Monday, February 20, 2012

Week #4 - Write On!

Hello Sophomore!

You are on top of it for checking in.  This week will not be a mystery to you and now you can plan accordingly for success.  Stay ahead and get the assistance you need.

Independent Reading this week is on Tuesday and Thursday.

I have been reading through your Cultural Analysis and finishing up your Interlopers Analysis.  I expect to return those to you at the end of the week.  Grades are being updated accordingly.  If you are concerned - please come speak with me at the appropriate time.

Here is the week's tentative schedule:

Tuesday -
1. Independent Reading - Have your book with you
2. Literary Analysis 'War" - Laptops
* Introduction paragraphs - Sharing of quality writing, academic language
* Body Paragraphs - Take notes on topic sentences, transitional language, see example
* Write!

Wednesday - WRG
1.  Literary Analysis "War" - Laptops
* Conclusion -Using academic language, restating thesis, finishing strong, see example
2. WRG - You will have the opportunity to get feedback from your peers. Ideas? Directions? Usage of academic language. Write On!

Thursday - Lit. Analysis "War" - due today!
1.  Independent Reading - Have your book with you to receive participation credit
2.  Write, Reread, Revise, Improve your draft.
3.  Due by the end of the period.
4.  Print in class!

Friday - Literary Analysis Unit Test
1.  In-class read and write.
2.  You will receive a short story to read and annotate.  You will then provide a written analysis that resembles the same format we will have just completed for the story "War".  With this in mind - please work hard to gain the skill set needed to do this assessment properly and individually.  This is very indicative of what is expected of you on the CAHSEE.

Important Dates:
* Tuesday 2/21 - Tutoring/Office Hours/Literary Analysis Workshop - 2:15 p.m.
Come get all the assistance you need in order to do well on your writing/test this week!
* 6 week semester grades close on 3/9
* Goodreads Review is due 3/4
* CAHSEE - 3/13 and 3/14.  CAHSEE review session begin on Monday 2/27.

Please continue to work hard and advocate for yourself.  You are being assessed always for your class contribution, participation, and work ethic.

Be good.


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