Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week #5 - Short Stories - Reading and Writing

Hello Sophomores!

It is week five already. We are all situated and are all in understanding of class expectations and authentic work requirements for success in English during your sophomore year.  Please come and speak with me if you have any concerns.  Many of you have been asked to attend tutoring hours on Tuesday and/or Wednesday.  Grades close one week from Friday.  I am most concerned about your understanding of class curriculum and our essential questions, as well as your genuine daily efforts.  Your grade will be assessed accurately according to the ownership of your studies.  If you have work to make up - this is the week to take care of it. I care if you care.

This week will begin writing our own short stories.  You will receive a rubric explaining how you will be scored and what you must include.  This story will be due the week of 10/15.  You will have plenty of opportunity for feedback, writing response groups, editing, and revision.  You will be incorporating many of the literary devices we have spoken of and that we are continuing to explore.  Please come to tutoring/office hours for specific help and additional tips for success.

This week will be exploring these essential questions.  Please make sure you are able to answer these by weeks end.

1. How do authors manipulate time & to what effect?
2. How does an author’s culture influence his or her writing?

3. How do characters’ motivations affect their decisions?
4. How do complex characters interact with other characters to advance the plot?
5. What is situational irony and can you cite the text to show evidence?
Monday - Read short story "Federigo's Falcon".  A very cool story with interesting themes and an awesome twist that will get you talking!  We will complete a graphic organizer #1. We will note vocabulary.  We will discuss EQ #2.  Annotate and take notes.

Tuesday - Continue with "FF". Complete graphic organizer #2.  Read article - "The Art of Living: Falconry."  Short story rubric explanation. Short story brainstorming exercise.

(Partner Poems need to be finished on MON and TUES - if you have not gone - please be prepared to go.  Thanks for your patience.  We must always honor our classmates and our voice.)

Wednesday - Read additional short stories. "Jennie's Discovery" and "The Window". Reflect on the ways in which situational irony is used in each story.  Did you like it?  As a writer, how will you incorporate situational irony into your story?
HW - Prep for Socratic Seminar Thursday.

Thursday - Socratic Seminar.  "Jennie's Discovery" and "The Window".  Visit all Essential Questions.  You may use all notes and stories.  Please be prepared.  Bring discussion points, evidence, text to talk about, questions, and confusions.  How will you include yourself as well as everyone else in this academic talk.  This requires listening.  Bring your A game.  This will be worth an assessment grade and should be considered an opportunity for you to display what you have learned.

Friday - Author's Chair.  Short Story Writing.  Independent Reading. Individual help available.  Schedule time with me by asking me in advance during the week.  First come first serve.

Be sure to check the blog mid week as some plans may or may not change. This is a big week - please show that you are committed to being a better reader, writer, and thinker.  There are a few opportunities for extra credit.  See you below.  Also, we are trying to get spoken word poet Sarah Kay to PLHS.  Come to the poetry club, help plan a fundraiser, let's make this happen.  Here is a link to Sarah Kay's spoken word she is amazing check it out!

EC Opportunity - Participate in Author's Chair on Fridays! Come to poetry club! Bring boxes of tissues, hand sanitizer, or reams of paper for in class printing!  Do some, do none, do all!

Have a great week.  Work hard play hard.


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Week #4 - Open Minds....Open House!

Dear Sophomores,

I hope this note finds you well.  Did you get the Remind101 text message?  If not - you need to get signed up immediately.  I will provide information in do the rest.

This Thursday (9/27) is Open House.  Please encourage your parent(s) to come and visit our classroom.  I will award some extra credit to those who attend.   Other opportunities for extra credit include - checking the blog for random passwords(like last week), bring tissues, hand sanitizer, or reams of paper for in class printing.

We have a busy week planned.  We will continue to explore the decisions that author's make when putting together a short story.  You will also begin brainstorming ideas for your Progress Writing Piece - a 3-5 page short story that borrows many of the devices, style, and elements of works we are dissecting in class. 

