Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Get Your Write On!

Hello Groups!

Use class time to your advantage.  Begin to see your pieces take form.  Get ideas.  Be inspired.  Continue to research by watching other poets and try new techniques.  If you need a place to work - Advisory is open to you.  Quarterfinal matches start the week of 5/12.  Team names and photos will be taking place soon.

1. SWT
*  16/30 -Bullet your Entire Day
* Goodbye - Cage the Elephant Inspired
* Notre Dame Inspired
2. Mentor Texts/Poems/Poets
* Take Notes - Participate in the Discussion
3. Group Time - Write/Revise/Type/Plan/Prep/

1. Slam Piece #2 - 1-2 Pages typed draft due WED - This MUST be a different piece to get credit.
* Note/Highlight/Underline/Acknowledge any specific techniques you are purposefully using
2. April 30/30 - Due on 5/3.  This will be part of your Portfolio
* See Examples in class
3. Mentor Text/Video - Be Ready To Go - Two pieces mandatory per group

1. LE TONIGHT - Sante is the new Host! GO support him.  Take a picture w/Sante get credit!
2. Poetry Club Tmrw
* May Symposium
3. Natasha Hooper Event - Wednesday.  Ask for more info.  18+

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