Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Week #2 - Are you on board?

Hello Sophomores!

Here it is - post #2.  Thank you so much for your patience.  You can count on weekly updates for now.  So please check the blog - I will remind you in class.  As we move on and I get more comfortable - you can expect updates to occur more frequently.  I have been so impressed with your focus, behavior, and diligence.  I know that this will be a well-written year for all of us.

* You will notice a Student Data form that I will want you to fill out.  Please wait for those instructions.

Here is a quick review with some of the work we have already done.

* World Views - these will be returned to you soon.
* We've discussed Memoir, purpose, word choice, literary devices and why we should respect and honor others voices.  We will add to these notes.
* We have completed our Six Word Memoirs - many of us still have to present.  We will do so.
* You did a great job on your Diagnostic writing - I am reading and responding and you will get those back shortly.  I expect you to keep you returned work in the folder you will be given in class.
*  We are now underway in our Notebooks.  Please continue to set up your NB correctly.  You can begin adding to your lists - golden lines, writing patterns, good reads, etc...
* Computer contracts are DUE.  Did you turn yours in?  We will be using our netbooks shortly.

This is what we are currently working on this week.  You will see due dates. 

* Partner Interview Poem - due on Mon. 9/19.  You must type it and you will need TWO copies.  We will be presenting these.  If you choose to do a video or a song...please clear this with me.
* Eminem Video - how to engage in conversation and ask more in depth questions to assist with you own interview process.  Also, a nice little warm up for the Eminem memoir we will work with next week. 
* Gmail account.  Do you have yours?  Please see the link under New Students if you still need to do so. This is due by Friday 9/16.  You can email me once you have it.
* Our first Author's Chair is this Friday.  I will be asking some of you to read and present.  Our principal, Ms. Samilson, may be coming by to visit.  I expect you to be on your best behavior.
*  Is your Notebook good to go?  If you still need assistance with set-up, please come and see me immediately.  We will add to our notes.

What to expect next week!

* Next week we begin looking at a specific memoir - a selection by Eminem.  It is awesome.  We will analyze his style, word choice, voice, tone, message, purpose, etc...
* You will also begin experimenting with your own writing by using the Mentor Text (Eminem's piece) to play around with style and develop some new and fresh ideas. 
*  We will present our Partner Poems.  You can expect a few each day.  Please see above for requirements.
*  You will also be introduced to your Writing Response Group. WRG's will help you with your writing and certainly establish our goals as a writing community.  Get Ready!

This is a ton of information.  Again, thanks for your patience.  This info is ALL for you.  Access it frequently.
It is a pleasure having you in class.  Here is to a wonderful year!


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