Grades will be posted this week - please note that the first 6-week grading period closes on Friday 10/12.  Your last minute concerns are not mine.  If you are concerned about your grade, redoing assignments or quizzes, or handing in late work...please speak with me immediately.  Everyone deserves to begin the year successfully - I am here to help you do that.  However, you must advocate for yourself.

Here is our tentative schedule for the next few days.  Please check the blog midweek for reminders or any changes.  Good luck.  Work hard.  Play hard.


Monday - Guest Speaker - Teenage Novelist - Mitchell Sturdham.   Mitchell is getting his first work published and will speak with us about his writing style, where he finds inspiration, how to create dynamic characters, the importance of literary devices, author choices and decisions, and how to give your story voice and power.  You do not want to miss this!

Tuesday - Read "The Bracelet" and chart the text.  Answer embedded questions.
Wednesday - Reread for symbolism, characterization, conflict, and irony.  All relating to theme.
                    Complete Graphic Organizer.
Thursday - Small Group reading selection.  You will either read "Half A Day" or "An Appointment with Love" - Students will present a visual representation (poster) for their assigned story providing images and textual evidence to indicate symbolism, time shift, characterization and theme.
Friday - Individual Writing Tasks begin.  We will also have an Author's Chair.  Poems, writings to be presented.

Here are the Essential Questions we are working with this week.  Be sure to know them. They will be future test questions. Below you will also see the EQ from last week.  Make sure you understand them.  If you need any assistance - come speak with me and let's help you out!
1.  How do authors manipulate time and to what effect?
2.  How can personal reflection lead to a better understanding of ones-self?
3.  How does an author's decision to use events, time, tension, and surprise lead to epiphany?
4.  When writing a short story, what techniques can an author use to be effective, clear, and coherent?

EQ from last week - 9/17 - 9/21.  The texts we used to support these Q's was "The Interlopers" and "A Poison Tree".  We also explored these ideas (as well as literary devices) with "The Sniper" and "Dead Men's Path".

  1. How does a character's motivation affect his/her actions?
  2. How do complex characters interact with other characters to advance the plot?
  3. How do I determine the theme of a narrative?
  4. How does the theme of a story develop?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Week #3 Update - Literary Terms Quiz Tmrw - Friday 9/21

Hello Smart Sophomores!

I am so glad you are checking the blog.  Make this a habit.
Today's Socratic Discussion had it's highs and lows.  Please make sure to reflect on your input and how you can improve, become more involved, and include others.

I want you to be successful on tomorrow's quiz - please know the literary terms we covered.  However, please begin to have ownership of this academic language.  I don't want you memorizing and forgetting.  The goal is not merely knowing definitions, but rather using these techniques ourselves and being able to identify them in other writer's works.  See below for the terms you need to know and some additional questions.  

I will update the blog this weekend so that you all have a heads up for next week and the assignments, readings, and writing tasks we will undertake.  On Monday 9/24, we will be having a guest speaker/author who will enlighten us with strategy and ideas for creating our own short stories.  Make sure to take excellent notes. You won't want to miss this day!!!

Grades are being updated and will include your Socratic Discussion participation and tomorrow's quiz. Some students are yet to show me their independent reading selection. You have a zero for that assignment.  I have not gone over the task(s) related to your reading - as for now I want you reading a book you WANT to read so that you ENJOY it.  Amazing!  Please have your book with you on Monday.

Make sure you have your Writer's NB with you each and everyday.  We will be doing more specific note taking and writing as our unit progresses.

Thanks for checking the blog and make sure to visit it frequently.
The information you really want is below.  Good luck for tomorrow.


