Monday, May 8, 2017

Soph - Public Speaking / Seniors - Slam Prep

Hello Everyone

Here we go!  Another exciting week to share and learn together.  Sophomores you will be doing a variety of activities - culminating in a research presentation of information that is important and relevant to you.  Use your mentor speakers to help you put your own work together.

Seniors!  Our Slam is here.  Practice, Write, Edit, and Prepare!  Let's have some fun!

1. TED Talk - Hacking your Education - Logan LaPlante
2. Guest Speaker - Shoshana
* Stories from March of the Living

1.Slam Preparation - Last Day
2. Quarter Finals will be Tuesday and Wednesday.  You must be here to get credit.

HW -
* Prep for Slam - All FIVE pieces are due next week - typed and highlighted.
*** These are the FINAL ready to be performed, ready for Portfolio pieces.

* SD Slam is TONIGHT
* LE Tuesday
*  Poetry Club Wednesday

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