Friday, September 18, 2015

Authors Chair, Perks Journals, Reading

Hello Wallflowers!

1. Perks
a) Journal - see prompts below
b) Reading - get to page 96 by Tuesday

* When the game was over...
* When I told my mom about...
* I should mention that...
* I remember there was this one time...
* I know you think what I am about to write is...
* I always wanted to be...
* It's starting to get...
* I don't know the significance of this but....
* Of all the things I've done this year....
* To tell you the truth...

2. Class Cipher!
3. Author Chair - Share something/anything that you have written
4. Memoir Share

* Perks - Pages 60-96 by TUESDAY
***Continue to use post-its and/or list specific pages/evidence that you love for stylistic purpose, strategies you could "steal" - not just what you MUST have purpose.
* Bring your copy of "Perks"
* Secure some additional credit - boxes of tissues, hand sanitizer, chocolate chip cookies  ; )

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