Literary Quiz Terms

* Point of View - 1st person, 3rd person, 3rd person omniscient (know each kind)
* Diction - word choice
* Tone - the feelings an author (they) creates by the words he/she chooses and the images it creates
* Mood - the feelings that I (me) have based on the words/images an author usees
*** Refer to the mood/tone handout I gave you***
* Figurative Language - metaphor, simile, personification, imagery, alliteration, onomatopoeia, hyperbole, idioms
* Plot Line - Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling, Resolution (know this for "The Interlopers")
* Foreshadowing - hints that allow a reader to predict
* Flashback (we have not seen any use of this device....yet)
* Irony (situational) - specifically be able to indicate how "The Interlopers" exemplifies this
*epiphany - a huge realization (an ah ha moment)
*theme (be able to identify theme(s) from "The Interlopers".  You won't get credit for cliche answers.)
* Characterization - know the different kinds
* Conflict (external v. internal)
* Allusion (think the "apple" from "A Poison Tree")
* Symbolism - "brother" from "The Sniper", the "path" in "Dead Men's Path", "apple" from "A Poison Tree"
* Character Motivation (think about Ulrich and Georg)

* The quiz will be mix and match, fill in the blank, and short answer.  You will allowed to use your texts and annotations....if you choose.

Password - You are smart.  You checked the blog.  Here is a secret password that you must write in the top left corner of the quiz.  Do not share this with everyone.  I will give you a few extra points.
Password: New England Clam Chowder (White)

Good Luck!!!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Week #3 - The Interlopers

Hello Sophomores!

We began the week with an in class written diagnostic.  All 10th graders responded to the same choice of prompts.  Thank you for allowing me to see your current writing.  This way I can see exactly how I can assist this year.  We all use style and diction in various ways.  We will all improve on our own terms this year.  Please commit to doing your best always.

This week we will investigate the short story "The Interlopers."  This story has situational irony, awesome characterization, and explores themes of grudges and resistance to change.  You will enjoy it. I was very impressed by your in class discussion and ideas on Tuesday.  You are all so bright and really have a lot to say and share.  Please be heard...especially during our Socratic Discussion on Thursday.  The more prepared you are with insight to the story, annotations, vocab, real life examples, etc....the better and more confident you will feel! 

Tues - "The Interlopers" - anticipation guide, read in class with embedded questions.
HW - Define Vocabulary words, annotate for better understanding of characterization and theme(s)

Wednesday - Further exploration with "The Interlopers" and "A Poison Tree"
(Comparative Analysis) - reread for characterization.
Thursday - Socratic Discussion - "The Interlopers", "A Poison Tree" (You will earn a participation grade for your effort - posing questions to other students is not only welcome but encouraged!)
Friday - Quiz - Literary Terms - know the definitions and be able to give some examples from the stories we have read. Author's Chair - inish Intro Poems

Please check back for further updates and specific homework tasks - as some tasks may be moved or updated. 

Have a good week.  Grades will be displayed shortly as well as all assignments currently being counted. If you are missing anything - please speak with me immediately.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week #2 - Update

Hello Sophomores!

I hope you have had a chance to get familiar with the blog.  I hope you visited the syllabus and are now aware of grading, behavior, expectations, and class policies.  I expect nothing but the best from you always.

Tonight's (TUES) homework is to read the story "The Sniper" and annotate for specific literary devices - figurative language (simile, metaphor, hyberbole, alliteration, onomatopoeia, idiom), imagery (appealing to the senses), characterization, diction, and irony.  The end is complete situational irony.  Are you able to identify this and explain why?  You received a graphic organizer to help you "organize" your thoughts.  Make use of your resources.

Tomorrow (WEDS) we will spend time reviewing literary terms that you all know well. We will then spend some identifying how they are used in the story "The Sniper".  On Thursday and Friday you will read a different story on your own and show that you are cable of identifying literary devices in a narrative fiction work.  You will receive the same graphic organizer to help you.

This week is building upon many of the skills and academic language you acquired during your freshman year.  Be involved and impart your knowledge with your classmates.

Please continue to have your Writer's NB with you everyday.  Please note that you must indicate your independent reading selection on Thursday.  You must have your book with you in class to get credit and I must approve your selection as well.

Be well.  I am very happy that you are using the blog.  I am sure you are  too.

