Sunday, October 6, 2013

Week #6 - Pointer Statue, Writing WI #4 and #5, WRG, Silent Gallery Walk, and Author's Chair

Hello Writers!

Welcome to our sixth week together.  Grades will close this Friday.  Advocate for yourself, do what is asked of you, and exceed expectations.  Put forth sincere creative and independent effort into all of your writing this week.  Make sure that your assessment reflects you authentically.

Extra Credit:
Poetry Club - Weds @ lunch
Printing Paper
Tissues/Hand Sanitizer
* Submit both WI #4 and WI #5 (Specify which one you want officially graded)

*** Your HOMEWORK this week is to edit, revise, and write every night until you believe your writing is your very best...draft draft draft!

* We need a change of environment and meet at the Pointer Statue in the Quad.  On an index card (or a post it) write: Once A Pointer, Always A Pointer.  Do not be late or you will be marked Tardy.  Those with index cards/post its will receive additional participation points for the six week grading period.  Have your Writer's NB with you - as well as your favorite writing instrument.
* Writing Activity - Various prompts to select from all having to do with your tenure at PLHS

Tuesday - Classroom computers and printing will be available from 2:15 until 3:30.
* Writing Day
* Work diligently on WI #4 and/or #5 - get specific assistance on issues you may be encountering...come with specific questions and/or concerns.
* Work on your REFLECTION...see Thursday.

* WRG - Bring your 5 copies and any questions/concerns for your last WRG before your piece is due tomorrow.  Follow WRG protocol and assist one another authentically.
* Please note that if you show up WITHOUT your draft(s) - you WILL NOT be working with your WRG and you will receive a ZERO for the day.  No excuses.

* WI #4 and/or #5 is due.  You must have a self assessed rubric stapled to the BACK of your piece.
* You will also include TWO TYPED paragraphs explaining why you are most happy with your writing.  What stylistic choices did you make and what did you purposefully do that you want the reader to be aware of?  What are you proud of?  If given more time...are there changes you would still make?  Are there still aspects you are still unsure about?  Explore ANY and ALL of these questions.
* Silent Gallery Walk - A Fun and Active Brainstorming Strategy

* Author's Chair - participation activity
* Share - WI #4, #5, Prompts, Whatever!

Have a good week!  Be the best writer you can be! I believe in you!

Write On!


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