Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week #5 - Expecting To Get What You Think You Deserve...continuing to explore the themes and style of Perks of Being a Wallflower

Hello Observers...

Thanks for taking the time to observe the blog.  I hope this information is helpful and allows you to feel successful.  Please meet your due dates and deadlines - see below. You are responsible for your attendance and participation.

Office Hours - Wednesday after school.  If you need to meet at an alternative time - please ask.
Poetry Club - Weds. @ lunch

Additional Credit:
Symposium Involvement -attend Poetry Club
Lyrical Exchange - Queen Bee's in N.Park on Tues @ 8:30 pm
Poets Meet Poets III is in the works....stay tuned for details
Open House at Saans Lena Studio - Sunday 3/9 from 11-2.  Come by the studio! Tell friends and family.  There will be a sign in sheet, food, activities, and a raffle!

*** TED TALK Redemption Opportunity
* For Monday 2/24 -  Have your typed TT Analysis with you on your desk when class starts.  Make sure it meets the standards of what was presented to you on Friday. You will earn partial credit.

* SWT - Letter- Begin writing a series of letters to a "friend" - feel free to imitate Charlie's style...
* Continue reading selections from "Perks of Being a Wallflower"
You will work in small groups.  Please read, take notes, and discuss themes/content/and style.  Be sure to take notes and share your ideas and insight.   This will help you with both the upcoming Socratic and your own written analysis.

* SWT - Letter
* "Perks of Being a Wallflower" - Begin Film
Take notes - compare/contrast to readings, characters, dialogue, script, tone/mood, etc..

* SWT - Letter
* Continue film - PBW
Notes - see above

* SWT - Letter
* "Perks..." - writer/director and cast interview
Notes - Note perspective, adaption, and artistry

* TED Talks - Inspirational Texts.  Be ready to present
* WW Cipher
* Authors Chair
*** Spring Slam Group/WRG submissions due - Teams will consist of FOUR members
*** Proposals due for alternative writing/work study instead of Spring Slam participation
*** Failure to do either and you will be placed in a group

DUE NEXT WEEK - Your letters will be submitted next week - date TBD (with additional letters you will write next week). All letters must be typed, multiple paragraphs, and publishable.  Include dates and format which imitates Charlie's style (please highlight these style choices to make it very clear).  Indicate ONE specific letter that you want read. 

Participate, Observe - whatever your perk...somehow find a way to get involved.
Have a good week.


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