See you in class.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Week #2 - Procedures, Expectations, and Review

Hello Sophomores!

Since you are now aware of the site - I know you will be checking here frequently for class reminders, updates, due dates, and assignments.

We had a terrific first week together establishing our class culture and community - awesome job on your letters, six word memoirs, and partner poems.  I know that we will continue to honor ourselves and our classmates with genuine and authentic work which honors individuality and voice.

This week we will review class procedures and expectations.  You will sign up for Reminder101, get your class computer #, get familiar with the Writer's NB, preview the blog and class syllabus, as well as receive numerous ways to contact me should you have any concerns.  Please write down all necessary information in your planner.

Here is our tentative schedule for the week.  I update it every Sunday, however please revisit this site every Wednesday for any updates or changes that may occur.  Have a wonderful week.

Monday - Intro Writer's NB, blog, syllabus, expectations, seating changes, finish Partner Poems
Homework - Have your textbook/reader in class for credit tomorrow (Tuesday).  You will need an independent reading selection for THURS.

Tuesday - Finish procedures, Book/Reader Check, Finish Partner Poems,
Review Literary Terms, Read "The Sniper"
HW - Finish reading, marking, annotating "The Sniper", prep for class discussion Thurs.

Wednesday - Review Literary Terms, Read "Dead Men's Path"
HW - Finish reading, marking, annotating "Dead Men's Path", prep for class discussion Thurs.  You will need your Independent Reading selection in class on Thurs. to receive credit.

Thursday - Independent reading selection check, Socratic Discussion (fishbowl style) - we will review/discuss both short stories and the literary devices the author's used to tell their stories.  Be sure to bring both texts with annotations, notes, discussion points, etc...
HW - Have your Indep. Reading with your tomorrow.

Friday - In class writing Diagnostic.  Every student will have the entire class period to complete an in class timed writing prompt.  Please note ALL 10th grade students will be doing this.  You will want to do your very best to allow me to see where your strengths lay and where you might need some assistance.  Please do your very best.  If you finish early - you will read independently.

Have a great week.  Please communicate with me if you have any questions.  Please be sure to read over the syllabus so you are aware of how assignments and efforts will contribute to your grade in our class.


Sunday, September 2, 2012


Hello Sophomores!

Welcome to our class.  This is the class blog and you will be able to access all kinds of information, assignments, links, and handouts throughout the year.

I will usually update the site every Sunday - so that you have a good idea of our assignments and due dates that will occur during the upcoming week.  I tend to revise or make adjustments sometimes - and if I do - I will always have information posted here.

I suggest you make this an available link on your computer - so you can be sure to check in at all times.  This is a great resource if you are absent.  Please always check the site before approaching me with questions.  Many times what you want to know is already posted.

You will need a gmail account for this class.  We will be using our computers on a regular basis.

I am looking forward to a wonderful year.  Our classroom is a place of intellectual discussion, reading, and writing.  We are a community of learners and I will push you to perform at your very best.  You need to work hard to show improvement and your writing must be authentic and genuine.  I want you to honor your voice, as well as respect the voice of your classmates.You are unlike anyone else and you see the world in your own unique way - I want your insight and your words to be indicative of this.

We will be doing a number of activities during the first two weeks.  See below for some assignments and due dates.  Start the year off well.  There will be more information posted shortly.

Be Well,


* We will be getting our textbooks on Thurs. 9/6.  Be sure to have your ID with you.
* Business Letter - assigned Tues. 9/4.  Due Wednesday 9/5.
Must follow MLA format, and must be typed.  Speak with me ASAP if this a problem.
* Six Word Memoir - assigned Weds. 9/5.  Due Thursday 9/6.
You will present this to the class.
* "When You Tell Them My Story" - Partner Interview and Poem - assigned Weds. 9/6. Due Friday 9/7.  You will present this to the class.
* We will also go over the syllabus, class expectations, planner, WRG's, writer's notebooks, etc....
* You can expect a review of specific terms/ideas that you studied last year during our second week.