Sunday, September 23, 2012

Week #4 - Open Minds....Open House!

Dear Sophomores,

I hope this note finds you well.  Did you get the Remind101 text message?  If not - you need to get signed up immediately.  I will provide information in do the rest.

This Thursday (9/27) is Open House.  Please encourage your parent(s) to come and visit our classroom.  I will award some extra credit to those who attend.   Other opportunities for extra credit include - checking the blog for random passwords(like last week), bring tissues, hand sanitizer, or reams of paper for in class printing.

We have a busy week planned.  We will continue to explore the decisions that author's make when putting together a short story.  You will also begin brainstorming ideas for your Progress Writing Piece - a 3-5 page short story that borrows many of the devices, style, and elements of works we are dissecting in class. 

Grades will be posted this week - please note that the first 6-week grading period closes on Friday 10/12.  Your last minute concerns are not mine.  If you are concerned about your grade, redoing assignments or quizzes, or handing in late work...please speak with me immediately.  Everyone deserves to begin the year successfully - I am here to help you do that.  However, you must advocate for yourself.

Here is our tentative schedule for the next few days.  Please check the blog midweek for reminders or any changes.  Good luck.  Work hard.  Play hard.


Monday - Guest Speaker - Teenage Novelist - Mitchell Sturdham.   Mitchell is getting his first work published and will speak with us about his writing style, where he finds inspiration, how to create dynamic characters, the importance of literary devices, author choices and decisions, and how to give your story voice and power.  You do not want to miss this!

Tuesday - Read "The Bracelet" and chart the text.  Answer embedded questions.
Wednesday - Reread for symbolism, characterization, conflict, and irony.  All relating to theme.
                    Complete Graphic Organizer.
Thursday - Small Group reading selection.  You will either read "Half A Day" or "An Appointment with Love" - Students will present a visual representation (poster) for their assigned story providing images and textual evidence to indicate symbolism, time shift, characterization and theme.
Friday - Individual Writing Tasks begin.  We will also have an Author's Chair.  Poems, writings to be presented.

Here are the Essential Questions we are working with this week.  Be sure to know them. They will be future test questions. Below you will also see the EQ from last week.  Make sure you understand them.  If you need any assistance - come speak with me and let's help you out!
1.  How do authors manipulate time and to what effect?
2.  How can personal reflection lead to a better understanding of ones-self?
3.  How does an author's decision to use events, time, tension, and surprise lead to epiphany?
4.  When writing a short story, what techniques can an author use to be effective, clear, and coherent?

EQ from last week - 9/17 - 9/21.  The texts we used to support these Q's was "The Interlopers" and "A Poison Tree".  We also explored these ideas (as well as literary devices) with "The Sniper" and "Dead Men's Path".

  1. How does a character's motivation affect his/her actions?
  2. How do complex characters interact with other characters to advance the plot?
  3. How do I determine the theme of a narrative?
  4. How does the theme of a story develop?

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