Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Screenwriting Day #3

Hello Scriptwriters!

Let's continue to explore the vibe and feel of screenplay.  Be able to identify all parts of our mentor text.  Experiment with an actual script in your hands! Take notes on structure and begin to brainstorm ideas. Begin to put ideas and parts in play.

1. Prompts - Use your packet. Write a scene. Or...rewrite a scene (partial) from Master of None
* Use Jim/Sally and Jason/Lily example
2. Finding Nemo - Group Read
* What does this feel like?  What do you notice?  How is this different to other genres?
3. Partner Time. Ideas? Brainstorm? You want to keep it appropriate.  Use Master of None as a mentor text - this means we need to "borrow" stylistically - what elements are included that you want to try.  Example - pop culture references, music inclusion, slang, humor

* Begin working on your script!  Friday is a writing day!
* Scripts due on 3/21
* WRG #1 will be on 3/12, 3/13 - Typed and formatted
* WRG #2 will be on 3/19 - Preston will be joining us to work with groups

Poetry Club TODAY
SD Slam Final - Mon 3/12
LE on Tuesdays

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