Thursday, August 29, 2013

Week #1 - A Brand New School Year

Hello and Welcome to Writers Workshop!

This blog will be your go to for assignments, updates, and deadlines.  Please take advantage of this resource.  If you are absent - this should be where you check in for any missed writings and assignments.  You are a young adult and thus will be treated asuch.  It is your duty to look out for yourself, and it is my duty to teach and guide you.

This will be a terrific year for you to grow as a writer and as an individual as you prepare to exit high school and take on the world.  I will urge you to take stock of your life and to write authentically and in the most genuine way possible.  You will have lots of freedom with your topic choices - however I will be expecting you to experiment with different genre, styles and techniques on a frequent basis - this means ALL THE TIME.

We will read a variety of mentor text so that you can see what different writers do.  I will encourage you to try on these styles and to make them your own.

This will be unlike any class you have taken - however our time together is important and valuable and even though we will "play" with language and words - the art of writing (and writing well) is our business.  This means I will expect your very best on a daily basis and thus you will be assessed for your intrinsic abilities and consistent involvement within our writing communities.

I look forward to seeing you improve and mature.
I look forward to hearing your voice and perspective.
Please continue to check the blog - as we begin our writing assignments this week.

Write On.


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