Sunday, June 2, 2013

Week #18 - This Will Be The Last Time....

Hello Sophomores,

Here it is - the final post of the year.  Thank you for following the blog and being an advocate for your own success this school year. 

We have all experienced tremendous personal and academic growth.  Learn from both your achievements and your failures - and just continue to work and improve.  Academics and writing, like life, is a constant - it is a process - filled with highs and lows - losses and wins. 

Continue to explore and question - just when you think you have got something figured out - there is always another way to see it and understand it.

Tutoring/Office Hours - Tuesday after school
Textbook Return - Tuesday 6/4 - please also return all class books
Finals - Fri 6,7
             Mon 1,2
             Tuesday 3,4

* Slam Tournament - Round Two

* Book Return - bring all textbooks
* Work day - work on your portfolio, study for the Final, Slam Teams can prepare for Final Round
* Work return - portfolios, art work, essays - any work left behind WILL BE THROWN OUT THIS WEEK.  Please keep your work - you never know how it may benefit you in the future.

* Portfolios due. Gallery Walk. No late portfolios will be accepted.
* You MUST have your rubric/checklist present in your portfolio.

* Poetry Slam Finals
* Finals discussion - know all terms included on your list in your packet. 
Additional words to know - assonance (vowel sounds) and consonance (consonant sounds)
Be able to annotate and SIFT through a poem
* Author's Chair - opportunity to share/perform

* Finals Begin.  See schedule above

You earn your grade.  It is a culmination of the entire semester.  Work hard to ensure that you finish well.  Attendance is MANDATORY on finals day.  We will complete our final and participate in one last class writing and sharing activity.

Be good.
