Thursday, April 25, 2019

Writing Time

Hello Seniors!

Work together to share your work, ideas, and get feedback.  Write and Revise any and all pieces.  The focus has been on duo/group pieces this week.  Every team needs to put up a piece TOMORROW for an assessment grade.  Please be ready and prepared.  Your score will help to evaluate your group grade. Focus on content, performance, memorization, time, length, wordplay, technique, mentor text influences...

1. Writing Tasks:
* 30/30 - Write and/or Type
* duo/group piece
* Individual Pieces 1-3
* Portfolio
2.  Be Inspired - Anita and Porsha - "Black Stars"

1.Writing Tasks - See above
2.  Authors Chair - Single/Duo/Group for TMRW  Be ready to go!

1. Poetry Club Today
2. Sherwin Open Mic - SNOICE in Paradise Hills - TONIGHT
3. Voice for Change at City College - 5/1.  DON'T MISS THIS!
* W/Karla, Matthew, Alyesha

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