for all of the amazing writing that is taking place. Please read the following reminders and updates.  Make sure you are doing your work and staying involved in the class. You are being assessed on your participation and contribution ALL the time.

Independent Reading Selection is needed for Tuesday.  You will be given time each week to read the book of your choice.  I suggest reading a memoir while we are studying memoir.  You will receive credit for having your book with you.

Gear Up will also be paying us a visit on Tuesday. 
They will have a ton of valuable information.  Be present.  Ask questions.  Be involved.

These are assignments you have completed/turned in:
1) World View
2) 6 Word Memoir
3) Materials Check
4) Diagnostic Writing
5) Partner Interview Poem (typed, two-copies)

We are well underway in our Notebooks.  Please take notes in class, as well as record ideas, thoughts,  brainstorms, and quickwrites on the LEFT side of your notebook.  I will be checking/collecting these the week of October 3rd.  However, please remember that the work we do is for YOU.  The quality and consistency of your analysis, note-taking, and organization is facilitated by what we do in class - but it is OWNED by you.  Take ownership.

This week we are reading the Eminem memoir excerpt from The Way I Am.  We are analyzing for memoir text features and seeking out specific techniques and devices that the writer chooses to use and the effect it has on the reader. We will be covering the following:

1)  Vocabulary and Terminology - powerpoint/notes in class
2)  The Rhetorical Triangle - handout
3)  Literary Analysis - handout
4) Incorporating new techniques/strategies into our own writing.
5) Writing Response Groups for peer feedback (scheduled for Thursday)
6) Netbooks (gmail accounts and online survey) - this may be pushed to next week.

Please stay on top of your work.  If you have any questions, please come and speak with me either before school, after school, or at lunch.  I will do my best to assist you.

Have a good week!


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